U X gb>@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddlZddlmZddlmZddZGdddeZejed d d fd d Zejed dd fddZddZd#ddZddZddZddZd$ddZddZd dZd!d"ZdS)%zUtilities modelN)tqdm)_ROOTc Csbz*t|d}tj|tjd}W5QRXWn2tk r\}ztd||W5d}~XYnX|S)zRead config yaml filer)Loaderz#There is no config at {}, yields {}N)openyamlload FullLoader ExceptionFileNotFoundErrorformat) config_pathfconfigerj/home/ec2-user/SageMaker/vegetation-management-remars2022/remars2022-workshop/libs/deepforest/utilities.py read_configs rc@seZdZdZdddZdS)DownloadProgressBarzDownload progress bar class.NcCs&|dk r||_||||jdS)z Update class attributes Args: b: bsize: tsize: Returns: N)totalupdaten)selfbZbsizetsizerrr update_to#s zDownloadProgressBar.update_to)rrN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrrrrr srzdata/ZbirdTc Cstj||d}|r@ttjtjjdddid }|dd}|d}zt |d }Wn$t k rt d d gi}YnX|jd|d ks"td |d|d tddd|ddd}tjj|||jdW5QRXtd|t d |d gi}||d ntd|d |d |fSzt |d}Wn$t k rvtd|YnX|jd|fSd S)a Check the existence of, or download the latest model release from github Args: save_dir: Directory to save filepath, default to "data" in deepforest repo prebuilt_model: Currently only accepts "NEON", but could be expanded to include other prebuilt models. The local model will be called prebuilt_model.h5 on disk. check_release (logical): whether to check github for a model recent release. In cases where you are hitting the github API rate limit, set to False and any local model will be downloaded. If no model has been downloaded an error will raise. Returns: release_tag, output_path (str): path to downloaded model .ptzChttps://api.github.com/repos/Weecology/BirdDetector/releases/latestAcceptapplication/vnd.github.v3+jsonheadersassetsrbrowser_download_urlzcurrent_bird_release.csvcurrent_bird_releaseNhtml_urlzBDownloading model from BirdDetector release {}, see {} for detailstag_nameBTr/unit unit_scaleminitersdescfilename reporthook$Model was downloaded and saved to {}zXModel from BirdDetector Repo release {} was already downloaded. Loading model from file.current_release.csvKCheck release argument is {}, but no release has been previously downloaded)ospathjoinjsonloadsurllibrequesturlopenRequestreadpdread_csv BaseException DataFramer(printr rsplit urlretrieverto_csv ValueErrorcurrent_release save_dirZprebuilt_model check_release output_path_jsonasseturlZ release_txttrrruse_bird_release2sP    rUNEONc Cstj||d}|r@ttjtjjdddid }|dd}|d}zt |d }Wn$t k rt d d gi}YnX|jd|d ks"td |d|d tddd|ddd}tjj|||jdW5QRXtd|t d |d gi}||d ntd|d |d |fSzt |d }Wn$t k rvtd|YnX|jd|fSd S)a Check the existence of, or download the latest model release from github Args: save_dir: Directory to save filepath, default to "data" in deepforest repo prebuilt_model: Currently only accepts "NEON", but could be expanded to include other prebuilt models. The local model will be called prebuilt_model.h5 on disk. check_release (logical): whether to check github for a model recent release. In cases where you are hitting the github API rate limit, set to False and any local model will be downloaded. If no model has been downloaded an error will raise. Returns: release_tag, output_path (str): path to downloaded model r!zAhttps://api.github.com/repos/Weecology/DeepForest/releases/latestr"r#r$r&rr'r7rLNr)z@Downloading model from DeepForest release {}, see {} for detailsr*r+Trr,r-r.r3r6zQModel from DeepForest release {} was already downloaded. Loading model from file.r8)r9r:r;r<r=r>r?r@rArBrCrDrErFrLrGr rrHrIrrJrKrMrrr use_releaseosP    rWc Cst|}t|}W5QRXz|dd}Wn8tk rj}ztd|||dW5d}~XYnXg}g}g}g}g} t|tr|D]Z} || dd|| dd|| dd|| dd | | d qnV||dd||dd||dd||dd | |d t j |dd } d d |D}dd |D}dd |D}dd |D}t | ||||| d} | S)aK Load annotations from xml format (e.g. RectLabel editor) and convert them into retinanet annotations format. Args: xml_path (str): Path to the annotations xml, formatted by RectLabel Returns: Annotations (pandas dataframe): in the format -> path-to-image.png,x1,y1,x2,y2,class_name annotationobjectz*error {} for path {} with doc annotation{}NZbndboxxminxmaxyminymaxnamer4cSsg|] }t|qSrround_with_floats.0xrrr sz&xml_to_annotations..cSsg|] }t|qSrr_rarrrrdscSsg|] }t|qSrr_rarrrrdscSsg|] }t|qSrr_rarrrrds) image_pathrZr\r[r]label)r