## Requirements | Name | Version | |------|---------| | [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= v1.3.9 | | [aws](#requirement\_aws) | >= 4.56.0 | | [local](#requirement\_local) | 2.2.3 | ## Providers | Name | Version | |------|---------| | [aws](#provider\_aws) | 4.63.0 | ## Modules | Name | Source | Version | |------|--------|---------| | [hybrid\_dns](#module\_hybrid\_dns) | ../hybrid_dns | n/a | | [shared\_services\_vpc](#module\_shared\_services\_vpc) | ../nw_shared_svc_vpc | n/a | | [vpc\_endpoints](#module\_vpc\_endpoints) | ../vpc_endpoints | n/a | ## Resources | Name | Type | |------|------| | [aws_ec2_managed_prefix_list_entry.nss_pl_on_prem](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/ec2_managed_prefix_list_entry) | resource | | [aws_ec2_managed_prefix_list_entry.nw_segment_pl_on_prem](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/ec2_managed_prefix_list_entry) | resource | ## Inputs | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | |------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:| | [cidr\_block](#input\_cidr\_block) | CIDR block for the VPC hosting the Network Shared Services (NSS).
The CIDR block should be in the range of /16 to /20 | `string` | n/a | yes | | [env\_name](#input\_env\_name) | Environment name e.g. dev, prod, used for resource identification. | `string` | n/a | yes | | [project](#input\_project) | Project name, used as prefix/suffix for resource identification. | `string` | n/a | yes | | [region](#input\_region) | The AWS Region e.g. us-east-1 for the environment | `string` | n/a | yes | | [tags](#input\_tags) | Common and mandatory tags for the resources. | `map(string)` | n/a | yes | | [amazon\_side\_asn](#input\_amazon\_side\_asn) | Private Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the Amazon side of a BGP session. | `string` | `"64512"` | no | | [az\_count](#input\_az\_count) | Number of AZs to spread the Networks Shared Services (NSS) to.
Assumes AZs sorted a-z. Max 6 AZs. | `number` | `3` | no | | [dnse\_cidrs](#input\_dnse\_cidrs) | List of CIDRs for the subnet(s) hosting the DNS resolver endpoint(s).
If not provided, it will be calculated at position 4.
The recommended CIDR block range is /28. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [dnse\_subnet\_tags](#input\_dnse\_subnet\_tags) | Extra tags to add to the dns endpoint subnet(s) | `map(string)` | `{}` | no | | [dnse\_tags](#input\_dnse\_tags) | Extra tags to add to the DNS resolver endpoints. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no | | [enable\_vpce\_flow\_log](#input\_enable\_vpce\_flow\_log) | Enable VPC flow log for all the VPC endpoints, unless overridden by `vpce_flow_log_service_codes`.
if true and `vpce_flow_log_service_codes` is null or empty, flow logs will be enabled at the VPCE subnet level.
if false VPC flow logs will be disabled. | `bool` | `false` | no | | [flow\_log\_specs](#input\_flow\_log\_specs) | Options to customize the VPC flow logs, effective if flow logs are enabled for any of the Network Shared Services e.g. VPCE.
- `destination_type`, optional. Valid values: cloud-watch-logs or s3. default: cloud-watch-logs
- `destination_name`, optional. Provide an existing `destination_name`.
For `destination_type` s3, provide an existing s3 bucket name
For `destination_type` cloud-watch-logs, provide an existing cloudwatch log group
If not provided, a destination will be created based on the `destination_type`
- `encrypted`, optional. Should the flow logs be encrypted. default: `true`
Not applicable, if `destination_name` is provided.
- `kms_alias`, optional. Provide an existing `kms_alias` to encrypt the flow logs.
If not provided, an appropriate KMS is created based on the `destination_type`
Not applicable, if `encrypted` is false or `destination_name` is provided.
