U ˆófbž3ã@sHdZddlZddlZddd„Zddd„Zdd d „Zdd d „Zd d„Z dS)zUtility functions for data io.éNFÚautocCsÞtj |¡}|jtjkrd}n¦|jtjkr0d}n”|jtjtjtj fkr¼t  |¡dkrht  |¡dkrhd}qÄt  |¡dkrŠt  |¡dkrŠd}qÄt  |¡dkržd}qÄt  |¡d kr²d }qÄt d ƒ‚nt d ƒ‚|rÚt |||||d }|S) a3Read in an image file and rescale pixel values (if applicable). Note ---- Because overhead imagery is often either 16-bit or multispectral (i.e. >3 channels or bands that don't directly translate into the RGB scheme of photographs), this package using scikit-image_ ``io`` algorithms. Though slightly slower, these algorithms are compatible with any bit depth or channel count. .. _scikit-image: https://scikit-image.org Arguments --------- path : str Path to the image file to load. make_8bit : bool, optional Should the image be converted to an 8-bit format? Defaults to False. rescale : bool, optional Should pixel intensities be rescaled? Defaults to no (False). rescale_min : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The minimum pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_min`, the minimum pixel intensity in each channel of the image will be subtracted such that the minimum value becomes zero. If a single number is provided, that number will be subtracted from each channel. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be subtracted from the corresponding channels. rescale_max : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The max pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_max`, each channel will be rescaled such that the maximum value in the channel is set to the bit range's max. If a single number is provided, that number will be set as the upper limit for all channels. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be set to the maximum value in the corresponding channels. Returns ------- im : :func:`numpy.array` A NumPy array of shape ``[Y, X, C]`` containing the imagery, with dtype ``uint8``. Úuint8Úuint16érúzero-one normalizedúz-scoredéÿú 255 floatéÿÿú 65535 floatz.The loaded image array is an unexpected dtype.)ÚrescaleÚ rescale_minÚ rescale_max)ÚskimageÚioÚimreadÚdtypeÚnprrÚfloat16Úfloat32Úfloat64ÚamaxÚaminÚ TypeErrorÚpreprocess_im_arr)ÚpathZ make_8bitr r rÚim_arrr©rúf/home/ec2-user/SageMaker/vegetation-management-remars2022/remars2022-workshop/libs/solaris/utils/io.pyrs,.    þrcCs|jdkrtdƒ‚|jdkr4|dd…dd…tjf}|jd|jdkrVt |dd¡}|rht||||ƒ}|dkrz| d¡S|dkrœ| d ¡d d  d¡}nd|d kr¸|d d d¡}nH|dkrÐ|d d¡}n0|dkrä| d¡}n|dkr|dd d¡}|S)aSConvert image to standard shape and dtype for use in the pipeline. Notes ----- This repo will require the following of images: - Their shape is of form [X, Y, C] - Input images are dtype ``uint8`` This function will take an image array `im_arr` and reshape it accordingly. Arguments --------- im_arr : :func:`numpy.array` A numpy array representation of an image. `im_arr` should have either two or three dimensions. im_format : str One of ``'uint8'``, ``'uint16'``, ``'z-scored'``, ``'zero-one normalized'``, ``'255 float'``, or ``'65535 float'``. String indicating the dtype of the input, which will dictate the preprocessing applied. rescale : bool, optional Should pixel intensities be rescaled? Defaults to no (False). rescale_min : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The minimum pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_min`, the minimum pixel intensity in each channel of the image will be subtracted such that the minimum value becomes zero. If a single number is provided, that number will be subtracted from each channel. