"""Utility functions for data io.""" import numpy as np import skimage.io def imread(path, make_8bit=False, rescale=False, rescale_min='auto', rescale_max='auto'): """Read in an image file and rescale pixel values (if applicable). Note ---- Because overhead imagery is often either 16-bit or multispectral (i.e. >3 channels or bands that don't directly translate into the RGB scheme of photographs), this package using scikit-image_ ``io`` algorithms. Though slightly slower, these algorithms are compatible with any bit depth or channel count. .. _scikit-image: https://scikit-image.org Arguments --------- path : str Path to the image file to load. make_8bit : bool, optional Should the image be converted to an 8-bit format? Defaults to False. rescale : bool, optional Should pixel intensities be rescaled? Defaults to no (False). rescale_min : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The minimum pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_min`, the minimum pixel intensity in each channel of the image will be subtracted such that the minimum value becomes zero. If a single number is provided, that number will be subtracted from each channel. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be subtracted from the corresponding channels. rescale_max : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The max pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_max`, each channel will be rescaled such that the maximum value in the channel is set to the bit range's max. If a single number is provided, that number will be set as the upper limit for all channels. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be set to the maximum value in the corresponding channels. Returns ------- im : :func:`numpy.array` A NumPy array of shape ``[Y, X, C]`` containing the imagery, with dtype ``uint8``. """ im_arr = skimage.io.imread(path) # check dtype for preprocessing if im_arr.dtype == np.uint8: dtype = 'uint8' elif im_arr.dtype == np.uint16: dtype = 'uint16' elif im_arr.dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]: if np.amax(im_arr) <= 1 and np.amin(im_arr) >= 0: dtype = 'zero-one normalized' # range = 0-1 elif np.amax(im_arr) > 0 and np.amin(im_arr) < 0: dtype = 'z-scored' elif np.amax(im_arr) <= 255: dtype = '255 float' elif np.amax(im_arr) <= 65535: dtype = '65535 float' else: raise TypeError('The loaded image array is an unexpected dtype.') else: raise TypeError('The loaded image array is an unexpected dtype.') if make_8bit: im_arr = preprocess_im_arr(im_arr, dtype, rescale=rescale, rescale_min=rescale_min, rescale_max=rescale_max) return im_arr def preprocess_im_arr(im_arr, im_format, rescale=False, rescale_min='auto', rescale_max='auto'): """Convert image to standard shape and dtype for use in the pipeline. Notes ----- This repo will require the following of images: - Their shape is of form [X, Y, C] - Input images are dtype ``uint8`` This function will take an image array `im_arr` and reshape it accordingly. Arguments --------- im_arr : :func:`numpy.array` A numpy array representation of an image. `im_arr` should have either two or three dimensions. im_format : str One of ``'uint8'``, ``'uint16'``, ``'z-scored'``, ``'zero-one normalized'``, ``'255 float'``, or ``'65535 float'``. String indicating the dtype of the input, which will dictate the preprocessing applied. rescale : bool, optional Should pixel intensities be rescaled? Defaults to no (False). rescale_min : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The minimum pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_min`, the minimum pixel intensity in each channel of the image will be subtracted such that the minimum value becomes zero. If a single number is provided, that number will be subtracted from each channel. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be subtracted from the corresponding channels. rescale_max : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The max pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_max`, each channel will be rescaled such that the maximum value in the channel is set to the bit range's max. If a single number is provided, that number will be set as the upper limit for all channels. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be set to the maximum value in the corresponding channels. Returns ------- A :func:`numpy.array` with shape ``[X, Y, C]`` and dtype ``uint8``. """ # get [Y, X, C] axis order set up if im_arr.ndim not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError('This package can only read two-dimensional' 'image data with an optional channel dimension.') if im_arr.ndim == 2: im_arr = im_arr[:, :, np.newaxis] if im_arr.shape[0] < im_arr.shape[2]: # if the channel axis comes first im_arr = np.moveaxis(im_arr, 0, -1) # move 0th axis tolast position # rescale images (if applicable) if rescale: im_arr = rescale_arr(im_arr, im_format, rescale_min, rescale_max) if im_format == 'uint8': return im_arr.astype('uint8') # just to be sure elif im_format == 'uint16': im_arr = (im_arr.astype('float64')*255./65535.).astype('uint8') elif im_format == 'z-scored': im_arr = ((im_arr+1)*177.5).astype('uint8') elif im_format == 'zero-one normalized': im_arr = (im_arr*255).astype('uint8') elif im_format == '255 float': im_arr = im_arr.astype('uint8') elif im_format == '65535 float': # why are you using this