- `flow_log_role`, optional. Provide an existing IAM role for the flow log with permissions to log to `destination_type`
If not provided, an appropriate IAM role is created with permissions to log to `destination_type`
`traffic_type`, optional. Type for traffic to capture in the flow log. ACCEPT, REJECT, or ALL. Default is ALL
`max_aggregation_interval`, optional. Max aggregation interval for the flow log capture before sending to destination. 600 or 60. Default is 600
`file_format`, optional. if `destination_type` is s3, provide one of the supported file formats. plain-text or parquet. Default is plain-text
`per_hour_partition`, optional. if `destination_type` is s3, should one hour partition be created. Default is false
`hive_compatible_partitions`, optional. if `destination_type` is s3, should hive compatible partition be created. Default is false |
destination_type = optional(string, "cloud-watch-logs")
destination_name = optional(string, "")
encrypted = optional(bool, true)
kms_alias = optional(string, "")
flow_log_role = optional(string, "")
traffic_type = optional(string, "ALL")
max_aggregation_interval = optional(number, 600)
file_format = optional(string, "plain-text")
per_hour_partition = optional(bool, false)
hive_compatible_partitions = optional(bool, false)
"destination_name": "",
"destination_type": "cloud-watch-logs",
"encrypted": true,
"file_format": "plain-text",
"flow_log_role": "",
"hive_compatible_partitions": false,
"kms_alias": "",
"max_aggregation_interval": 600,
"per_hour_partition": false,
"traffic_type": "ALL"
| no | | [generate\_vpce\_test\_script](#input\_generate\_vpce\_test\_script) | Generate a test script that can be used to test all the provisioned VPC endpoints. | `bool` | `false` | no | | [kms\_admin\_roles](#input\_kms\_admin\_roles) | List Administrator roles for KMS.
Provide at least one Admin role if kms needs to be created for the encryption of NSS VPC flow logs e.g. ["Admin"].
It can be empty if flow logs are not enabled for any of the Network Shared Services e.g. VPCE
It can be empty if flow logs are enabled but `flow_log_specs.encrypted` is false. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [nat\_gateway\_config](#input\_nat\_gateway\_config) | NAT Gateways spread to be created.
Network Shared Services (NSS) requires NAT GW. Valid values = "single\_az", "all\_azs"
There is soft limit of 5 EIPs per VPC per account. | `string` | `"single_az"` | no | | [on\_premises\_cidrs](#input\_on\_premises\_cidrs) | List of on-premises CIDR blocks that will use inbound DNS resolver endpoint.
Check for the output `inbound_dns_resolver_endpoints`, for configuring on-premises DNS server(s). | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [outbound\_dns\_resolver\_config](#input\_outbound\_dns\_resolver\_config) | List of outbound DNS resolver configurations.
If specified, outbound resolver endpoint(s) along with forward rules will be created.
`domain_name`, mandatory. On-premises domain name, for which DNS query will be forwarded to the `target_ip_addresses`
`target_ip_addresses`. mandatory. On-premises DNS server IP address. |
domain_name = string
target_ip_addresses = list(string)
| `[]` | no | | [public\_cidrs](#input\_public\_cidrs) | List of CIDRs for the public subnet(s) hosting the NAT GW.
If not provided, it will be calculated at position 1. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [public\_subnet\_tags](#input\_public\_subnet\_tags) | Extra tags to add to the public subnet(s) | `map(string)` | `{}` | no | | [share\_with\_accounts](#input\_share\_with\_accounts) | Share the services with list of AWS Accounts. like 111111111111
If `share_with_org` is true then `share_with_accounts` is ignored.
Provide list of AWS Account Ids that are not part of any AWS Organizations OUs in the `share_with_ous`
The master account for the AWS Organization must have enabled sharing in the AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM).
e.g. `aws ram enable-sharing-with-aws-organization` | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [share\_with\_org](#input\_share\_with\_org) | Share the services at the Organization level.
If `share_with_org` is true then `share_with_ous` is ignored.
If `share_with_org` is true then `share_with_accounts` is ignored.
The master account for the AWS Organization must have enabled sharing in the AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM).
e.g. `aws ram enable-sharing-with-aws-organization` | `bool` | `true` | no | | [share\_with\_ous](#input\_share\_with\_ous) | Share the services with list of AWS Organizations OU, like ou-xyz-abcdefg
If `share_with_org` is true then `share_with_ous` is ignored.
