# Outputs - Dynamic values to be output based on the value of create_new_repo output "clone_url_http" { value = var.create_new_repo ? aws_codecommit_repository.source_repository[0].clone_url_http : data.aws_codecommit_repository.existing_repository[0].clone_url_http description = "List containing the clone url of the CodeCommit repositories" } output "repository_name" { value = var.create_new_repo ? aws_codecommit_repository.source_repository[0].repository_name : var.source_repository_name description = "List containing the name of the CodeCommit repositories" } output "arn" { value = var.create_new_repo ? aws_codecommit_repository.source_repository[0].arn : data.aws_codecommit_repository.existing_repository[0].arn description = "LList containing the arn of the CodeCommit repositories" }