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be subtracted from the corresponding channels. rescale_max : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The max pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_max`, each channel will be rescaled such that the maximum value in the channel is set to the bit range's max. If a single number is provided, that number will be set as the upper limit for all channels. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be set to the maximum value in the corresponding channels. Returns ------- A :func:`numpy.array` with shape ``[X, Y, C]`` and dtype ``uint8``. )éézXThis package can only read two-dimensionalimage data with an optional channel dimension.rNréÿÿÿÿrrrçào@çàÿï@rrg0f@rrr r r )ÚndimÚ ValueErrorrÚnewaxisÚshapeÚmoveaxisÚ rescale_arrÚastype)rÚ im_formatr r rrrrrNs*0     rcCs|dkr |S|dkr$|| ¡}|S|dkrD|t |¡t |¡S|dkr˜| ¡dkrnd|d}| d¡S| ¡d krŒd|}| d¡S| d¡Snj|d krú| ¡dkrÐ| ¡d krÐd |d}| d ¡S| ¡d krîd |}| d ¡S| d ¡Sntd ƒ‚dS)a”Scale an image to a model's required parameters. Arguments --------- image : :class:`np.array` The image array to be transformed to a desired output format. output_type : str, optional The data format of the output to pass into the model. There are five possible values: * ``'normalized'`` : values rescaled to 0-1. * ``'zscored'`` : image converted to zero mean and unit stdev. * ``'8bit'`` : image converted to 8-bit format. * ``'16bit'`` : image converted to 16-bit format. If no value is provided, no re-scaling is performed (input array is returned directly). NÚ normalizedZzscoredÚ8bitrr"r rrÚ16bitr#rzCoutput_type must be one of "normalized", "zscored", "8bit", "16bit")ÚmaxrÚmeanÚstdr*r%)ÚimageÚ output_typeZout_imrrrÚscale_for_modelšs0             r4cCs¤t|tƒr2t|ƒ|jdkr&tdƒ‚qtt |¡}nBt|tƒsFt|tƒr^t |g|jd¡}n|dkrttj |dd}t|tƒr¦t|ƒ|jdkrštdƒ‚qèt |¡}nBt|tƒsºt|tƒrÒt |g|jd¡}n|dkrètj |dd}d}|dkrúd}n|d kr d }n|d krd }t |jdƒD]Z}|dd…dd…|f}||||||k<||||||k<||dd…dd…|f<q&|dk r |||||}|S) açRescale array values in a 3D image array with channel order [Y, X, C]. Arguments --------- im_arr : :class:`numpy.array` A numpy array representation of an image. `im_arr` should have either two or three dimensions. im_format : str One of ``'uint8'``, ``'uint16'``, ``'z-scored'``, ``'zero-one normalized'``, ``'255 float'``, or ``'65535 float'``. String indicating the dtype of the input, which will dictate the preprocessing applied. rescale_min : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The minimum pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_min`, the minimum pixel intensity in each channel of the image will be subtracted such that the minimum value becomes zero. If a single number is provided, that number will be subtracted from each channel. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be subtracted from the corresponding channels. rescale_max : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The max pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_max`, each channel will be rescaled such that the maximum value in the channel is set to the bit range's max. If a single number is provided, that number will be set as the upper limit for all channels. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be set to the maximum value in the corresponding channels. Returns ------- normalized_arr : :class:`numpy.array` rz^The channel rescaling parameters must be either a single value or a list of length n_channels.r)rr)ÚaxisN)rr r)rr r rr) Ú isinstanceÚlistÚlenr'r%rÚarrayÚintÚfloatrrÚrange)rr+r rÚ scale_factorÚchannelÚsubarrrrrr)ÎsB#          ÿr)cCsÀ|j}t|ƒdkrb|d|dkr:|dkr:t |dd¡}q¼|d|dkr¼|dkr¼t |dd¡}nZt|ƒdkr¼|d|dkr–|dkr–t |dd¡}n&|d|dkr¼|dkr¼t |dd¡}|S)Nr rr)ÚtorchÚpytorchÚkerasér)r'r8rr()rÚ frameworkÚim_shaperrrÚ_check_channel_order s  rF)FFrr)Frr)N)rr) Ú__doc__ÚnumpyrZ skimage.iorrrr4r)rFrrrrÚsÿ Hÿ L 4 R