/*--------------------------------------------------------- Provider Variable ---------------------------------------------------------*/ variable "region" { description = "The AWS Region e.g. us-east-1 for the environment" type = string } /*--------------------------------------------------------- Common Variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ variable "project" { description = "Project to be used on all the resources identification" type = string } variable "env_name" { description = "Environment name e.g. dev, prod" type = string } variable "tags" { description = "Mandatory tags for the resources" type = map(string) } /*--------------------------------------------------------- VPC Variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ variable "vpc_tags" { description = "Tags for the VPC" type = map(string) } variable "vpc_public_subnet_tags" { description = "Tags for the public subnet" type = map(string) } variable "vpc_private_subnet_tags" { description = "Tags for the private subnet" type = map(string) } variable "r53_zone_names" { description = "Private Route53 Zone names to create and associate with the VPC" type = list(string) default = [] }