import argparse import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Pool from ..vector.mask import df_to_px_mask from ..utils.cli import _func_wrapper from itertools import repeat def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Create training pixel masks from vector data', argument_default=None) parser.add_argument('--source_file', '-s', type=str, help='Full path to file to create mask from.') parser.add_argument('--reference_image', '-r', type=str, help='Full path to a georegistered image in the same' ' coordinate system (for conversion to pixels) or in' ' the target coordinate system (for conversion to a' ' geographic coordinate reference system).') parser.add_argument('--output_path', '-o', type=str, help='Full path to the output file for the converted' 'footprints.') parser.add_argument('--geometry_column', '-g', type=str, default='geometry', help='The column containing' ' footprint polygons to transform. If not provided,' ' defaults to "geometry".') parser.add_argument('--transform', '-t', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use this flag if the geometries' ' are in a georeferenced coordinate system and' ' need to be converted to pixel coordinates.') parser.add_argument('--value', '-v', type=int, default=255, help='The value to set for labeled pixels in the' ' mask. Defaults to 255.') parser.add_argument('--footprint', '-f', action='store_true', default=False, help='If this flag is set, the mask' ' will include filled-in building footprints as a' ' channel.') parser.add_argument('--edge', '-e', action='store_true', default=False, help='If this flag is set, the mask' ' will include the building edges as a channel.') parser.add_argument('--edge_width', '-ew', type=int, default=3, help='Pixel thickness of the edges in the edge mask.' ' Defaults to 3 if not provided.') parser.add_argument('--edge_type', '-et', type=str, default='inner', help='Type of edge: either inner or outer. Defaults' ' to inner if not provided.') parser.add_argument('--contact', '-c', action='store_true', default=False, help='If this flag is set, the mask' ' will include contact points between buildings as a' ' channel.') parser.add_argument('--contact_spacing', '-cs', type=int, default=10, help='Sets the maximum distance between two' ' buildings, in source file units, that will be' ' identified as a contact. Defaults to 10.') parser.add_argument('--metric_widths', '-m', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use this flag if any widths ' '(--contact-spacing specifically) should be in metric ' 'units instead of pixel units.') parser.add_argument('--batch', '-b', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use this flag if you wish to operate on' ' multiple files in batch. In this case,' ' --argument-csv must be provided. See help' ' for --argument_csv and the codebase docs at' ' for more info.') parser.add_argument('--argument_csv', '-a', type=str, help='The reference file for variable values for' ' batch processing. It must contain columns to pass' ' the source_file and reference_image arguments, and' ' can additionally contain columns providing the' ' footprint_column and decimal_precision arguments' ' if you wish to define them differently for items' ' in the batch. These columns must have the same' ' names as the corresponding arguments. See the ' ' usage recipes at' ' for examples.') parser.add_argument('--workers', '-w', type=int, default=1, help='The number of parallel processing workers to' ' use. This should not exceed the number of CPU' ' cores available.') args = parser.parse_args() if args.batch and args.argument_csv is None: raise ValueError( 'To perform batch processing, you must provide both --batch and' + ' --argument_csv.') if args.argument_csv is None and args.source_file is None: raise ValueError( 'You must provide a source file using either --source_file or' + ' --argument_csv.') if args.argument_csv is None and args.reference_image is None: raise ValueError( 'You must provide a reference image using either' + ' --reference_image or --argument_csv.') if not args.footprint and not args.edge and not raise ValueError( 'You must specify --footprint, --edge, and/or --contact. See' + ' make_masks --help or the CLI documentation at' + '') if args.argument_csv is not None: arg_df = pd.read_csv(args.argument_csv) else: arg_df = pd.DataFrame({}) # generate the channels argument for df_to_px_mask channels = [] if args.footprint: channels.append('footprint') if args.edge: channels.append('boundary') if channels.append('contact') if len(arg_df) < 2: arg_df['channels'] = [channels] else: arg_df['channels'] = [channels]*len(arg_df) # all channels in each row if args.batch: if args.source_file is not None: arg_df['source_file'] = args.source_file if args.reference_image is not None: arg_df['reference_image'] = args.reference_image if args.output_path is not None and not args.batch: arg_df['output_path'] = args.output_path if args.geometry_column is not None: arg_df['geometry_column'] = args.geometry_column if args.transform: arg_df['transform'] = True if 'value' not in arg_df.columns: arg_df['value'] = args.value if 'edge_width' not in arg_df.columns: arg_df['edge_width'] = args.edge_width if 'edge_type' not in arg_df.columns: arg_df['edge_type'] = args.edge_type if 'contact_spacing' not in arg_df.columns: arg_df['contact_spacing'] = args.contact_spacing else: arg_df['source_file'] = [args.source_file] arg_df['reference_image'] = [args.reference_image] arg_df['output_path'] = [args.output_path] arg_df['geometry_column'] = [args.geometry_column] arg_df['transform'] = [args.transform] arg_df['metric'] = [args.metric_widths] arg_df['value'] = [args.value] arg_df['edge_width'] = [args.edge_width] arg_df['edge_type'] = [args.edge_type] arg_df['contact_spacing'] = [args.contact_spacing] # rename arguments to match API arg_df = arg_df.rename(columns={'source_file': 'df', 'output_path': 'out_file', 'reference_image': 'reference_im', 'geometry_column': 'geom_col', 'transform': 'do_transform', 'value': 'burn_value', 'edge_width': 'boundary_width', 'edge_type': 'boundary_type'}) arg_dict_list = arg_df[['df', 'out_file', 'reference_im', 'geom_col', 'do_transform', 'channels', 'burn_value', 'boundary_width', 'boundary_type', 'contact_spacing'] ].to_dict(orient='records') if not args.batch: result = df_to_px_mask(**arg_dict_list[0]) if not args.output_path: return result else: with Pool(processes=args.workers) as pool: result = tqdm(pool.starmap(_func_wrapper, zip(repeat(df_to_px_mask), arg_dict_list))) pool.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()