format? im_arr = (im_arr*255/65535).astype('uint8') return im_arr def scale_for_model(image, output_type=None): """Scale an image to a model's required parameters. Arguments --------- image : :class:`np.array` The image array to be transformed to a desired output format. output_type : str, optional The data format of the output to pass into the model. There are five possible values: * ``'normalized'`` : values rescaled to 0-1. * ``'zscored'`` : image converted to zero mean and unit stdev. * ``'8bit'`` : image converted to 8-bit format. * ``'16bit'`` : image converted to 16-bit format. If no value is provided, no re-scaling is performed (input array is returned directly). """ if output_type is None: return image elif output_type == 'normalized': out_im = image/image.max() return out_im elif output_type == 'zscored': return (image - np.mean(image))/np.std(image) elif output_type == '8bit': if image.max() > 255: # assume it's 16-bit, rescale to 8-bit scale to min/max out_im = 255.*image/65535 return out_im.astype('uint8') elif image.max() <= 1: out_im = 255.*image return out_im.astype('uint8') else: return image.astype('uint8') elif output_type == '16bit': if (image.max() < 255) and (image.max() > 1): # scale to min/max out_im = 65535.*image/255 return out_im.astype('uint16') elif image.max() <= 1: out_im = 65535.*image return out_im.astype('uint16') else: return image.astype('uint16') else: raise ValueError('output_type must be one of' ' "normalized", "zscored", "8bit", "16bit"') def rescale_arr(im_arr, im_format, rescale_min='auto', rescale_max='auto'): """Rescale array values in a 3D image array with channel order [Y, X, C]. Arguments --------- im_arr : :class:`numpy.array` A numpy array representation of an image. `im_arr` should have either two or three dimensions. im_format : str One of ``'uint8'``, ``'uint16'``, ``'z-scored'``, ``'zero-one normalized'``, ``'255 float'``, or ``'65535 float'``. String indicating the dtype of the input, which will dictate the preprocessing applied. rescale_min : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The minimum pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_min`, the minimum pixel intensity in each channel of the image will be subtracted such that the minimum value becomes zero. If a single number is provided, that number will be subtracted from each channel. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be subtracted from the corresponding channels. rescale_max : ``'auto'`` or :class:`int` or :class:`float` or :class:`list` The max pixel value(s) for rescaling. If ``rescale=True`` but no value is provided for `rescale_max`, each channel will be rescaled such that the maximum value in the channel is set to the bit range's max. If a single number is provided, that number will be set as the upper limit for all channels. If a list of values is provided that is the same length as the number of channels, then those values will be set to the maximum value in the corresponding channels. Returns ------- normalized_arr : :class:`numpy.array` """ if isinstance(rescale_min, list): if len(rescale_min) != im_arr.shape[2]: # if list len != channels raise ValueError('The channel rescaling parameters must be ' 'either a single value or a list of length ' 'n_channels.') else: rescale_min = np.array(rescale_min) elif isinstance(rescale_min, int) or isinstance(rescale_min, float): rescale_min = np.array([rescale_min]*im_arr.shape[2]) elif rescale_min == 'auto': rescale_min = np.amin(im_arr, axis=(0, 1)) if isinstance(rescale_max, list): if len(rescale_max) != im_arr.shape[2]: # if list len != channels raise ValueError('The channel rescaling parameters must be ' 'either a single value or a list of length ' 'n_channels.') else: rescale_max = np.array(rescale_max) elif isinstance(rescale_max, int) or isinstance(rescale_max, float): rescale_max = np.array([rescale_max]*im_arr.shape[2]) elif rescale_max == 'auto': rescale_max = np.amax(im_arr, axis=(0, 1)) scale_factor = None if im_format in ['uint8', '255 float']: scale_factor = 255 elif im_format in ['uint16', '65535 float']: scale_factor = 65535 elif im_format == 'zero-one normalized': scale_factor = 1 # set all values above the scale max to the scale max, and all values # below the scale min to the scale min for channel in range(im_arr.shape[2]): subarr = im_arr[:, :, channel] subarr[subarr < rescale_min[channel]] = rescale_min[channel] subarr[subarr > rescale_max[channel]] = rescale_max[channel] im_arr[:, :, channel] = subarr if scale_factor is not None: im_arr = (im_arr-rescale_min)*( scale_factor/(rescale_max-rescale_min)) return im_arr def _check_channel_order(im_arr, framework): im_shape = im_arr.shape if len(im_shape) == 3: # doesn't matter for 1-channel images if im_shape[0] > im_shape[2] and framework in ['torch', 'pytorch']: # in [Y, X, C], needs to be in [C, Y, X] im_arr = np.moveaxis(im_arr, 2, 0) elif im_shape[2] > im_shape[0] and framework == 'keras': # in [C, Y, X], needs to be in [Y, X, C] im_arr = np.moveaxis(im_arr, 0, 2) elif len(im_shape) == 4: # for a whole minibatch if im_shape[1] > im_shape[3] and framework in ['torch', 'pytorch']: # in [Y, X, C], needs to be in [C, Y, X] im_arr = np.moveaxis(im_arr, 3, 1) elif im_shape[3] > im_shape[1] and framework == 'keras': # in [C, Y, X], needs to be in [Y, X, C] im_arr = np.moveaxis(im_arr, 1, 3) return im_arr