variable "project_name" { description = "Unique name for this project" type = string } variable "environment_variable_map" { type = list(object({ name = string value = string type = string })) default = [] description = "Additional environment variables for the build process. The type of environment variable. Valid values: PARAMETER_STORE, PLAINTEXT, and SECRETS_MANAGER." } variable "pipelinename" { description = "Unique name for this project" type = string } variable "source_repo_name" { description = "Source repo name of the CodeCommit repository" type = string } variable "source_repo_branch" { description = "Default branch in the Source repo for which CodePipeline needs to be configured" type = string } variable "s3_bucket_name" { description = "S3 bucket name to be used for storing the artifacts" type = string } variable "codepipeline_role_arn" { description = "ARN of the codepipeline IAM role" type = string } variable "kms_key_arn" { description = "ARN of KMS key for encryption" type = string } variable "tags" { description = "Tags to be attached to the CodePipeline" type = map(any) } variable "stages" { description = "List of Map containing information about the stages of the CodePipeline" type = list(map(any)) } variable "approve_comment" { description = "List of Map containing information about the stages of the CodePipeline" type = string }