The master account for the AWS Organization must have enabled sharing in the AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM).
e.g. `aws ram enable-sharing-with-aws-organization` | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [super\_net\_cidr\_blocks](#input\_super\_net\_cidr\_blocks) | CIDR blocks for Hub and Spoke super net(s).
Must include On-Premises super net(s), if required.
if empty, individual VPC cidr blocks will be used for routing that may hit the route table entry limits. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [supported\_network\_segments](#input\_supported\_network\_segments) | List of distinct network segment names for which Transit Gateway route table(s) will be created.
transit gateway route tables are always created for the network segments `ALL` and `ISOLATED` | `list(string)` |
| no | | [tgw\_cidrs](#input\_tgw\_cidrs) | List of CIDRs for the subnet(s) hosting the TGW endpoints.
If not provided, it will be calculated at position 2.
The recommended CIDR block range is /28. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [tgw\_subnet\_tags](#input\_tgw\_subnet\_tags) | Extra tags to add to the transit gw subnet(s) | `map(string)` | `{}` | no | | [tgw\_tags](#input\_tgw\_tags) | Extra tags to add to the transit gateway. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no | | [vpc\_tags](#input\_vpc\_tags) | Extra tags to add to the Networks Shared Services (NSS) VPC.
These will be carried forward to all subnets too. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no | | [vpce\_cidrs](#input\_vpce\_cidrs) | List of CIDRs for the subnet(s) hosting the VPC endpoint(s) for the supported AWS Services.
If not provided, it will be calculated at position 3.
The recommended CIDR block range is /24. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [vpce\_flow\_log\_service\_codes](#input\_vpce\_flow\_log\_service\_codes) | List of the service codes for the supported AWS Services for which flow log will be enabled.
if `enable_vpce_flow_log` is true and `vpce_flow_log_service_codes` is null or empty, flow logs will be enabled at the VPCE subnet level.
if `enable_vpce_flow_log` is true and `vpce_flow_log_service_codes` is not empty, flow logs will be enabled at the ENI level for the listed services.
if `enable_vpce_flow_log` is false VPC flow logs will be disabled, regardless of `vpce_flow_log_service_codes` | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [vpce\_service\_codes](#input\_vpce\_service\_codes) | List of the service codes for the supported AWS Services for which VPC endpoints will be created.
If empty or null, no VPC endpoints will be created. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [vpce\_subnet\_tags](#input\_vpce\_subnet\_tags) | Extra tags to add to the vpc endpoint subnet(s) | `map(string)` | `{}` | no | ## Outputs | Name | Description | |------|-------------| | [azs](#output\_azs) | List of AZs where subnets are created. | | [nss\_attributes](#output\_nss\_attributes) | Network Shared Services attributes, used by spoke\_vpcs module.
`super_net_cidr_blocks`, Super Net CIDR Blocks used for routing.
`supported_network_segments`, List of supported network segments by NSS.
`nw_shared_svc_prefix_list_id`, Prefix list id for NSS.
`nw_segment_prefix_list_ids`, Prefix list id for network segment(s).
`nw_shared_svc_tgw_id`, Transit GW Id that enables network shared services VPC.
`nw_shared_svc_tgw_route_table_id`, TGW route table id for the network shared services VPC.
`nw_segment_tgw_route_table_ids`, TGW route table id for network segment(s).
`vpce_specs`, Map of shareable VPC endpoints by service codes.
`hybrid_dns_specs.inbound_dns_resolver_endpoints`, Inbound DNS Resolver Endpoint(s) to be used to configure On-premises DNS server(s)
`hybrid_dns_specs.dns_resolver_rules`, DNS resolver rules that are shared. | | [private\_subnet\_attributes\_by\_az](#output\_private\_subnet\_attributes\_by\_az) | List of private subnet attributes by AZ. | | [supported\_vpce\_service\_codes](#output\_supported\_vpce\_service\_codes) | List of supported service codes for VPC endpoints. | | [vpc\_attributes](#output\_vpc\_attributes) | VPC attributes for the provisioned VPC | | [vpc\_id](#output\_vpc\_id) | VPC Id for the provisioned VPC |