# (c) 2017 Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. This AWS Content is provided subject to the terms of the AWS Customer # Agreement available at https://aws.amazon.com/agreement/ or other written agreement between Customer and Amazon Web Services, Inc. AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: This is the CloudFormation script for deployment of a Transit Gateway (RCS-1463) Metadata: # Metadata Section AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: # Parameter Groups - Label: # Transit Gateway Configuration default: Transit Gateway Configuration Parameters: # Label Parameters - pAmazonAsn - pAutoAcceptSharedAttachments - pDefaultRouteTableAssociation - pDefaultRouteTablePropagation - pDnsSupport - pVpnEcmpSupport ParameterLabels: # Parameter Labels pAmazonAsn: default: Amazon Side ASN pAutoAcceptSharedAttachments: default: Auto Accept Share Attachments pDefaultRouteTableAssociation: default: Auto Associate Route Table Association pDefaultRouteTablePropagation: default: Automatic Route Propagation pDnsSupport: default: DNS Support pVpnEcmpSupport: default: Equal Cost Multipath Protocol Parameters: # CloudFormation Parameters pAmazonAsn: # Amazon side BGP ASN Type: String Description: A private Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the Amazon side of a BGP session. Default: 65000 MinLength: 5 MaxLength: 10 ConstraintDescription: The range is 64512 to 65534 for 16-bit ASNs and 4200000000 to 4294967294 for 32-bit ASNs. pAutoAcceptSharedAttachments: # enable/disable attachment requests Type: String Description: Indicates whether cross-account attachment requests are automatically accepted. Default: "enable" AllowedValues: - "enable" - "disable" pDefaultRouteTableAssociation: # enable/disable automatic route table association Type: String Description: Enable or disable automatic association with the default association route table. Default: "enable" AllowedValues: - "enable" - "disable" pDefaultRouteTablePropagation: # enable/disable automatic route propagation to the default route table Type: String Description: Enable or disable automatic propagation of routes to the default propagation route table. Default: "enable" AllowedValues: - "enable" - "disable" pDnsSupport: # Enable or disable DNS support Type: String Description: Enable or disable DNS support. Default: "enable" AllowedValues: - "enable" - "disable" pVpnEcmpSupport: # Enable or disable Equal Cost Multipath Protocol Type: String Description: Enable or disable Equal Cost Multipath Protocol. Default: "disable" AllowedValues: - "enable" - "disable" Resources: # CloudFormation Resources rTransitGateway: Type: "AWS::EC2::TransitGateway" Properties: AmazonSideAsn: !Ref pAmazonAsn AutoAcceptSharedAttachments: !Ref pAutoAcceptSharedAttachments DefaultRouteTableAssociation: !Ref pDefaultRouteTableAssociation DefaultRouteTablePropagation: !Ref pDefaultRouteTablePropagation Description: "Transit Gateway serves as a centralized outgoing gateway for networking traffic" DnsSupport: !Ref pDnsSupport Tags: - Key: Name Value: 'My Transit Gateway' VpnEcmpSupport: !Ref pVpnEcmpSupport Outputs: oTransitGatewayId: #Outputs the Transit Gateway ID Description: The Transit Gateway ID Value: !Ref rTransitGateway