#!/usr/bin/env python """ Image transformation, augmentation, etc. for use in models. ----------------------------------------------------------- Where possible, the codebase uses albumentations implementations for transforms because they checked various different implementations and use the fastest one. However, in some cases albumentations uses a cv2 backend, which is incompatible with unusual channel counts in imagery, and therefore other implementations are used for those functions here. Note: Some augmentations are unavailable in this library. Functionality used directly from albumentations: - Crop - VerticalFlip - HorizontalFlip - Flip - Transpose - Resize - CenterCrop - RandomCrop - RandomSizedCrop - OpticalDistortion - GridDistortion - ElasticTransform - Normalize - HueSaturationValue # NOTE: CAN ONLY HANDLE RGB 3-CHANNEL! - RGBShift # NOTE: CAN ONLY HANDLE RGB 3-CHANNEL! - RandomRotate90 - RandomBrightnessContrast - Blur - MotionBlur - MedianBlur - GaussNoise - CLAHE - RandomGamma - ToFloat - NoOp - PadIfNeeded Implemented here: - Rotate - RandomScale - Cutout """ import numpy as np from PIL.Image import BICUBIC, BILINEAR, HAMMING, NEAREST, LANCZOS from PIL import Image from scipy import ndimage as ndi from albumentations.augmentations import functional as F from albumentations.augmentations.functional import preserve_channel_dim from albumentations.core.transforms_interface import DualTransform, to_tuple, \ ImageOnlyTransform, NoOp from albumentations.augmentations.transforms import Crop, VerticalFlip, \ HorizontalFlip, Flip, Transpose, Resize, CenterCrop, RandomCrop, Cutout, \ RandomSizedCrop, OpticalDistortion, GridDistortion, ElasticTransform, \ Normalize, HueSaturationValue, RGBShift, RandomBrightnessContrast, \ Blur, MotionBlur, MedianBlur, GaussNoise, CLAHE, RandomGamma, ToFloat, \ RandomRotate90, PadIfNeeded from albumentations.core.composition import Compose, OneOf, OneOrOther __all__ = ['Crop', 'VerticalFlip', 'HorizontalFlip', 'Flip', 'Transpose', 'Resize', 'CenterCrop', 'RandomCrop', 'RandomSizedCrop', 'OpticalDistortion', 'GridDistortion', 'ElasticTransform', 'Normalize', 'HueSaturationValue', 'RGBShift', 'RandomBrightnessContrast', 'Blur', 'MotionBlur', 'MedianBlur', 'GaussNoise', 'CLAHE', 'RandomGamma', 'ToFloat', 'Rotate', 'RandomRotate90', 'PadIfNeeded', 'RandomScale', 'Cutout', 'Compose', 'OneOf', 'OneOrOther', 'NoOp', 'RandomRotate90', 'SwapChannels', 'process_aug_dict', 'get_augs', 'build_pipeline'] class DropChannel(ImageOnlyTransform): """Drop a channel from an input image. Arguments --------- idx : int The channel index to drop. axis : int, optional (default: 1) The axis to drop the channel from. Defaults to ``1`` (torch channel axis). Set to ``3`` for TF models where the channel is the last axis of an image. always_apply : bool, optional (default: False) Apply this transformation to every image? Defaults to no (``False``). p : float [0, 1], optional (default: 1.0) Probability that the augmentation is performed to each image. Defaults to ``1.0``. """ def __init__(self, idx, axis=1, always_apply=False, p=1.0): super().__init__(always_apply, p) self.idx = idx self.axis = axis def apply(self, im_arr, **params): return np.delete(im_arr, self.idx, self.axis) class SwapChannels(ImageOnlyTransform): """Swap channels in an input image. Arguments --------- first_idx : int The first channel in the pair to swap. second_idx : int The second channel in the pair to swap. axis : int, optional (default: 1) The axis to drop the channel from. Defaults to ``0`` (torch channel axis). Set to ``2`` for TF models where the channel is the last axis of an image. always_apply : bool, optional (default: False) Apply this transformation to every image? Defaults to no (``False``). p : float [0, 1], optional (default: 1.0) Probability that the augmentation is performed to each image. Defaults to ``1.0``. """ def __init__(self, first_idx, second_idx, axis=0, always_apply=False, p=1.0): super().