U fb '@sFddlZddlmZddlZdddZiddd fd d Zdd d ZdS)N) Evaluator? spacenet_2csft|d}|j|dgdd|j|dd|d}t|}fdd |d jD|d <|d g}|jD]} ||j| k} t | d | d dkrt | d t | d | d } nd} t | d | ddkrt | d t | d | d} nd} | | dkrd| | | | } nd} | |j |j| kdf<| |j |j| kdf<| |j |j| kdf<qj||fS)aEvaluate a SpaceNet building footprint competition proposal csv. Uses :class:`Evaluator` to evaluate SpaceNet challenge proposals. Arguments --------- prop_csv : str Path to the proposal polygon CSV file. truth_csv : str Path to the ground truth polygon CSV file. miniou : float, optional Minimum IoU score between a region proposal and ground truth to define as a successful identification. Defaults to 0.5. min_area : float or int, optional Minimum area of ground truth regions to include in scoring calculation. Defaults to ``20``. challenge: str, optional The challenge id for evaluation. One of ``['spacenet_2', 'spacenet_3', 'spacenet_off_nadir', 'spacenet_6']``. The name of the challenge that `chip_name` came from. Defaults to ``'spacenet_2'``. Returns ------- results_DF, results_DF_Full results_DF : :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` Summary :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` of score outputs grouped by nadir angle bin, along with the overall score. results_DF_Full : :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` of scores by individual image chip across the ground truth and proposal datasets. ground_truth_vector_file ConfidenceTconf_field_list proposalCSV iou_scoreImageIdminiouiou_field_prefix imageIDFieldmin_areacsg|]}t|dqS) challenge get_chip_id.0imageIDrm/home/ec2-user/SageMaker/vegetation-management-remars2022/remars2022-workshop/libs/solaris/eval/challenges.py 9sz(spacenet_buildings_2..rZAOITruePosFalsePosrFalseNeg PrecisionRecallF1Score) r load_proposaleval_iou_spacenet_csvpd DataFramevaluesgroupbysumindexfloatloc)prop_csv truth_csvrrr evaluatorresultsresults_DF_Full results_DFindexValrowValuer"r#r$rrrspacenet_buildings_2sH'       r7Fcst|d}|j|dgdd|j|dd|d}t|}sxdddddddddddd d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d fd d |djD|d<|dg} | jD]} |rt | | | j| k} t | d| ddkrt | dt | d| d} nd} t | d| ddkrFt | dt | d| d} nd} | | dkrnd| | | | }nd}| | j | j| kdf<| | j | j| kdf<|| j | j| kdf<q| |fS)aEvaluate an off-nadir competition proposal csv. Uses :class:`Evaluator` to evaluate off-nadir challenge proposals. See ``image_columns`` in the source code for how collects are broken into Nadir, Off-Nadir, and Very-Off-Nadir bins. Arguments --------- prop_csv : str Path to the proposal polygon CSV file. truth_csv : str Path to the ground truth polygon CSV file. image_columns : dict, optional dict of ``(collect: nadir bin)`` pairs used to separate collects into sets. Nadir bin values must be one of ``["Nadir", "Off-Nadir", "Very-Off-Nadir"]`` . See source code for collect name options. miniou : float, optional Minimum IoU score between a region proposal and ground truth to define as a successful identification. Defaults to 0.5. min_area : float or int, optional Minimum area of ground truth regions to include in scoring calculation. Defaults to ``20``. Returnss ------- results_DF, results_DF_Full results_DF : :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` Summary :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` of score outputs grouped by nadir angle bin, along with the overall score. results_DF_Full : :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` of scores by individual image chip across the ground truth and proposal datasets. rr Tr r rrZNadirz Off-NadirzVery-Off-Nadir)Z%Atlanta_nadir7_catid_1030010003D22F00Z%Atlanta_nadir8_catid_10300100023BC100Z&Atlanta_nadir10_catid_1030010003993E00Z&Atlanta_nadir10_catid_1030010003CAF100Z&Atlanta_nadir13_catid_1030010002B7D800Z&Atlanta_nadir14_catid_10300100039AB000Z&Atlanta_nadir16_catid_1030010002649200Z&Atlanta_nadir19_catid_1030010003C92000Z&Atlanta_nadir21_catid_1030010003127500Z&Atlanta_nadir23_catid_103001000352C200Z&Atlanta_nadir25_catid_103001000307D800Z&Atlanta_nadir27_catid_1030010003472200Z&Atlanta_nadir29_catid_1030010003315300Z&Atlanta_nadir30_catid_10300100036D5200Z&Atlanta_nadir32_catid_103001000392F600Z&Atlanta_nadir34_catid_1030010003697400Z&Atlanta_nadir36_catid_1030010003895500Z&Atlanta_nadir39_catid_1030010003832800Z&Atlanta_nadir42_catid_10300100035D1B00Z&Atlanta_nadir44_catid_1030010003CCD700Z&Atlanta_nadir46_catid_1030010003713C00Z&Atlanta_nadir47_catid_10300100033C5200Z&Atlanta_nadir49_catid_1030010003492700Z&Atlanta_nadir50_catid_10300100039E6200Z&Atlanta_nadir52_catid_1030010003BDDC00Z&Atlanta_nadir53_catid_1030010003193D00Z&Atlanta_nadir53_catid_1030010003CD4300csg|]}t|ddqS)spacenet_off_nadirrrr image_columnsrrrsz'off_nadir_buildings..rznadir-categoryrrrr r!r"r#r$) rr%r&r'r(r)r*r+r,printr-r.)r/r0r:rrverboser1r2r3r4r5r6r"r#r$rr9roff_nadir_buildingsYs)      r=cCsj|dkr"d|ddd}nD|dkrs  S x