# AWS Tools for Babylon.JS Editor

AWS Tools for Babylon.JS Editor is a suite of tools meant to interact with [Babylon.JS Editor](http://editor.babylonjs.com/) by utilizing the capabilities of AWS products.

This repository contains a number of useful packages to achieve this:

- [AWS Tools for Babylon.JS Editor: AWS Amplify Publisher Plugin (AWS Tools: AWS Amplify Publisher Plugin)](aws-amplify-publisher-plugin) - A plugin that enables one-click publishing to AWS Amplify from Babylon.JS Editor.
- [AWS Tools for Babylon.JS Editor: Open Source Hosts Plugin (AWS Tools: Open Source Hosts Plugin)](open-source-hosts-plugin) - A plugin that enables BabylonJS Editor workflows with Amazon Sumerian Hosts.

Each of these packages can be utilized individually to enhance the Babylon.JS Editor in its own way. For more detailed information on the what each package does, click their link above.

## Security

See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information.

## License

This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.

## Installation

AWS Tools for Babylon.JS Editor is divided into multiple packages, and each package has its own installation instructions. Refer to their README for further instructions on how to install

- [AWS Tools: AWS Amplify Publisher Plugin](aws-amplify-publisher-plugin/README.md#installation)
- [AWS Tools: Open Source Hosts Plugin](open-source-hosts-plugin/README.md#installation)