import argparse from transcribeUtils import * from webvttUtils import * import requests from videoUtils import * from audioUtils import * # Get the command line arguments and parse them parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='', description='Process a video found in the input file, process it, and write tit out to the output file') parser.add_argument('-region', required=True, help="The AWS region containing the S3 buckets" ) parser.add_argument('-inbucket', required=True, help='The S3 bucket containing the input file') parser.add_argument('-infile', required=True, help='The input file to process') parser.add_argument('-outbucket', required=True, help='The S3 bucket containing the input file') parser.add_argument('-outfilename', required=True, help='The file name without the extension') parser.add_argument('-outfiletype', required=True, help='The output file type. E.g. mp4, mov') parser.add_argument('-outlang', required=True, nargs='+', help='The language codes for the desired output. E.g. en = English, de = German') parser.add_argument('-TranscriptJob', required=True, help='The URI resulting from the transcript job') args = parser.parse_args() job = getTranscriptionJobStatus( args.TranscriptJob ) #print( job ) # Now get the transcript JSON from AWS Transcribe transcript = getTranscript( str(job["TranscriptionJob"]["Transcript"]["TranscriptFileUri"]) ) #print( "\n==> Transcript: \n" + transcript) # Create the WebVTT File for the original transcript and write it out. writeTranscriptToWebVTT( transcript, 'en', "subtitles-en.vtt") #createVideo( args.infile, "subtitles-en.vtt", args.outfilename + "-en." + args.outfiletype, "audio-en.mp3", True) # Now write out the translation to the transcript for each of the target languages for lang in args.outlang: writeTranslationToWebVTT(transcript, 'en', lang, "subtitles-" + lang + ".vtt" ) #Now that we have the subtitle files, let's create the audio track #createAudioTrackFromTranslation( args.region, transcript, 'en', lang, "audio-" + lang + ".mp3" ) # Finally, create the composited video #createVideo( args.infile, "subtitles-" + lang + ".WebVTT", args.outfilename + "-" + lang + "." + args.outfiletype, "audio-" + lang + ".mp3", False)