# Contributing Guidelines and Workflow Thank you for your interest in contributing to our project. This document covers specifically on how to build and test the open-source-hosts-plugin package. Please refer to the main [CONTRIBUTING](../CONTRIBUTING) document for a detailed explanation on how to contribute to the repository. --- ## [Contributor Workflow](#contributor-workflow) ### Prerequisites - Refer to all [prerequisites](../CONTRIBUTING#contributor-workflow#prerequisites) from the primary repository ### Building 1. Install the plugin dependencies defined in `package.json`: `npm install` **Note that this will download the required asset files as a script run during post-install -- this may take a while!** 1. Format, lint, and compile the Typescript code into Javascript `npm run build` ### Testing #### Unit Tests You can run the unit test suite by using the command: `npm run test` Unit tests will be run automatically across Windows/Linux/MacOSX on every submitted PR. #### Integration Tests Manually ensure that the plugin loads in the editor, and that a host can be added to the open project without errors.