# Prediction utilities import cv2 import pandas as pd from PIL import Image import numpy as np import os from tqdm import tqdm import warnings import torch import rasterio as rio from torchvision.ops import nms from libs.deepforest import preprocess from libs.deepforest import visualize from libs.deepforest import dataset def predict_image(model, image, return_plot, device, iou_threshold=0.1, color=None, thickness=1): """Predict an image with a deepforest model Args: image: a numpy array of a RGB image ranged from 0-255 path: optional path to read image from disk instead of passing image arg return_plot: Return image with plotted detections device: pytorch device of 'cuda' or 'cpu' for gpu prediction. Set internally. color: color of the bounding box as a tuple of BGR color, e.g. orange annotations is (0, 165, 255) thickness: thickness of the rectangle border line in px Returns: boxes: A pandas dataframe of predictions (Default) img: The input with predictions overlaid (Optional) """ if image.dtype !="float32": warnings.warn(f"Image type is {image.dtype}, transforming to float32. This assumes that the range of pixel values is 0-255, as opposed to 0-1.To suppress this warning, transform image (image.astype('float32')") image = image.astype("float32") image = preprocess.preprocess_image(image, device=device) with torch.no_grad(): prediction = model(image) # return None for no predictions if len(prediction[0]["boxes"]) == 0: return None # This function on takes in a single image. df = visualize.format_boxes(prediction[0]) df = across_class_nms(df, iou_threshold=iou_threshold) if return_plot: #Bring to gpu if not device.type=="cpu": image = image.cpu() # Cv2 likes no batch dim, BGR image and channels last, 0-255 image = np.array(image.squeeze(0)) image = np.rollaxis(image, 0, 3) image = image[:,:,::-1] * 255 image = image.astype("uint8") image = visualize.plot_predictions(image, df, color=color, thickness=thickness) return image else: return df def predict_file(model, csv_file, root_dir, savedir, device, iou_threshold=0.1, color=(0,165,255), thickness=1): """Create a dataset and predict entire annotation file Csv file format is .csv file with the columns "image_path", "xmin","ymin","xmax","ymax" for the image name and bounding box position. Image_path is the relative filename, not absolute path, which is in the root_dir directory. One bounding box per line. If "label" column is present, these are assumed to be annotations and will be plotted in a different color than predictions Args: csv_file: path to csv file root_dir: directory of images. If none, uses "image_dir" in config savedir: Optional. Directory to save image plots. device: pytorch device of 'cuda' or 'cpu' for gpu prediction. Set internally. color: color of the bounding box as a tuple of BGR color, e.g. orange annotations is (0, 165, 255) thickness: thickness of the rectangle border line in px Returns: df: pandas dataframe with bounding boxes, label and scores for each image in the csv file """ model.eval() df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) #Dataloader (when not shuffled) returns a tensor for each image in order paths = df.image_path.unique() ds = dataset.TreeDataset(csv_file=csv_file, root_dir=root_dir, transforms=None, train=False) prediction_list = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i in ds: i = i.to(device) prediction = model(torch.unsqueeze(i,0)) prediction_list.append(prediction) prediction_list = [item for sublist in prediction_list for item in sublist] results = [] for index, prediction in enumerate(prediction_list): #If there is more than one class, apply NMS Loop through images and apply cross prediction = visualize.format_boxes(prediction) if len(prediction.label.unique()) > 1: prediction = across_class_nms(prediction, iou_threshold = iou_threshold) if savedir: # Just predict the images, even though we have the annotations image = np.array(Image.open("{}/{}".format(root_dir,paths[index])))[:,:,::-1] image = visualize.plot_predictions(image, prediction) #Plot annotations if they exist annotations = df[df.image_path == paths[index]] image = visualize.plot_predictions(image, annotations, color=color, thickness=thickness) cv2.imwrite("{}/{}.png".format(savedir, os.path.splitext(paths[index])[0]), image) prediction["image_path"] = paths[index] results.append(prediction) results = pd.concat(results, ignore_index=True) return results def predict_tile(model, device, raster_path=None, image=None, patch_size=400, patch_overlap=0.05, iou_threshold=0.15, return_plot=False, mosaic=True, use_soft_nms=False, sigma=0.5, thresh=0.001, color=None, thickness=1): """For images too large to input into the model, predict_tile cuts the image into overlapping windows, predicts trees on each window and reassambles into a single array. Args: model: pytorch model device: pytorch device of 'cuda' or 'cpu' for gpu prediction. Set internally. numeric_to_label_dict: dictionary in which keys are numeric integers and values are character labels raster_path: Path to image on disk image (array): Numpy image array in BGR channel order following openCV convention patch_size: patch size default400, patch_overlap: patch overlap default 0.15, iou_threshold: Minimum iou overlap among predictions between windows to be suppressed. Defaults to 0.14. Lower values suppress more boxes at edges. return_plot: Should the image be returned with the predictions drawn? mosaic: If true, return a single annotations dataframe. If false, return a list of windows and predictions use_soft_nms: whether to perform Gaussian Soft NMS or not, if false, default perform NMS. sigma: variance of Gaussian function used in Gaussian Soft NMS thresh: the score thresh used to filter bboxes after soft-nms performed Returns: boxes (array): if return_plot, an image. windows (list): if