## Call Module to Deploy the Prowler ECS Instance and Role module "prowler_ecs_instance_deployment" { source = "./modules/aws-tf-prowler-fargate" providers = { aws = aws.prowler_deployment_account } # The AWS account id for the account that will run Prowler. deployment_accountid = var.deployment_accountid # URI to the repository with the Prowler container image. ecr_image_uri = var.ecr_image_uri # Security Group must allow outbound access on Port 443 (HTTPS). prowler_container_sg_id = var.prowler_container_sg_id # VPC must have internet access. prowler_container_vpc_subnet_id = var.prowler_container_vpc_subnet_id # Optional - Uncomment and specify schedule to override the default schedule (every 7 days) defined in variables.tf. # prowler_schedule_task_expression = var.prowler_schedule_task_expression tags = var.tags } #Call Module to Deploy the Prowler Cross-Account Role module "prowler_iam_cross_account_role_1" { source = "./modules/aws-tf-iam-role" providers = { aws = aws.prowler_account_scan_account_1 } # The AWS account id for the account that will run Prowler. deployment_accountid = var.deployment_accountid prowler_s3 = "prowler-111111111111-us-west-2" } module "prowler_iam_cross_account_role_2" { source = "./modules/aws-tf-iam-role" providers = { aws = aws.prowler_account_scan_account_2 } # The AWS account id for the account that will run Prowler. deployment_accountid = var.deployment_accountid prowler_s3 = "prowler-111111111111-us-west-2" }