xmltodictparserBr r isinstancelistappendr9r:basenamerCrF) Zxml_pathfddocZtile_xmlrrZr[r\r]rftreeZrgb_name annotationsrrrxml_to_annotationssR  rq.c CsRt|}|jj}t|}|j\}}}} |jd} W5QRX|j|| |d<|dt |d<|j || |d<|dt |d<| |j | |d<|dt |d<| |j | |d<|dt |d<d|j kr|d|d<nd|d<tj||d<|ddddddg} | jd d d d d d} | | j| jk} | | j| jk} | S)a Convert a shapefile of annotations into annotations csv file for DeepForest training and evaluation Args: shapefile: Path to a shapefile on disk. If a label column is present, it will be used, else all labels are assumed to be "Tree" rgb: Path to the RGB image on disk savedir: Directory to save csv files Returns: results: a pandas dataframe r tile_xmin tile_xmax tile_ymax tile_yminrfTreererZr\r[r])rsrvrtrucolumns)gpd read_filegeometryboundsrasteriorresminxastypeintmaxxminymaxyryr9r:rlrenamerZr[r\r]) Z shapefilergbsavedirgdfdfsrcleftbottomrighttop resolutionresultrrrshapefile_to_annotationssD    rcCsBz t|}Wn0tk r<tdttt|}YnX|S)zACheck if string x is float or int, return int, rounded if needed.aAnnotations file contained non-integer coordinates. These coordinates were rounded to nearest int. All coordinates must correspond to pixels in the image coordinate system. If you are attempting to use projected data, first convert it into image coordinates see FAQ for suggestions.)rrEwarningswarnnproundfloat)rcrrrrr`)s r`cs"tfdddDstdS)z:Check a file format for correct column names and structurec3s|]}|jkVqdSNrxrarrr =szcheck_file..)rerZr[r\r]rfzyInput file has incorrect column names, the following columns must exist 'image_path','xmin','ymin','xmax','ymax','label'.)allIOErrorrrrr check_file:s rcCs"|jddkstd|jdS)zCheck an image is three channel, channel last format Args: image: numpy array Returns: None, throws error on assert zUimage is expected have three channels, channel last format, found image with shape {}N)shaperKr )imagerrr check_imageFsrc Cs|j}t|dkr&td|n|d}d||}t|}|j}|j\}} |j } W5QRX|r|d t ||j |d<|d t ||j |d<|j |d t | |d<|j |d t | |d<|jd d dd |d <tj|d d }| |_ |S)av Convert from image coordinates to geographic coordinates Note that this assumes df is just a single plot being passed to this function df: a pandas type dataframe with columns: name, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. Name is the relative path to the root_dir arg. root_dir: directory of images transform: If true, convert from image to geographic coordinates rQThis function projects a single plots worth of data. Multiple plot names found {}r{}/{}rZr[r\r]cSstj|j|j|j|jSr)shapelyr|boxrZr\r[r]rcrrrozproject_boxes..)axisr|r|)reuniquelenrKr r~rr}rcrsrrrrapplyrz GeoDataFrame) rroot_dir transform plot_names plot_namergb_pathdatasetr}Z pixelSizeXZ pixelSizeYrrrr project_boxesOs2      rc Csltjj||j|jdd\}}tjj||j|jdd\}}t||||}dd|D}tj ||d} || _ | S)a Convert output from predict_image and predict_tile to a geopandas data.frame Args: df: prediction data.frame with columns ['xmin','ymin','xmax','ymax','label','score'] transform: A rasterio affine transform object crs: A rasterio crs object Returns: results: a geopandas dataframe where every entry is the bounding box for a detected tree. center)rrowscolsoffsetcSs&g|]\}}}}tj||||qSr)rr|r)rbrZr\r[r]rrrrds z,annotations_to_shapefile..r) r~rxyr\rZr]r[ziprzrr) rrrZ xmin_coordsZ ymin_coordsZ xmax_coordsZ ymax_coordsZ box_coordsZ box_geomsgeodfrrrannotations_to_shapefilevs"   rc Csv|j}t|dkr&td|n|d}d||}t|}|j}|j}W5QRXt |||d}||d<|S)a Convert output from predict_file into a geopandas data.frame Note that this assumes df is just a single plot being passed to this function Args: df: a pandas type dataframe with columns: image_path, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. image_path is the relative within the root_dir arg. root_dir: directory of images Returns: geodf: a geodataframe with transformed boxes as geometry rrrr)rrrre) rerrrKr r~rrrr) rrrrrrrrrrrrrs    cCsttdd|}tt|S)NcSs|dk Srrrrrrrrzcollate_fn..)rjfiltertupler)batchrrr collate_fnsr)rr)T) r r<r9r>r geopandasrznumpyrpandasrCr~rrgrrlibs.deepforestrrrr:r;rUrWrqrr`rrrrrrrrrs4   =>= ?  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