import numpy as np from tensorflow.keras import backend as K from ._keras_losses import keras_losses, k_focal_loss from ._torch_losses import torch_losses from torch import nn def get_loss(framework, loss, loss_weights=None, custom_losses=None): """Load a loss function based on a config file for the specified framework. Arguments --------- framework : string Which neural network framework to use. loss : dict Dictionary of loss functions to use. Each key is a loss function name, and each entry is a (possibly-empty) dictionary of hyperparameter-value pairs. loss_weights : dict, optional Optional dictionary of weights for loss functions. Each key is a loss function name (same as in the ``loss`` argument), and the corresponding entry is its weight. custom_losses : dict, optional Optional dictionary of Pytorch classes or Keras functions of any user-defined loss functions. Each key is a loss function name, and the corresponding entry is the Python object implementing that loss. """ # lots of exception handling here. TODO: Refactor. if not isinstance(loss, dict): raise TypeError('The loss description is formatted improperly.' ' See the docs for details.') if len(loss) > 1: # get the weights for each loss within the composite if loss_weights is None: # weight all losses equally weights = {k: 1 for k in loss.keys()} else: weights = loss_weights # check if sublosses dict and weights dict have the same keys if list(loss.keys()).sort() != list(weights.keys()).sort(): raise ValueError( 'The losses and weights must have the same name keys.') if framework == 'keras': return keras_composite_loss(loss, weights, custom_losses) elif framework in ['pytorch', 'torch']: return TorchCompositeLoss(loss, weights, custom_losses) else: # parse individual loss functions loss_name, loss_dict = list(loss.items())[0] return get_single_loss(framework, loss_name, loss_dict, custom_losses) def get_single_loss(framework, loss_name, params_dict, custom_losses=None): if framework == 'keras': if loss_name.lower() == 'focal': return k_focal_loss(**params_dict) else: # keras_losses in the next line is a matching dict # TODO: the next block doesn't handle non-focal loss functions that # have hyperparameters associated with them. It would be great to # refactor this to handle that possibility. if custom_losses is not None and loss_name in custom_losses: return custom_losses.get(loss_name) else: return keras_losses.get(loss_name.lower()) elif framework in ['torch', 'pytorch']: if params_dict is None: if custom_losses is not None and loss_name in custom_losses: return custom_losses.get(loss_name)() else: return torch_losses.get(loss_name.lower())() else: if custom_losses is not None and loss_name in custom_losses: return custom_losses.get(loss_name)(**params_dict) else: return torch_losses.get(loss_name.lower())(**params_dict) def keras_composite_loss(loss_dict, weight_dict, custom_losses=None): """Wrapper to other loss functions to create keras-compatible composite.""" def composite(y_true, y_pred): loss = K.sum(K.flatten(K.stack([weight_dict[loss_name]*get_single_loss( 'keras', loss_name, loss_params, custom_losses)(y_true, y_pred) for loss_name, loss_params in loss_dict.items()], axis=-1))) return loss return composite class TorchCompositeLoss(nn.Module): """Composite loss function.""" def __init__(self, loss_dict, weight_dict=None, custom_losses=None): """Create a composite loss function from a set of pytorch losses.""" super().__init__() self.weights = weight_dict self.losses = {loss_name: get_single_loss('pytorch', loss_name, loss_params, custom_losses) for loss_name, loss_params in loss_dict.items()} self.values = {} # values from the individual loss functions def forward(self, outputs, targets): loss = 0 for func_name, weight in self.weights.items(): self.values[func_name] = self.losses[func_name](outputs, targets) loss += weight*self.values[func_name] return loss