from osgeo import gdal import rasterio from affine import Affine import numpy as np import logging from ..utils.raster import reorder_axes from ..utils.log import _get_logging_level def get_geo_transform(raster_src): """Get the geotransform for a raster image source. Arguments --------- raster_src : str, :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader`, or `osgeo.gdal.Dataset` Path to a raster image with georeferencing data to apply to `geom`. Alternatively, an opened :class:`rasterio.Band` object or :class:`osgeo.gdal.Dataset` object can be provided. Required if not using `affine_obj`. Returns ------- transform : :class:`affine.Affine` An affine transformation object to the image's location in its CRS. """ if isinstance(raster_src, str): affine_obj = elif isinstance(raster_src, rasterio.DatasetReader): affine_obj = raster_src.transform elif isinstance(raster_src, gdal.Dataset): affine_obj = Affine.from_gdal(*raster_src.GetGeoTransform()) return affine_obj def stitch_images(im_arr, idx_refs=None, out_width=None, out_height=None, method='average', use_GPU=True): """Stitch together images into a single 2- or 3-channel array. This function helps combine predictions generated by inferencing tiled pieces of larger images, similar to the pre-existing CosmiQ Works tool, BASISS_ .. _BASISS: Arguments --------- im_arr : :class:`numpy.array` or :class:`list` of :class:`numpy.array` s A 3- or 4-D :class:`numpy.array` with shape ``[N, Y, X(, C)]`` or a list of length N made up of 2- or 3-D tensors with shape ``[Y, X(, C)]``. These array(s) will be stitched together to produce a single output of shape ``[Y, X(, C)]`` . idx_refs : list, optional A list of ``(Y, X)`` indices for each sub-array to define the location of the first corner in the final output. Used for stitching together non-overlapping or partially overlapping tiles into a single output. Note that the index reference output of :class:`solaris.nets.datagen.InferenceTiler` provides the required reference system for stitching here. out_width : int, optional The width of the output array in pixels. If not provided, it is assumed that the width is the same as the width of ``im_arr`` . out_height : int, optional The height of the output array in pixels. If not provided, it is assumed that the height is the same as the height of ``im_arr`` . method : str, optional possible values are ``'average'`` (default), ``'first'`` , and ``'confidence'`` . * If ``'average'`` , all pixels corresponding to the same location in ``[Y, X, C]`` space are averaged. * If ``'first'`` , the value of the first pixel along the ``N`` axis for a given ``[Y, X, C]`` location is selected. * If ``'confidence'`` , it's assumed that pixel values correspond to probabilities in ``[0, 1]`` . In this case, for a given ``[Y, X, C]`` location, the pixel with the greatest distance from ``0.5`` will be selected (being the value with the highest confidence). use_GPU : bool, optional Should processing be performed on the GPU if a GPU is available? Defaults to yes (``True``). If a GPU isn't available, this argument is ignored. ``False`` will force CPU-located processing. Returns ------- output_arr : a :class:`numpy.array` with shape ``[Y, X(, C)]`` . """ # determine what shape the input is and stitch together accordingly if isinstance(im_arr, list): im_arr = np.stack(im_arr) # stack along a new 1st axis im_arr = reorder_axes(im_arr, 'tensorflow') if idx_refs is not None: if len(idx_refs) != im_arr.shape[0]: raise ValueError('len(idx_refs) must be equal to the number of ' 'images being stitched.') if idx_refs is not None and (out_width is None or out_height is None): raise ValueError('If idx_refs are provided, the desired ' 'out_height and out_width must be provided as well.') if len(im_arr.shape) == 4: has_channels = True elif len(im_arr.shape) == 3: has_channels = False if idx_refs is not None: # proxy for whether dims were provided as args if has_channels: stitching_arr = np.empty(shape=(im_arr.shape[0], out_height, out_width, im_arr.shape[3])) else: stitching_arr = np.empty(shape=(im_arr.shape[0], out_height, out_width)) stitching_arr[:] = np.nan for idx in range(len(idx_refs)): if has_channels: stitching_arr[ idx, idx_refs[idx][0]:idx_refs[idx][0]+im_arr.shape[1], idx_refs[idx][1]:idx_refs[idx][1]+im_arr.shape[2], :] = im_arr[idx, :, :, :] else: stitching_arr[ idx, idx_refs[idx][0]:idx_refs[idx][0]+im_arr.shape[1], idx_refs[idx][1]:idx_refs[idx][1]+im_arr.shape[2] ] = im_arr[idx, :, :] else: stitching_arr = im_arr # just stitching across images with no offset if method == 'average': output_arr = np.nanmean(stitching_arr, axis=0) elif method == 'first': # get index along 1st axis of the first non-NaN value first_non_nan = np.invert(np.isnan(stitching_arr)).argmax(axis=0) # subset along 1st axis for only the first non-NaN value output_arr = np.take_along_axis(stitching_arr, np.expand_dims(first_non_nan, axis=0), axis=0)[0, :, :, :] # drop extra axis elif method == 'confidence': # convert from 0-1 to 0-0.5, values originally 0.5 become 0 conf_scale = np.abs(stitching_arr - 0.5) # set NaN values to -1 so they're never selected conf_scale[np.isnan(conf_scale)] = -1 # get highest conf slice at each [Y, X, C] position max_conf_ind = conf_scale.argmax(axis=0) # subset to take only the highest-conf value output_arr = np.take_along_axis(stitching_arr, np.expand_dims(max_conf_ind, axis=0), axis=0)[0, :, :, :] # drop extra axis output_arr = output_arr.astype(im_arr.dtype) return output_arr def get_intensity_quantiles(dataset_dir, percentiles=[0, 100], ext="tif", recursive=False, channels=None, verbose=0): """Get approximate dataset pixel intensity percentiles for normalization. This function reads every image in a dataset directory and gets a rough approximation of pixel intensity percentiles Arguments --------- """ pass class ScaleFunction: def __init__(self, compression_delta, **kwargs): self.compression_delta = compression_delta for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def forward(self, quantile): raise NotImplementedError def inverse(self, k): raise NotImplementedError class K1ScaleFunction(ScaleFunction): """Calculate the k1 scale function for a quantile given a comp. factor.""" def __init__(self, compression_delta): self.super().__init__(self, compression_delta) def forward(self, quantile): return (self.compression_delta/2*np.pi)*np.arcsin(2*quantile-1) def inverse(self, k): return np.sin((2*np.pi*k)/self.compression_delta)+1 def get_tdigest(data_buffer, tdigest=None, scale_function=K1ScaleFunction, compression_delta=0.01): """Create a new t-digest or merge it with an existing digest. This function is an implementation of Algorithm 1 from Arguments --------- data_buffer : :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array of data to load into a tdigest. This will be flattened into a vector. tdigest : :class:`TDigest`, optional An existing :class:`TDigest` object to merge with the new data. """ buffer_centroids = data_buffer.flatten().astype(np.float32) buffer_weights = np.ones(shape=buffer_centroids.shape, dtype=np.float32) if tdigest: buffer_centroids = np.concatenate((buffer_centroids, tdigest.centroids)) buffer_weights = np.concatenate((buffer_weights, tdigest.weights)) # sort the data buffer on values (union with tdigest centroids if given) sort_order = np.argsort(buffer_centroids) buffer_centroids = buffer_centroids[sort_order] buffer_weights = buffer_weights[sort_order] S = buffer_weights.sum() out_centroids = np.array([], dtype=np.float32) out_weights = np.array([], dtype=np.float32) q0 = 0. q_limit = _get_q_limit(scale_function, q0, compression_delta) sigma_centroid = buffer_centroids[0] sigma_weight = buffer_weights[0] for idx in range(1, len(buffer_centroids)): q = q0 + (sigma_weight + buffer_weights[idx])/S if q <= q_limit: sigma_centroid = ((sigma_centroid*sigma_weight + buffer_centroids[idx]*buffer_weights[idx]) / (sigma_weight+buffer_weights[idx])) sigma_weight = sigma_weight + buffer_weights[idx] else: np.append(out_centroids, sigma_centroid) np.append(out_weights, sigma_weight) q0 += sigma_weight/S q_limit = _get_q_limit(scale_function, q0, compression_delta) sigma_weight = buffer_weights[idx] sigma_centroid = buffer_centroids[idx] np.append(out_centroids, sigma_centroid) np.append(out_weights, sigma_weight) return out_centroids, out_weights def _get_q_limit(scale_function, q0, compression_delta): return 1./(scale_function(scale_function(q0, compression_delta) + 1, compression_delta))