import os import shapely from affine import Affine import rasterio from rasterio.warp import transform_bounds from import CRS from ..utils.geo import list_to_affine, _reduce_geom_precision from ..utils.core import _check_gdf_load, _check_crs, _check_rasterio_im_load from ..raster.image import get_geo_transform from shapely.geometry import box, Polygon import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from rtree.core import RTreeError import shutil def convert_poly_coords(geom, raster_src=None, affine_obj=None, inverse=False, precision=None): """Georegister geometry objects currently in pixel coords or vice versa. Arguments --------- geom : :class:`shapely.geometry.shape` or str A :class:`shapely.geometry.shape`, or WKT string-formatted geometry object currently in pixel coordinates. raster_src : str, optional Path to a raster image with georeferencing data to apply to `geom`. Alternatively, an opened :class:`rasterio.Band` object or :class:`osgeo.gdal.Dataset` object can be provided. Required if not using `affine_obj`. affine_obj: list or :class:`affine.Affine` An affine transformation to apply to `geom` in the form of an ``[a, b, d, e, xoff, yoff]`` list or an :class:`affine.Affine` object. Required if not using `raster_src`. inverse : bool, optional If true, will perform the inverse affine transformation, going from geospatial coordinates to pixel coordinates. precision : int, optional Decimal precision for the polygon output. If not provided, rounding is skipped. Returns ------- out_geom A geometry in the same format as the input with its coordinate system transformed to match the destination object. """ if not raster_src and not affine_obj: raise ValueError("Either raster_src or affine_obj must be provided.") if raster_src is not None: affine_xform = get_geo_transform(raster_src) else: if isinstance(affine_obj, Affine): affine_xform = affine_obj else: # assume it's a list in either gdal or "standard" order # (list_to_affine checks which it is) if len(affine_obj) == 9: # if it's straight from rasterio affine_obj = affine_obj[0:6] affine_xform = list_to_affine(affine_obj) if inverse: # geo->px transform affine_xform = ~affine_xform if isinstance(geom, str): # get the polygon out of the wkt string g = shapely.wkt.loads(geom) elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry): g = geom else: raise TypeError('The provided geometry is not an accepted format. ' 'This function can only accept WKT strings and ' 'shapely geometries.') xformed_g = shapely.affinity.affine_transform(g, [affine_xform.a, affine_xform.b, affine_xform.d, affine_xform.e, affine_xform.xoff, affine_xform.yoff]) if isinstance(geom, str): # restore to wkt string format xformed_g = shapely.wkt.dumps(xformed_g) if precision is not None: xformed_g = _reduce_geom_precision(xformed_g, precision=precision) return xformed_g def affine_transform_gdf(gdf, affine_obj, inverse=False, geom_col="geometry", precision=None): """Perform an affine transformation on a GeoDataFrame. Arguments --------- gdf : :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame`, :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, or `str` A GeoDataFrame, pandas DataFrame with a ``"geometry"`` column (or a different column containing geometries, identified by `geom_col` - note that this column will be renamed ``"geometry"`` for ease of use with geopandas), or the path to a saved file in .geojson or .csv format. affine_obj : list or :class:`affine.Affine` An affine transformation to apply to `geom` in the form of an ``[a, b, d, e, xoff, yoff]`` list or an :class:`affine.Affine` object. inverse : bool, optional Use this argument to perform the inverse transformation. geom_col : str, optional The column in `gdf` corresponding to the geometry. Defaults to ``'geometry'``. precision : int, optional Decimal precision to round the geometries to. If not provided, no rounding is performed. """ if isinstance(gdf, str): # assume it's a geojson if gdf.lower().endswith('json'): gdf = gpd.read_file(gdf) elif gdf.lower().endswith('csv'): gdf = pd.read_csv(gdf) else: raise ValueError( "The file format is incompatible with this function.") if 'geometry' not in gdf.columns: gdf = gdf.rename(columns={geom_col: 'geometry'}) if not isinstance(gdf['geometry'][0], Polygon): gdf['geometry'] = gdf['geometry'].apply(shapely.wkt.loads) gdf["geometry"] = gdf["geometry"].apply(convert_poly_coords, affine_obj=affine_obj, inverse=inverse) if