from TwitterSearch import TwitterSearchOrder, TwitterUserOrder, TwitterSearch, TwitterSearchException import boto3 import datetime import time import json import os # Get the service resource sqs = boto3.resource('sqs', region_name='us-west-2') ssm = boto3.client('ssm', region_name='us-west-2') global queueName queueName = os.environ['sqsQueue'] #queueName = 'testMessage' print("Queue from env variable: " + queueName) if queueName == None: queueName = 'testMessage' # max id of tweet. global next_max_id #next_max_id = 0 # Validate the tweet has a media (photo) def validate_tweet(tweet): if (tweet.get('entities', {}).get('media')): return True return False def authenticate_twitter(): # it's about time to create a TwitterSearch object with our secret tokens # The tokens are stored in SSM and encrypted ts = TwitterSearch( consumer_key = (ssm.get_parameter(Name='twitter-consumer-key', WithDecryption=True))['Parameter']['Value'], consumer_secret = (ssm.get_parameter(Name='twitter-consumer-secret', WithDecryption=True))['Parameter']['Value'], access_token = (ssm.get_parameter(Name='twitter-access-token', WithDecryption=True))['Parameter']['Value'], access_token_secret = (ssm.get_parameter(Name='twitter-access-token-secret', WithDecryption=True))['Parameter']['Value'] ) return ts def defineMaxID(): now = datefortweet =, now.month, dateOfLastTweet = os.environ['DateOfLastTweet'] #dateOfLastTweet =, now.month, print("dateofLastWeek: " + str(dateOfLastTweet)) if (dateOfLastTweet == datefortweet): next_max_id = int((ssm.get_parameter(Name='twitter-max-id'))['Parameter']['Value']) else: next_max_id = 0 #dateOfLastTweet = datefortweet tweet_list = '' ssm.put_parameter(Name='day-tweet-processed', Type='StringList', Value=tweet_list, Overwrite=True) os.environ['DateOfLastTweet'] = str(dateOfLastTweet) print("MaxID: %i" % next_max_id) return next_max_id def configureSearch(id_tweet): print("ConfigureSearch: "+ str(id_tweet)) now = datefortweet =, now.month, twSOrder = TwitterSearchOrder() # create a TwitterSearchOrder object #twSOrder.set_keywords(['from:YodaBotter', 'to:YodaBotter'], or_operator = True) twSOrder.add_keyword("#AWSNinja") #twSOrder.set_language('en') # we want to see English tweets only twSOrder.set_include_entities(True) # and get all the entities incl. Media print("Search: " + twSOrder.create_search_url()) twSOrder.set_since(datefortweet) return twSOrder def build_send_sqs_message(screenName, tweetBody, mediaID, mediaURL): # Get the queue queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name(QueueName=queueName) # Create the body of message in SQS MessageBody="@"+screenName+ ": " + tweetBody # Put attributes in SQS MessageAttributes={ 'mediaID': { 'DataType': 'String', 'StringValue': mediaID }, 'mediaURL': { 'DataType': 'String', 'StringValue': mediaURL } } queue.send_message(MessageBody=MessageBody, MessageAttributes=MessageAttributes) def lambda_handler(event, context): try: twitterS = authenticate_twitter() #maxID = defineMaxID() tso = configureSearch(0) imageTweet = 0 #print("maxID: %i" % maxID) for tweet in twitterS.search_tweets_iterable(tso): tweet_id = int(tweet['id']) print("TweetID: %i" % tweet_id) # current ID is lower than current next_max_id? #if (tweet_id > maxID) or (maxID == 0): # maxID = tweet_id if (validate_tweet(tweet)): mediaURL = tweet['entities']['media'][0]['media_url'] mediaID = str(tweet['entities']['media'][0]['id']) screenName = tweet['user']['screen_name'] tweetBody = tweet['text'] print("Media: " + mediaID + " " + mediaURL) build_send_sqs_message(mediaID, mediaURL, screenName, tweetBody) imageTweet += 1 #ssm.put_parameter(Name='twitter-max-id',Type='String',Value=str(maxID),Overwrite=True) print("Queries done: %i. Tweets received: %i" % twitterS.get_statistics()) print("Tweets with image: %i" % imageTweet) except TwitterSearchException as e: # take care of all those ugly errors if there are some print(e) return { "statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps( {"message": "Poller"} ), } def main(): lambda_handler('','') if __name__== "__main__": main()