Welcome to AWS Lambda Eclipse Plugin

Congratulations! You have created your first AWS Lambda project. So what's next?

Step 1: Implement your function

Open up LambdaFunctionHandler.java and implement the handleRequest method. This method is the entry point for your Lambda function, and it will be invoked by Lambda in response to input from the event sources of your function.

Note: You can add new classes and additional external dependencies in your project if needed.

Step 2: Test your function

Open up LambdaFunctionHandlerTest.java. Fill in your test logic to validate the input and output of your function handler, and then run it locally as a normal JUnit test.

Note: The unit test provides a sample JSON input file if you have chosen a predefined event type as your function input. You can modify the JSON file, or create new ones based on it.

Step 3: Upload your function

Under Project or Package Explorer View, right-click on your project and select Amazon Web Services -> Upload Function to AWS Lambda. Then follow the steps to create a new Lambda function or upload your code to an existing function.

Step 4: Invoke your function

Now we are ready to run the function in the cloud. Right-click on your project again and select Amazon Web Services -> Run on AWS Lambda.
In the input dialog, enter the JSON input for your function, or select one of the JSON files in your project.

Tip: You can add new JSON input files in your project, and they will show up in this dialog as long as the file name ends with ".json".

Click Invoke and check the output of your function in the Eclipse Console View.

What's next?

If you want to know more about AWS Lambda, check out the following links:

Contact us to send bug reports and feedbacks.

AWS SDK for Java team