__init__(always_apply, p) if axis not in [0, 2]: raise ValueError("Solaris can only accommodate axis values of 0 " "(Torch axis style) or 2 (TensorFlow/Keras axis " "style) for SwapChannel.") self.first_idx = first_idx self.second_idx = second_idx self.axis = axis def apply(self, im_arr, **params): if self.axis == 0: subarr = im_arr[self.first_idx, ...].copy() im_arr[self.first_idx, ...] = im_arr[self.second_idx, ...] im_arr[self.second_idx, ...] = subarr elif self.axis == 2: subarr = im_arr[..., self.first_idx].copy() im_arr[..., self.first_idx] = im_arr[..., self.second_idx] im_arr[..., self.second_idx] = subarr return im_arr class Rotate(DualTransform): """Array rotation using scipy.ndimage's implementation. Arguments --------- limit : ``[int, int]`` or ``int`` Range from which a random angle is picked. If only a single `int` is provided, an angle is picked from range(-angle, angle) border_mode : str, optional One of ``['reflect', 'nearest', 'constant', 'wrap']``. Defaults to ``'reflect'``. See :func:`scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate` ``mode`` argument. cval : int or float, optional constant value to fill borders with if ``border_mode=='constant'``. Defaults to 0. always_apply : bool, optional Apply this transformation to every image? Defaults to no (``False``). p : float [0, 1], optional Probability that the augmentation is performed to each image. Defaults to ``0.5``. """ def __init__(self, limit=90, border_mode='reflect', cval=0.0, always_apply=False, p=0.5): super(Rotate, self).__init__(always_apply, p) self.limit = to_tuple(limit) self.border_mode = border_mode self.cval = cval def apply(self, im_arr, angle=0, border_mode='reflect', cval=0, **params): return ndi.interpolation.rotate(im_arr, angle=angle, mode=self.border_mode, cval=self.cval) def get_params(self): return {'angle': np.random.randint(self.limit[0], self.limit[1])} def apply_to_bbox(self, bbox, angle=0, **params): return F.bbox_rotate(bbox, angle, **params) def apply_to_keypoint(self): raise NotImplementedError class RandomScale(DualTransform): """Randomly resize the input array in X and Y. Arguments --------- scale_limit : ``(float, float)`` tuple or float Limit to the amount of scaling to perform on the image. If provided as a tuple, the limits are ``[shape*scale_limit[0], shape*scale_limit[1]]``. If only a single vaue is passed, this is converted to a tuple by converting to ``(1-scale_limit, 1+scale_limit)``, i.e. ``scale_limit=0.2`` is equivalent to ``scale_limit=(0.8, 1.2)``. axis : str, optional Which axis should be rescaled? Options are ``['width', 'height', 'both'].`` interpolation : str, optional Interpolation method to use for resizing. One of ``['bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos', 'nearest', or 'hamming']``. Defaults to ``'bicubic'``. See the Pillow_ documentation for more information. always_apply : bool, optional Apply this transformation to every image? Defaults to no (``False``). p : float [0, 1], optional Probability that the augmentation is performed to each image. Defaults to ``0.5``. .. _: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/4.1.x/handbook/concepts.html#filters-comparison-table """ def __init__(self, scale_limit, axis='both', interpolation='bicubic', always_apply=False, p=0.5): super(RandomScale, self).__init__(always_apply, p) self.scale_limit = to_tuple(scale_limit) # post-processing to fix values if only a single number was passed self.axis = axis if self.scale_limit[0] == -self.scale_limit[1]: self.scale_limit = tuple([self.scale_limit[0]+1, self.scale_limit[1]+1]) if interpolation == 'bicubic': self.interpolation = BICUBIC elif interpolation == 'bilinear': self.interpolation = BILINEAR elif interpolation == 'lanczos': self.interpolation = LANCZOS elif interpolation == 'nearest': self.interpolation = NEAREST elif interpolation == 'hamming': self.interpolation = HAMMING else: raise ValueError( 'The interpolation argument is not one of: ' + '["bicubic", "bilinear", "hamming", "lanczos", "nearest"]') def get_params(self): if self.axis == 'height': x = 1 y = np.random.uniform(self.scale_limit[0], self.scale_limit[1]) elif self.axis == 'width': x = np.random.uniform(self.scale_limit[0], self.scale_limit[1]) y = 1 elif self.axis == 'both': x = np.random.uniform(self.scale_limit[0], self.scale_limit[1]) y = np.random.uniform(self.scale_limit[0], self.scale_limit[1]) return {'scale_x': x, 'scale_y': y} def apply(self, img, scale_x=1, scale_y=1, **params): return scale(img, scale_x, scale_y, self.interpolation) def apply_to_bbox(self, bbox, **params): # per Albumentations, bbox coords are scale-invariant return bbox def apply_to_keypoint(self, keypoint): raise NotImplementedError # NOTE ON THE