import os import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import box, Polygon import geopandas as gpd from ..utils.core import _check_gdf_load, _check_crs from ..utils.tile import save_empty_geojson from ..utils.geo import get_projection_unit, split_multi_geometries from ..utils.geo import reproject_geometry from tqdm import tqdm class VectorTiler(object): """An object to tile geospatial vector data into smaller pieces. Arguments --------- Attributes ---------- """ def __init__(self, dest_dir=None, dest_crs=None, output_format='GeoJSON', verbose=False, super_verbose=False): if verbose or super_verbose: print('Preparing the tiler...') self.dest_dir = dest_dir if not os.path.isdir(self.dest_dir): os.makedirs(self.dest_dir) if dest_crs is not None: self.dest_crs = _check_crs(dest_crs) self.output_format = output_format self.verbose = verbose self.super_verbose = super_verbose self.tile_paths = [] # retains the paths of the last call to .tile() if self.verbose or self.super_verbose: print('Initialization done.') def tile(self, src, tile_bounds, tile_bounds_crs=None, geom_type='Polygon', split_multi_geoms=True, min_partial_perc=0.0, dest_fname_base='geoms', obj_id_col=None, output_ext='.geojson'): """Tile `src` into vector data tiles bounded by `tile_bounds`. Arguments --------- src : `str` or :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The source vector data to tile. Must either be a path to a GeoJSON or a :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame`. tile_bounds : list A :class:`list` made up of ``[left, top, right, bottom] `` sublists (this can be extracted from :class:`solaris.tile.raster_tile.RasterTiler` after tiling imagery) tile_bounds_crs : int, optional The EPSG code or object for the CRS that the tile bounds are in. RasterTiler.tile returns the CRS of the raster tiles and can be used here. If not provided, it's assumed that the CRS is the same as in `src`. This argument must be provided if the bound coordinates and `src` are not in the same CRS, otherwise tiling will not occur correctly. geom_type : str, optional (default: "Polygon") The type of geometries contained within `src`. Defaults to ``"Polygon"``, can also be ``"LineString"``. split_multi_geoms : bool, optional (default: True) Should multi-polygons or multi-linestrings generated by clipping a geometry into discontinuous pieces be separated? Defaults to yes (``True``). min_partial_perc : float, optional (default: 0.0) The minimum percentage of a :class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` 's area or :class:`shapely.geometry.LineString` 's length that must be retained within a tile's bounds to be included in the output. Defaults to ``0.0``, meaning that the contained portion of a clipped geometry will be included, no matter how small. dest_fname_base : str, optional (default: 'geoms') The base filename to use when creating outputs. The lower left corner coordinates of the tile's bounding box will be appended when saving. obj_id_col : str, optional (default: None) If ``split_multi_geoms=True``, the name of a column that specifies a unique identifier for each geometry (e.g. the ``"BuildingId"`` column in many SpaceNet datasets.) See :func:`solaris.utils.geo.split_multi_geometries` for more. output_ext : str, optional, (default: geojson) Extension of output files, can be 'geojson' or 'json'. """ if isinstance(src, gpd.GeoDataFrame) and is None: raise ValueError("If the src input is a geopandas.GeoDataFrame, it must have a crs attribute.") tile_gen = self.tile_generator(src, tile_bounds, tile_bounds_crs, geom_type, split_multi_geoms, min_partial_perc, obj_id_col=obj_id_col) self.tile_paths = [] for tile_gdf, tb in tqdm(tile_gen): if self.proj_unit not in ['meter', 'metre']: dest_path = os.path.join( self.dest_dir, '{}_{}_{}{}'.format(dest_fname_base, np.round(tb[0], 3), np.round(tb[3], 3), output_ext)) else: dest_path = os.path.join( self.dest_dir, '{}_{}_{}{}'.format(dest_fname_base, int(tb[0]), int(tb[3]), output_ext)) self.tile_paths.append(dest_path) if len(tile_gdf) > 0: tile_gdf.to_file(dest_path, driver='GeoJSON') else: save_empty_geojson(dest_path, self.dest_crs) def tile_generator(self, src, tile_bounds, tile_bounds_crs=None, geom_type='Polygon', split_multi_geoms=True, min_partial_perc=0.0, obj_id_col=None): """Generate `src` vector data tiles bounded by `tile_bounds`. Arguments --------- src : `str` or :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The source vector data to tile. Must either be a path to a GeoJSON or a :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame`. tile_bounds : list A :class:`list` made up of ``[left, top, right, bottom] `` sublists (this can be extracted from :class:`solaris.tile.raster_tile.RasterTiler` after tiling imagery) tile_bounds_crs : int, optional The EPSG code for the CRS that the tile bounds are in. If not provided, it's assumed that the CRS is the same as in `src`. This argument must be provided if the bound coordinates and `src` are not in the same CRS, otherwise tiling will not occur correctly. geom_type : str, optional (default: "Polygon") The type of geometries contained within `src`. Defaults to ``"Polygon"``, can also be ``"LineString"``. split_multi_geoms : bool, optional (default: True) Should multi-polygons or multi-linestrings generated by clipping a geometry into discontinuous pieces be separated? Defaults to yes (``True``). min_partial_perc : float, optional (default: 0.0) The minimum percentage of a :class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` 's area or :class:`shapely.geometry.LineString` 's length that must be retained within a tile's bounds to be included in the output. Defaults to ``0.0``, meaning that the contained portion of a clipped