variable "region" { description = "Deployment Region" } variable "profile_ingestion" { description = "Profile of Kinesis Firehose Account" } variable "profile_storage" { description = "Profile of S3 Account" } variable "profile_processing" { description = "Profile of EMR Account" } variable "ec2key" { description = "EC2 SSH Key Name" } variable "ec2pubkeystring" { description = "EC2 SSH Key Name" } variable "account_a" { description = "AWS Firehose Account ID" } variable "account_b" { description = "AWS S3 Account ID" } variable "account_c" { description = "AWS EMR Account ID" } variable "sourcebucket" { description = "AWS Firehose Bucket Name" } variable "destinationbucket" { description = "AWS EMR Destination Bucket" }