"""PyTorch Callbacks.""" import os import numpy as np from .metrics import metric_dict import torch class TorchEarlyStopping(object): """Tracks if model training should stop based on rate of improvement. Arguments --------- patience : int, optional The number of epochs to wait before stopping the model if the metric didn't improve. Defaults to 5. threshold : float, optional The minimum metric improvement required to count as "improvement". Defaults to ``0.0`` (any improvement satisfies the requirement). verbose : bool, optional Verbose text output. Defaults to off (``False``). _NOTE_ : This currently does nothing. """ def __init__(self, patience=5, threshold=0.0, verbose=False): self.patience = patience self.threshold = threshold self.counter = 0 self.best = None self.stop = False def __call__(self, metric_score): if self.best is None: self.best = metric_score self.counter = 0 else: if self.best - self.threshold < metric_score: self.counter += 1 else: self.best = metric_score self.counter = 0 if self.counter >= self.patience: self.stop = True class TorchTerminateOnNaN(object): """Sets a stop condition if the model loss achieves an NaN or inf value. Arguments --------- patience : int, optional The number of epochs that must display an NaN loss value before stopping. Defaults to ``1``. verbose : bool, optional Verbose text output. Defaults to off (``False``). _NOTE_ : This currently does nothing. """ def __init__(self, patience=1, verbose=False): self.patience = patience self.counter = 0 self.stop = False def __call__(self, loss): if np.isnan(loss) or np.isinf(loss): self.counter += 1 if self.counter >= self.patience: self.stop = True else: self.counter = 0 class TorchTerminateOnMetricNaN(object): """Sets a stop condition if a training metric achieves an NaN or inf value. Arguments --------- stopping_metric : str The name of the metric to stop on. The name must match a key in :const:`solaris.nets.metrics.metric_dict` . patience : int, optional The number of epochs that must display an NaN loss value before stopping. Defaults to ``1``. verbose : bool, optional Verbose text output. Defaults to off (``False``). _NOTE_ : This currently does nothing. """ def __init__(self, stopping_metric, patience=1, verbose=False): self.metric = metric_dict[stopping_metric] self.patience = patience self.counter = 0 self.stop = False def __call__(self, y_true, y_pred): if np.isinf(self.metric(y_true, y_pred)) or \ np.isnan(self.metric(y_true, y_pred)): self.counter += 1 if self.counter >= self.patience: self.stop = True else: self.counter = 0 class TorchModelCheckpoint(object): """Save the model at specific points using Keras checkpointing args. Arguments --------- filepath : str, optional Path to save the model file to. The end of the path (before the file extension) will have ``'_[epoch]'`` added to it to ID specific checkpoints. monitor : str, optional The loss value to monitor. Options are ``['loss', 'val_loss', 'periodic']`` or a metric from the keys in :const:`solaris.nets.metrics.metric_dict` . Defaults to ``'loss'`` . If ``'periodic'``, it saves every n epochs (see `period` below). verbose : bool, optional Verbose text output. Defaults to ``False`` . save_best_only : bool, optional Save only the model with the best value? Defaults to no (``False`` ). mode : str, optional One of ``['auto', 'min', 'max']``. Is a better value higher or lower? Defaults to ``'auto'`` in which case it tries to infer it (if ``monitor='loss'`` or ``monitor='val_loss'`` , it assumes ``'min'`` , if it's a metric it assumes ``'max'`` .) If ``'min'``, it assumes lower values are better; if ``'max'`` , it assumes higher values are better. period : int, optional If using ``monitor='periodic'`` , this saves models every `period` epochs. Otherwise, it sets the minimum number of epochs between checkpoints. """ def __init__(self, filepath='', monitor='loss', verbose=False, save_best_only=False, mode='auto', period=1, weights_only=True): self.filepath = filepath self.monitor = monitor if self.monitor not in ['loss', 'val_loss', 'periodic']: self.monitor = metric_dict[self.monitor] self.verbose = verbose self.save_best_only = save_best_only self.period = period self.weights_only = weights_only self.mode = mode if self.mode == 'auto': if self.monitor in ['loss', 'val_loss']: self.mode = 'min' else: self.mode = 'max' self.epoch = 0 self.last_epoch = 0 self.last_saved_value = None def __call__(self, model, loss_value=None, y_true=None, y_pred=None): """Run a round of model checkpointing for an epoch. Arguments --------- model : model object The model to be saved during checkpoints. Must be a PyTorch model. loss_value : numeric, optional The numeric output of the loss function. Only required if using ``monitor='loss'`` or ``monitor='val_loss'`` . y_true : :class:`np.array` , optional The labels for the validation data. Only required if using a metric as the monitored value. y_pred : :class:`np.array` , optional The predicted values from the model. Only required if using a metric as the monitored value. """ self.epoch += 1 if self.monitor == 'periodic': if self.last_epoch + self.period <= self.epoch: self.last_saved_value = loss_value self.save(model, self.weights_only) self.last_epoch = self.epoch elif self.monitor in ['loss', 'val_loss']: if self.last_saved_value is None: self.last_saved_value = loss_value if self.last_epoch + self.period <= self.epoch: self.save(model, self.weights_only) self.last_epoch = self.epoch if self.last_epoch + self.period <= self.epoch: if self.check_is_best_value(loss_value): self.last_saved_value = loss_value self.save(model, self.weights_only) self.last_epoch = self.epoch else: if self.last_saved_value is None: self.last_saved_value = self.monitor(y_true, y_pred) if self.last_epoch + self.period <= self.epoch: self.save(model, self.weights_only) self.last_epoch = self.epoch if self.last_epoch + self.period <= self.epoch: metric_value = self.monitor(y_true, y_pred) if self.check_is_best_value(metric_value): self.last_saved_value = metric_value self.save(model, self.weights_only) self.last_epoch = self.epoch def check_is_best_value(self, value): """Check if `value` is better than the best stored value.""" if self.mode == 'min' and self.last_saved_value > value: return True elif self.mode == 'max' and self.last_saved_value < value: return True else: return False def save(self, model, weights_only): """Save the model. Arguments --------- model : :class:`torch.nn.Module` A PyTorch model instance to save. weights_only : bool, optional Should the entire model be saved, or only its weights (also known as the state_dict)? Defaults to ``False`` (saves entire model). The entire model must be saved to resume training without re-defining the model architecture, optimizer, and loss function. """ save_name = os.path.splitext(self.filepath)[0] + '_epoch{}_{}'.format( self.epoch, np.round(self.last_saved_value, 3)) save_name = save_name + os.path.splitext(self.filepath)[1] if isinstance(model, torch.nn.DataParallel): to_save = model.module else: to_save = model if weights_only: torch.save(to_save.state_dict(), save_name) else: torch.save(to_save, save_name) torch_callback_dict = { "early_stopping": TorchEarlyStopping, "model_checkpoint": TorchModelCheckpoint, "terminate_on_nan": TorchTerminateOnNaN, "terminate_on_metric_nan": TorchTerminateOnMetricNaN }