#!/bin/bash #=================================================================================== # FILE: activate-gateway.sh # # USAGE: activate-gateway.sh # -t timezone e.g. GMT+0:00, GMT+3:00, GMT-5:00 # [-h print usage syntax]IP address # # DESCRIPTION: Obtains activation key from newly provisioned AWS Storage Gateway # and activates as a File Gateway. # # NOTES: Part of an AWS CDK application. View the README.md file in this repository # for further information on the application architecture. #=================================================================================== PATH=$PATH varFile="vars.sh" validTimezone=0 dateFormat="+%H:%M:%S" function printUsage { echo -e "Usage: $0 -t timezone e.g. GMT+0:00, GMT+3:00, GMT-5:00 [-h print usage syntax] " } function getVpcEndpointId { export vpcEndpointId=`aws ssm get-parameters \ --names "dataVaultingStackVpcEndpointId" \ --query "Parameters[*].Value" | \ grep "\"" | tr -d '"| '` timeLog "VPC Endpoint ID is: ${vpcEndpointId}" } function getVpcEndpointDns { export vpcEndpointDns=`aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints \ --vpc-endpoint-ids ${vpcEndpointId} \ --query "VpcEndpoints[*].DnsEntries[*].DnsName" | \ grep vpce | head -1 | tr -d '"| |,'` timeLog "VPC Endpoint DNS name is: ${vpcEndpointDns}" } function getActivationKey { export activationKey=`curl "${region}&vpcEndpoint=${vpcEndpointDns}&no_redirect" 2>/dev/null` echo "Activation key is: ${activationKey}" } function activateStorageGateway { export gatewayArn=`aws storagegateway activate-gateway \ --gateway-name "cdk-app" \ --gateway-timezone ${timezone} \ --activation-key ${activationKey} \ --gateway-region ${region} \ --gateway-type "FILE_S3" \ --endpoint-url https://${vpcEndpointDns} \ --query "GatewayARN" | \ grep "\"" | tr -d '"| '` timeLog "Activated Gateway ARN: $gatewayArn" } function checkTimezoneFormats { END=12 for ((x=1;x<=END;x++)) do if [ $timezone == "GMT" ] then validTimezone=1 timeLog "INFO: Timezone set to $timezone" break else timeZonePlus="GMT+"`expr 0 + $x`":00" timeZoneMinus="GMT-"`expr 13 - $x`":00" if [ $timeZonePlus == $timezone -o $timeZoneMinus == $timezone ] then timeLog "INFO: Timezone set to $timezone" validTimezone=1 echo $timezone else validTimezone=0 fi fi done if [ $validTimezone = 0 ] then timeLog "ERROR: Invalid timezone format" printUsage exit 1 fi } function getOtherVars { export fileUploadBucketName=`aws ssm get-parameters \ --names "fileUploadBucketName" \ --query "Parameters[*].Value" | \ grep "\"" | tr -d '"| '` export cdkApplicationScriptsBucketName=`aws ssm get-parameters \ --names "cdkApplicationScriptsBucketName" \ --query "Parameters[*].Value" | \ grep "\"" | tr -d '"| '` } function writeVars { echo "gatewayArn=${gatewayArn}" >> ${varFile} echo "fileUploadBucketName=${fileUploadBucketName}" >> ${varFile} echo "cdkApplicationScriptsBucketName=${cdkApplicationScriptsBucketName}" >> ${varFile} } function timeLog { echo -n "`date ${dateFormat}` - " echo $1 } function checkRegionConfig { if [ ! -e /home/`whoami`/.aws/config ] then timeLog "ERROR: Cannot find region in AWS CLI configuration file" timeLog "ERROR: Set this first by running aws configure" exit 1 else region=`grep region /home/\`whoami\`/.aws/config | awk '{print $3}'` fi if [ -z $region ] then timeLog "ERROR: Cannot find region in AWS CLI configuration file" timeLog "ERROR: Set this first by running aws configure" exit 1 else timeLog "INFO: AWS CLI region set to $region" fi } function runMain { echo "##############################################################################" echo "# THIS SCRIPT WILL OBTAIN THE ACTIVATION KEY FROM THE STORAGE GATEWAY #" echo "# AND THEN ACTIVATE THE GATEWAY USING THE VPC ENDPOINT #" echo "##############################################################################" echo "" timeLog "INFO: Checking AWS region configuration is set" checkRegionConfig echo "" timeLog "INFO: Checking timezone format" sleep 2 checkTimezoneFormats echo "" timeLog "INFO: Getting value for the VPC Endpoint ID" sleep 2 getVpcEndpointId echo "" timeLog "INFO: Getting value for the VPC Endpoint DNS name" sleep 2 getVpcEndpointDns echo "" timeLog "INFO: Getting activation key from Storage Gateway" sleep 2 getActivationKey echo "" timeLog "INFO: Activating Storage Gateway" sleep 2 activateStorageGateway echo "" timeLog "INFO: Writing variable values to vars.sh" getOtherVars writeVars echo "" echo "COMPLETED" echo "#########" } while getopts ":r:t:h" scriptOptions; do case ${scriptOptions} in t ) timezone=$OPTARG timezoneSet=1 ;; : ) timeLog "ERROR:" printUsage exit 1 ;; h ) printUsage exit 0 ;; \? ) timeLog "ERROR: Unknown option" printUsage exit 1 ;; esac done runMain