import json import itertools from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os, os.path, sys import boto3 import botocore from botocore.exceptions import ClientError ## Usage Notes: ### environment variables: #### IGNORE_WINDOW -- volumes with activity in this window will be ignored even if they are available; e.g. for a 30 day IGNORE_WINDOW, a volume detached 29 days ago will not be flagged, but a volume detached 31 days ago will. Value must be between 1 and 90 #### SNS_ARN -- Full ARN for SNS topic to send notifications to, e.g. arn:aws:sns:us-west-1:123456789012:mySNStopic; this topic is also used to send detailed notifications when enabled #### SSM_AUTOMATION_ID -- SSM automation ID for actions to take on volumes which are non-compliant #### BATCH_SIZE -- size of batches of volumes to attach to a single Ops Item; this number can be between 1 and 100, inclusive; this value is also used if you are sending detailed notifications #### DETAILED_NOTIFICATIONS -- TRUE/FALSE, determines if detailed notifications are sent to SNS_ARN with the list of volumes found def getCloudTrailEvents(startDateTime, rgn): # gets CloudTrail events from startDateTime until "now" cloudTrail = boto3.client('cloudtrail', region_name=rgn) attrList = [{'AttributeKey': 'ResourceType', 'AttributeValue': 'AWS::EC2::Volume'}] eventList = [] response = cloudTrail.lookup_events(LookupAttributes=attrList, StartTime=startDateTime, MaxResults=50) eventList += response['Events'] while('NextToken' in response): response = cloudTrail.lookup_events(LookupAttributes=attrList, StartTime=startDateTime, MaxResults=50, NextToken=response['NextToken']) eventList += response['Events'] return eventList def getAvailableVolumes(rgn): # returns list of volumes in 'available' state ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=rgn) availableVolList = [] filterList = [{'Name': 'status', 'Values': ['available']}] response = ec2.describe_volumes(Filters=filterList, MaxResults=500) for v in response['Volumes']: availableVolList.append(v['VolumeId']) while('NextToken' in response): response = ec2.describe_volumes(Filters=filterList, MaxResults=500, NextToken=response['NextToken']) for v in response['Volumes']: availableVolList.append(v['VolumeId']) return availableVolList def getRecentActiveVolumes(events): # parses volumes from list of events from CloudTrail recentActiveVolumeList = [] for e in events: for i in e['Resources']: if i['ResourceType'] == 'AWS::EC2::Volume': recentActiveVolumeList.append(i['ResourceName']) recentActiveVolumeSet = set(recentActiveVolumeList) # remove duplicates return recentActiveVolumeSet def identifyAgedVolumes(availableVolList, activeVolList): # remove and return EBS volumes which are recently active from the list of available volumes if len(availableVolList) == 0: return None else: agedVolumes = list(set(availableVolList) - set(activeVolList)) return agedVolumes def buildOpsEntries(vols, rgn, acctID): # construct the entry for the OpsItem resource list, using full ARNs for each EBS volume resourceList = [] for v in vols: volArn = "\"arn:aws:ec2:" + rgn + ":" + acctID + ":volume/" + v + "\"" resourceList.append({"\"arn\"": volArn}) return str(resourceList).translate(str.maketrans({"'":None})) def splitter(volList, splitSize = 100): # splits a list into groups of splitSize, 100 by default; min splitSize is 1 and max splitSize is 100 if(splitSize < 1 or splitSize > 100): splitSize = 100 iters = [iter(volList)]*splitSize return list(itertools.zip_longest(*iters)) def detailedNotifier(volList): # sends a list of volumes to the SNS topic for review outside of OpsCenter sns = boto3.client('sns') message = "The following volumes are flagged as non-compliant: " + ', '.join(volList) try: response = sns.publish( TopicArn=os.environ["SNS_ARN"], Message=message, ) return response except ClientError as err: print(err) def validateEnvironmentVariables(): if(int(os.environ["IGNORE_WINDOW"]) < 1 or int(os.environ["IGNORE_WINDOW"]) > 90): print("Invalid value provided for IGNORE_WINDOW. Please choose a value between 1 day and 90 days.") raise ValueError('Bad IGNORE_WINDOW value provided') if(int(os.environ["BATCH_SIZE"]) < 1 or int(os.environ["BATCH_SIZE"]) > 100): print("Invalid value provided for BATCH_SIZE. Please choose a value between 1 and 100.") raise ValueError('Bad BATCH_SIZE value provided') if(os.environ["DETAILED_NOTIFICATIONS"].upper() not in ["TRUE", "FALSE"]): print("Invalid value provided for DETAILED_NOTIFICATIONS. Please choose TRUE or FALSE.") raise ValueError('Bad DETAILED_NOTIFICATIONS value provided') def lambda_handler(event, context): # gather data to build OpsItem request print("boto3 version:"+boto3.__version__) print("botocore version:"+botocore.__version__) acctID = context.invoked_function_arn.split(":")[4] rgn = os.environ["AWS_REGION"] # used with Lambda to get the current region opscenter = boto3.client('ssm', region_name=rgn) # boto3.client('opscenter', region_name=rgn) snsArn = [{"Arn": os.environ["SNS_ARN"]}] # used with Lambda to get desired SNS topic ARN opsItemTemplate = {} opsItemTemplate["/aws/automations"] = {"Value": "[{\"automationType\": \"AWS:SSM:Automation\", \"automationId\": \"" + os.environ["SSM_AUTOMATION_ID"] + "\"}]"} opsItemTemplate["VolumeDetails"] = {"Value": "[{\"NON-COMPLIANT\"}]"} opsItemTemplate["/aws/dedup"] = {"Type": "SearchableString", "Value": "{\"dedupString\": \"EBS-Aged-Volume-Finder-Non-Compliant-Volumes\"}"} # validate environment variables try: validateEnvironmentVariables() except ValueError as vErr: print(vErr) sys.exit(1) # collect available EBS volumes and attachment history startDateTime = - timedelta(int(os.environ["IGNORE_WINDOW"])) # IGNORE_WINDOW defined in environment variables eventList = getCloudTrailEvents(startDateTime, rgn) activeVols = getRecentActiveVolumes(eventList) availableVols = getAvailableVolumes(rgn) flaggedVols = identifyAgedVolumes(availableVols, activeVols) flaggedVols.sort() # process EBS volumes and create OpsItems splitList = splitter(flaggedVols, int(os.environ["BATCH_SIZE"])) for i in splitList: opsData = {} processedVols = list(filter(None, i)) opsData["Value"] = buildOpsEntries(processedVols, rgn, acctID) opsItemData = opsItemTemplate opsItemData["/aws/resources"] = opsData description = "Unused EBS volume identifier" title = "EBS Volumes older than " + os.environ["IGNORE_WINDOW"] + " days." try: print(opscenter.create_ops_item(Description=description, Title=title, Priority=2, Notifications=snsArn, Source="EBS", OperationalData=opsItemData)) except ClientError as err: if err.response['Error']['Code'] == "OpsItemAlreadyExistsException": print("OpsItem already exists, skipping this batch.") else: print(err) if(os.environ["DETAILED_NOTIFICATIONS"].upper() == "TRUE"): try: print(detailedNotifier(processedVols)) except ClientError as err: print(err)