Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: deepforest Version: 1.2.1 Summary: Tree crown prediction using deep learning retinanets Home-page: Author: Ben Weinstein License: MIT Platform: UNKNOWN Requires-Python: >3.5 Description-Content-Type: text/markdown License-File: LICENSE License-File: AUTHORS.rst Requires-Dist: torch Requires-Dist: torchvision (>0.9.0) Requires-Dist: matplotlib Requires-Dist: Pillow (>6.2.0) Requires-Dist: pandas Requires-Dist: progressbar2 Requires-Dist: six Requires-Dist: scipy (>1.5) Requires-Dist: slidingwindow Requires-Dist: geopandas Requires-Dist: rasterio Requires-Dist: rtree Requires-Dist: pytorch-lightning Requires-Dist: tqdm Requires-Dist: xmltodict Requires-Dist: numpy Requires-Dist: imagecodecs Requires-Dist: albumentations # Deepforest ## Full documentation []( ## Installation Compiled wheels have been made for linux, osx and windows ``` #Install DeepForest pip install deepforest ``` ## Get in touch See the [GitHub Repo]( to see the source code or submit issues and feature requests. ## Citation If you use this software in your research please cite it as: Geographic Generalization in Airborne RGB Deep Learning Tree Detection Ben. G. Weinstein, Sergio Marconi, Stephanie A. Bohlman, Alina Zare, Ethan P. White bioRxiv 790071; doi: ## Acknowledgments Development of this software was funded by [the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Data-Driven Discovery Initiative]( through [Grant GBMF4563]( to Ethan P. White.