mosaic = False, a two item tuple for each window of patch_size with predictions Otherwise a numpy array of predicted bounding boxes, scores and labels """ if image is not None: pass else: # load raster as image image = rio.open(raster_path).read() image = np.moveaxis(image,0,2) # Compute sliding window index windows = preprocess.compute_windows(image, patch_size, patch_overlap) predicted_boxes = [] crops = [] for index, window in enumerate(tqdm(windows)): # crop window and predict crop = image[windows[index].indices()] crop = crop.astype('float32') # crop is RGB channel order, change to BGR? boxes = predict_image(model=model, image=crop, return_plot=False, device=device) if boxes is not None: if mosaic: # transform the coordinates to original system xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = windows[index].getRect() boxes.xmin = boxes.xmin + xmin boxes.xmax = boxes.xmax + xmin boxes.ymin = boxes.ymin + ymin boxes.ymax = boxes.ymax + ymin else: crops.append(crop) predicted_boxes.append(boxes) if len(predicted_boxes) == 0: print("No predictions made, returning None") return None if mosaic: predicted_boxes = pd.concat(predicted_boxes) # Non-max supression for overlapping boxes among window if patch_overlap == 0: mosaic_df = predicted_boxes else: print( f"{predicted_boxes.shape[0]} predictions in overlapping windows, applying non-max supression" ) # move prediciton to tensor boxes = torch.tensor(predicted_boxes[["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"]].values, dtype=torch.float32) scores = torch.tensor(predicted_boxes.score.values, dtype=torch.float32) labels = predicted_boxes.label.values if not use_soft_nms: # Performs non-maximum suppression (NMS) on the boxes according to # their intersection-over-union (IoU). bbox_left_idx = nms(boxes=boxes, scores=scores, iou_threshold=iou_threshold) else: # Performs soft non-maximum suppression (soft-NMS) on the boxes. bbox_left_idx = soft_nms(boxes=boxes, scores=scores, sigma=sigma, thresh=thresh) bbox_left_idx = bbox_left_idx.numpy() new_boxes, new_labels, new_scores = boxes[bbox_left_idx].type( torch.int), labels[bbox_left_idx], scores[bbox_left_idx] # Recreate box dataframe image_detections = np.concatenate([ new_boxes, np.expand_dims(new_labels, axis=1), np.expand_dims(new_scores, axis=1) ], axis=1) mosaic_df = pd.DataFrame( image_detections, columns=["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax", "label", "score"]) print(f"{mosaic_df.shape[0]} predictions kept after non-max suppression") if return_plot: # Draw predictions on BGR image = image[:,:,::-1] image = visualize.plot_predictions(image, mosaic_df, color=color, thickness=thickness) # Mantain consistancy with predict_image return image else: return mosaic_df else: return list(zip(predicted_boxes, crops)) def soft_nms(boxes, scores, sigma=0.5, thresh=0.001): ''' Perform python soft_nms to reduce the confidances of the proposals proportional to IoU value Paper: Improving Object Detection With One Line of Code Code : https://github.com/DocF/Soft-NMS/blob/master/softnms_pytorch.py Args: boxes: predicitons bounding boxes tensor format [x1,y1,x2,y2] scores: the score corresponding to each box tensors sigma: variance of Gaussian function thresh: score thresh Return: idxs_keep: the index list of the selected boxes ''' # indexes concatenate boxes with the last column N = boxes.shape[0] indexes = torch.arange(0, N, dtype=torch.float).view(N, 1) boxes = torch.cat((boxes, indexes), dim=1) # The order of boxes coordinate is [x1,y1,y2,x2] x1 = boxes[:, 0] y1 = boxes[:, 1] x2 = boxes[:, 2] y2 = boxes[:, 3] areas = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1) for i in range(N): # intermediate parameters for later parameters exchange tscore = scores[i].clone() pos = i + 1 if i != N - 1: maxscore, maxpos = torch.max(scores[pos:], dim=0) if tscore < maxscore: boxes[i], boxes[maxpos.item() + i + 1] = boxes[maxpos.item() + i + 1].clone(), boxes[i].clone() scores[i], scores[maxpos.item() + i + 1] = scores[maxpos.item() + i + 1].clone(), scores[i].clone() areas[i], areas[maxpos + i + 1] = areas[maxpos + \ i + 1].clone(), areas[i].clone() # IoU calculate xx1 = np.maximum(boxes[i, 0].numpy(), boxes[pos:, 0].numpy()) yy1 = np.maximum(boxes[i, 1].numpy(), boxes[pos:, 1].numpy()) xx2 = np.minimum(boxes[i, 2].numpy(), boxes[pos:, 2].numpy()) yy2 = np.minimum(boxes[i, 3].numpy(), boxes[pos:, 3].numpy()) w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1 + 1) h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1 + 1) inter = torch.tensor(w * h) ovr = torch.div(inter, (areas[i] + areas[pos:] - inter)) # Gaussian decay weight = torch.exp(-(ovr * ovr) / sigma) scores[pos:] = weight * scores[pos:] # select the boxes and keep the corresponding indexes idxs_keep = boxes[:, 4][scores > thresh].int() return idxs_keep def across_class_nms(predicted_boxes, iou_threshold=0.15): """perform non-max suppression for a dataframe of results (see visualize.format_boxes) to remove boxes that overlap by iou_thresholdold of IoU""" # move prediciton to tensor boxes = torch.tensor(predicted_boxes[["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"]].values, dtype=torch.float32) scores = torch.tensor(predicted_boxes.score.values, dtype=torch.float32) labels = predicted_boxes.label.values bbox_left_idx = nms(boxes=boxes, scores=scores, iou_threshold=iou_threshold) bbox_left_idx = bbox_left_idx.numpy() new_boxes, new_labels, new_scores = boxes[bbox_left_idx].type( torch.int), labels[bbox_left_idx], scores[bbox_left_idx] # Recreate box dataframe image_detections = np.concatenate([ new_boxes, np.expand_dims(new_labels, axis=1), np.expand_dims(new_scores, axis=1) ], axis=1) new_df = pd.DataFrame( image_detections, columns=["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax", "label", "score"]) return new_df