σ <Χο[c@sŽddlmZmZmZdefd„ƒYZdefd„ƒYZdefd„ƒYZdefd „ƒYZd efd „ƒYZ d S( i(tImaget ImageFiltert ImageStatt_EnhancecBseZd„ZRS(cCstj|j|j|ƒS(s΅ Returns an enhanced image. :param factor: A floating point value controlling the enhancement. Factor 1.0 always returns a copy of the original image, lower factors mean less color (brightness, contrast, etc), and higher values more. There are no restrictions on this value. :rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image` (Rtblendt degeneratetimage(tselftfactor((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pytenhances (t__name__t __module__R (((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pyRstColorcBseZdZd„ZRS(sAdjust image color balance. This class can be used to adjust the colour balance of an image, in a manner similar to the controls on a colour TV set. An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a black and white image. A factor of 1.0 gives the original image. cCsU||_d|_d|jƒkr0d|_n|j|jƒj|jƒ|_dS(NtLtAtLA(Rtintermediate_modetgetbandstconverttmodeR(RR((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pyt__init__0s    (R R t__doc__R(((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pyR (stContrastcBseZdZd„ZRS(sςAdjust image contrast. This class can be used to control the contrast of an image, similar to the contrast control on a TV set. An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a solid grey image. A factor of 1.0 gives the original image. cCs‹||_ttj|jdƒƒjddƒ}tjd|j|ƒj|j ƒ|_ d|j ƒkr‡|j j |j dƒƒndS(NR igΰ?R(RtintRtStatRtmeanRtnewtsizeRRRtputalphat getchannel(RRR((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pyRAs  )'(R R RR(((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pyR:st BrightnesscBseZdZd„ZRS(sΕAdjust image brightness. This class can be used to control the brightness of an image. An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a black image. A factor of 1.0 gives the original image. cCsY||_tj|j|jdƒ|_d|jƒkrU|jj|jdƒƒndS(NiR( RRRRRRRRR(RR((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pyRQs (R R RR(((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pyRJst SharpnesscBseZdZd„ZRS(sπAdjust image sharpness. This class can be used to adjust the sharpness of an image. An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a blurred image, a factor of 1.0 gives the original image, and a factor of 2.0 gives a sharpened image. cCsP||_|jtjƒ|_d|jƒkrL|jj|jdƒƒndS(NR(RtfilterRtSMOOTHRRRR(RR((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pyR`s (R R RR(((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pyRYsN( tRRRtobjectRR RRR(((s0/tmp/pip-build-SKekGm/pillow/PIL/ImageEnhance.pyts