ShiftScaleRotate CLASS BELOW: # Aside from cv2, there is currently no good implementation that enables # handling the border in any way other than filling. I'm not 100% sure this # is going to work for >3-channel images but we're going to roll the dice for # now. # class ShiftScaleRotate(DualTransform): # """Shift/scale/rotate using Pillow. # # Arguments # --------- # scale_limits : `int` or `tuple`, optional # Limits of re-scaling amount, in fraction of starting size. If an `int` # is passed, the image size will be rescaled randomly in the range # ``(1-scale_limits, 1+scale_limits)``. If a 2-tuple is provided, both # x and y scaling will have values drawn from # ``np.random.uniform(scale_limits[0], scale_limits[1])``. If a 4-tuple # is provided, x scaling will be selected from # ``np.random.uniform(scale_limits[0], scale_limits[1])``, and y scaling # will be selected from # ``np.random.uniform(scale_limits[2], scale_limits[3]).`` To maintain # aspect ratio, use `lock_aspect=True` (has no effect if a 4-tuple is # provided). If not passed, image is not scaled. # lock_aspect : bool, optional # Should aspect ratio be locked to the input ratio? Defaults to no # (``True``). If ``True`` and a 4-tuple is passed for `scale_limits`, # `lock_aspect` is ignored. # rotation_limits : `int` or 2-`tuple`, optional # Limit of degrees of rotation of the image. If an integer, then the # image will be rotated an angle randomly selected from # ``range(-rotation_limits, rotation_limits)`` degrees. # If a tuple of form ``(min_rotation, max_rotation)``, the image will be # rotated an angle randomly selected from # ``range(min_rotation, max_rotation)``. Defaults to 0 (no rotation). # translation_limits: int or 2-tuple, optional # Magnitude of x and y translations to perform in pixels. If a single int # is provided, both x and y translation will be selected from the random # uniform range of ``([-limit, +limit])``. If a 2-tuple # ``(x_limit, y_limit)`` is provided, the limits are set separately based # on the provided tuple. # interpolation : str, optional # Interpolation method to use for resizing. One of # ``['bilinear', 'bicubic', or 'nearest']``. # Defaults to ``'bicubic'``. See the Pillow_ documentation for more # information. # p : float [0, 1], optional # Probability that the augmentation is performed to each image. Defaults # to ``0.5``. # # .. _: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/4.1.x/handbook/concepts.html#filters-comparison-table # """ # def __init__(self, size=None, scale_limits=0, lock_aspect=True, # rotation_limits=0, translation_limits=0, # interpolation="bicubic", p=0.5, always_apply=False): # super(ShiftScaleRotate, self).__init__(always_apply, p) # self.lock_aspect = lock_aspect # if type(scale_limits) == float: # self.scale_limits = (1-scale_limits, 1+scale_limits, # 1-scale_limits, 1+scale_limits) # elif type(scale_limits) == tuple: # if len(scale_limits) == 2: # self.scale_limits = (scale_limits[0], scale_limits[1], # scale_limits[0], scale_limits[1]) # elif len(scale_limits == 4): # self.scale_limits = scale_limits # self.lock_aspect = False # force if a 4-tuple was provided # else: # raise ValueError( # "len(scale_limits) must be len 2 or 4 if it's a tuple.") # else: # raise TypeError('scale_limits must be a float or tuple.') # self.rotation_limits = to_tuple(rotation_limits) # self.translation_limits = to_tuple(translation_limits) # if interpolation == 'bicubic': # self.interpolation = BICUBIC # elif interpolation == 'bilinear': # self.interpolation = BILINEAR # elif interpolation == 'nearest': # self.interpolation = NEAREST # else: # raise ValueError( # 'The interpolation argument is not one of: ' + # '["bicubic", "bilinear", "nearest"]') # # def apply(self, img, angle=0, scale=0, dx=0, dy=0, # interpolation=self.interpolation, **params): # # # # def get_params(self): # parameters to use in apply() # param_dict = { # 'angle': np.random.uniform(self.rotation_limits[0], # self.rotation_limits[1]), # 'xscale': np.random.uniform(1+self.scale_limits[0], # 1+self.scale_limits[1]), # 'yscale': np.random.uniform(1+self.scale_limits[2], # 1+self.scale_limits[3]), # 'dx': np.random.randint(self.translation_limits[0], # self.translation_limits[1]), # 'dy': np.random.randint(self.translation_limits[0], # self.translation_limits[1])} # if self.lock_aspect: # reset param_dict['yscale'] to same as x # param_dict['yscale'] = param_dict['xscale'] # return param_dict @preserve_channel_dim def scale(im, scale_x, scale_y, interpolation): """Scale an image using Pillow.""" im_shape = im.shape y_size = int(scale_y*im_shape[0]) x_size = int(scale_x*im_shape[1]) return np.array(Image.fromarray(im.astype('uint8')).resize((x_size, y_size), interpolation)) def build_pipeline(config): """Create train and val augmentation pipelines from a config object. Arguments --------- config : dict A configuration dictionary created by parsing a .yaml config file. See documentation to the project. Returns ------- Two ``albumentations.core.composition.Compose`` instances with the entire augmentation pipeline assembled: one for training and one for validation/ inference. """ train_aug_dict = config['training_augmentation'] val_aug_dict = config['validation_augmentation'] train_aug_pipeline = process_aug_dict(train_aug_dict) val_aug_pipeline = process_aug_dict(val_aug_dict) return train_aug_pipeline, val_aug_pipeline def _check_augs(augs): """Check if augmentations are loaded in already or not.""" if isinstance(augs, dict): return process_aug_dict(augs) elif isinstance(augs, Compose): return augs def process_aug_dict(pipeline_dict, meta_augs_list=['oneof', 'oneorother']): """Create a Compose object from an augmentation config dict. Notes ----- See the documentation for instructions on formatting the config .yaml to enable utilization by get_augs. Arguments --------- aug_dict : dict The ``'training_augmentation'`` or ``'validation_augmentation'`` sub-dict from the ``config`` object. meta_augs_list : dict, optional The list of augmentation names that correspond to "meta-augmentations" in all lowercase (e.g. ``oneof``, ``oneorother``). This will be used to find augmentation dictionary items that need further parsing. Returns ------- ``Compose`` instance The composed augmentation pipeline. """ if pipeline_dict is None: return None p = pipeline_dict.get('p', 1.0) # probability of applying augs in pipeline xforms = pipeline_dict['augmentations'] composer_list = get_augs(xforms, meta_augs_list) return Compose(composer_list, p=p) def get_augs(aug_dict, meta_augs_list=['oneof', 'oneorother']): """Get the set of augmentations contained in a dict. aug_dict : dict The ``'augmentations'`` sub-dict of a ``'training_augmentation'`` or ``'validation_augmentation'`` item in the ``'config'`` object. sub-dict from the ``config`` object. meta_augs_list : dict, optional The list of augmentation names that correspond to "meta-augmentations" in all lowercase (e.g. ``oneof``, ``oneorother``). This will be used to find augmentation dictionary items that need further parsing. Returns ------- list `list` of augmentations to pass to a ``Compose`` object. """ aug_list = [] if aug_dict is not None: for aug, params in aug_dict.items(): if aug.lower() in meta_augs_list: # recurse into sub-dict aug_list.append(aug_matcher[aug](get_augs(aug_dict[aug]))) else: aug_list.append(_get_aug(aug, params)) return aug_list def _get_aug(aug, params): """Get augmentations (recursively if needed) from items in the aug_dict.""" aug_obj = aug_matcher[aug.lower()] if params is None: return aug_obj() elif isinstance(params, dict): return aug_obj(**params) else: raise ValueError( '{} is not a valid aug param (must be dict of args)'.format(params) ) aug_matcher = { 'crop': Crop, 'centercrop': CenterCrop, 'randomcrop': RandomCrop, 'randomsizedcrop': RandomSizedCrop, 'verticalflip': VerticalFlip, 'horizontalflip': HorizontalFlip, 'flip': Flip, 'transpose': Transpose, 'resize': Resize, 'centercrop': CenterCrop, 'randomcrop': RandomCrop, 'randomsizedcrop': RandomSizedCrop, 'opticaldistortion': OpticalDistortion, 'griddistortion': GridDistortion, 'elastictransform': ElasticTransform, 'normalize': Normalize, 'huesaturationvalue': HueSaturationValue, 'rgbshift': RGBShift, 'randombrightnesscontrast': RandomBrightnessContrast, 'blur': Blur, 'motionblur': MotionBlur, 'medianblur': MedianBlur, 'gaussnoise': GaussNoise, 'clahe': CLAHE, 'randomgamma': RandomGamma, 'tofloat': ToFloat, 'rotate': Rotate, 'randomscale': RandomScale, 'cutout': Cutout, 'oneof': OneOf, 'oneorother': OneOrOther, 'noop': NoOp, 'randomrotate90': RandomRotate90, 'dropchannel': DropChannel, 'swapchannels': SwapChannels, 'padifneeded': PadIfNeeded }