geometry will be included, no matter how small. obj_id_col : str, optional (default: None) If ``split_multi_geoms=True``, the name of a column that specifies a unique identifier for each geometry (e.g. the ``"BuildingId"`` column in many SpaceNet datasets.) See :func:`solaris.utils.geo.split_multi_geometries` for more. Yields ------ tile_gdf : :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A tile geodataframe. tb : list A list with ``[left, top, right, bottom] `` coordinates for the boundaries contained by `tile_gdf`. """ self.src = _check_gdf_load(src) if self.verbose: print("Num tiles:", len(tile_bounds)) self.src_crs = _check_crs( # check if the tile bounds and vector are in the same crs if tile_bounds_crs is not None: tile_bounds_crs = _check_crs(tile_bounds_crs) else: tile_bounds_crs = self.src_crs if self.src_crs != tile_bounds_crs: reproject_bounds = True # used to transform tb for clip_gdf() else: reproject_bounds = False self.proj_unit = get_projection_unit(self.src_crs) if getattr(self, 'dest_crs', None) is None: self.dest_crs = self.src_crs for i, tb in enumerate(tile_bounds): if self.super_verbose: print("\n", i, "/", len(tile_bounds)) if reproject_bounds: tile_gdf = clip_gdf(self.src, reproject_geometry(box(*tb), tile_bounds_crs, self.src_crs), min_partial_perc, geom_type, verbose=self.super_verbose) else: tile_gdf = clip_gdf(self.src, tb, min_partial_perc, geom_type, verbose=self.super_verbose) if self.src_crs != self.dest_crs: tile_gdf = tile_gdf.to_crs(crs=self.dest_crs.to_wkt()) if split_multi_geoms: split_multi_geometries(tile_gdf, obj_id_col=obj_id_col) yield tile_gdf, tb def search_gdf_polygon(gdf, tile_polygon): """Find polygons in a GeoDataFrame that overlap with `tile_polygon` . Arguments --------- gdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` of polygons to search. tile_polygon : :py:class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` A :py:class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` denoting a tile's bounds. Returns ------- precise_matches : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The subset of `gdf` that overlaps with `tile_polygon` . If there are no overlaps, this will return an empty :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame`. """ sindex = gdf.sindex possible_matches_index = list(sindex.intersection(tile_polygon.bounds)) possible_matches = gdf.iloc[possible_matches_index] precise_matches = possible_matches[ possible_matches.intersects(tile_polygon) ] if precise_matches.empty: precise_matches = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[]) return precise_matches def clip_gdf(gdf, tile_bounds, min_partial_perc=0.0, geom_type="Polygon", use_sindex=True, verbose=False): """Clip GDF to a provided polygon. Clips objects within `gdf` to the region defined by `poly_to_cut`. Also adds several columns to the output:: `origarea` The original area of the polygons (only used if `geom_type` == ``"Polygon"``). `origlen` The original length of the objects (only used if `geom_type` == ``"LineString"``). `partialDec` The fraction of the object that remains after clipping (fraction of area for Polygons, fraction of length for LineStrings.) Can filter based on this by using `min_partial_perc`. `truncated` Boolean indicator of whether or not an object was clipped. Arguments --------- gdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` of polygons to clip. tile_bounds : `list` or :class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` The geometry to clip objects in `gdf` to. This can either be a ``[left, top, right, bottom] `` bounds list or a :class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` object defining the area to keep. min_partial_perc : float, optional The minimum fraction of an object in `gdf` that must be preserved. Defaults to 0.0 (include any object if any part remains following clipping). geom_type : str, optional Type of objects in `gdf`. Can be one of ``["Polygon", "LineString"]`` . Defaults to ``"Polygon"`` . use_sindex : bool, optional Use the `gdf` sindex be used for searching. Improves efficiency but requires `libspatialindex `__ . verbose : bool, optional Switch to print relevant values. Returns ------- cut_gdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` `gdf` with all contained objects clipped to `poly_to_cut` . See notes above for details on additional clipping columns added. """ if isinstance(tile_bounds, tuple): tb = box(*tile_bounds) elif isinstance(tile_bounds, list): tb = box(*tile_bounds) elif isinstance(tile_bounds, Polygon): tb = tile_bounds if use_sindex and (geom_type == "Polygon"): gdf = search_gdf_polygon(gdf, tb) # if geom_type == "LineString": if 'origarea' in gdf.columns: pass else: if "geom_type" == "LineString": gdf['origarea'] = 0 else: gdf['origarea'] = gdf.area if 'origlen' in gdf.columns: pass else: if "geom_type" == "LineString": gdf['origlen'] = gdf.length else: gdf['origlen'] = 0 # TODO must implement different case for lines and for spatialIndex # (Assume RTree is already performed) cut_gdf = gdf.copy() cut_gdf.geometry = gdf.intersection(tb) if geom_type == 'Polygon': cut_gdf['partialDec'] = cut_gdf.area / cut_gdf['origarea'] cut_gdf = cut_gdf.loc[cut_gdf['partialDec'] > min_partial_perc, :] cut_gdf['truncated'] = (cut_gdf['partialDec'] != 1.0).astype(int) else: # assume linestrings # remove null cut_gdf = cut_gdf[cut_gdf['geometry'].notnull()] cut_gdf['partialDec'] = 1 cut_gdf['truncated'] = 0 # cut_gdf = cut_gdf[cut_gdf.geom_type != "GeometryCollection"] if len(cut_gdf) > 0 and verbose: print("clip_gdf() - gdf.iloc[0]:", gdf.iloc[0]) print("clip_gdf() - tb:", tb) print("clip_gdf() - gdf_cut:", cut_gdf) # TODO: IMPLEMENT TRUNCATION MEASUREMENT FOR LINESTRINGS return cut_gdf