precision is not None: gdf['geometry'] = gdf['geometry'].apply( _reduce_geom_precision, precision=precision) # the CRS is no longer valid - remove it = None return gdf def georegister_px_df(df, im_path=None, affine_obj=None, crs=None, geom_col='geometry', precision=None, output_path=None): """Convert a dataframe of geometries in pixel coordinates to a geo CRS. Arguments --------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with polygons in a column named ``"geometry"``. im_path : str, optional A filename or :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader` object containing an image that has the same bounds as the pixel coordinates in `df`. If not provided, `affine_obj` and `crs` must both be provided. affine_obj : `list` or :class:`affine.Affine`, optional An affine transformation to apply to `geom` in the form of an ``[a, b, d, e, xoff, yoff]`` list or an :class:`affine.Affine` object. Required if not using `raster_src`. crs : valid CRS `str`, `int`, or :class:`` instance The coordinate reference system for the output GeoDataFrame as an EPSG code integer. Required if not providing a raster image to extract the information from. geom_col : str, optional The column containing geometry in `df`. If not provided, defaults to ``"geometry"``. precision : int, optional The decimal precision for output geometries. If not provided, the vertex locations won't be rounded. output_path : str, optional Path to save the resulting output to. If not provided, the object won't be saved to disk. """ if im_path is not None: im = _check_rasterio_im_load(im_path) affine_obj = im.transform crs = else: if not affine_obj or not crs: raise ValueError('If an image path is not provided, ' 'affine_obj and crs must be.') crs = _check_crs(crs) tmp_df = affine_transform_gdf(df, affine_obj, geom_col=geom_col, precision=precision) result = gpd.GeoDataFrame(tmp_df, crs='epsg:' + str(crs.to_epsg())) if output_path is not None: if output_path.lower().endswith('json'): result.to_file(output_path, driver='GeoJSON') else: result.to_csv(output_path, index=False) return result def geojson_to_px_gdf(geojson, im_path, geom_col='geometry', precision=None, output_path=None, override_crs=False): """Convert a geojson or set of geojsons from geo coords to px coords. Arguments --------- geojson : str Path to a geojson. This function will also accept a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` with a column named ``'geometry'`` in this argument. im_path : str Path to a georeferenced image (ie a GeoTIFF) that geolocates to the same geography as the `geojson`(s). This function will also accept a :class:`osgeo.gdal.Dataset` or :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader` with georeferencing information in this argument. geom_col : str, optional The column containing geometry in `geojson`. If not provided, defaults to ``"geometry"``. precision : int, optional The decimal precision for output geometries. If not provided, the vertex locations won't be rounded. output_path : str, optional Path to save the resulting output to. If not provided, the object won't be saved to disk. override_crs: bool, optional Useful if the geojsons generated by the vector tiler or otherwise were saved out with a non EPSG code projection. True sets the gdf crs to that of the image, the inputs should have the same underlying projection for this to work. If False, and the gdf does not have an EPSG code, this function will fail. Returns ------- output_df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with all geometries in `geojson` that overlapped with the image at `im_path` converted to pixel coordinates. Additional columns are included with the filename of the source geojson (if available) and images for reference. """ # get the bbox and affine transforms for the image im = _check_rasterio_im_load(im_path) if isinstance(im_path, rasterio.DatasetReader): im_path = # make sure the geo vector data is loaded in as geodataframe(s) gdf = _check_gdf_load(geojson) if len(gdf): # if there's at least one geometry if override_crs: = overlap_gdf = get_overlapping_subset(gdf, im) else: overlap_gdf = gdf affine_obj = im.transform transformed_gdf = affine_transform_gdf(overlap_gdf, affine_obj=affine_obj, inverse=True, precision=precision, geom_col=geom_col) transformed_gdf['image_fname'] = os.path.split(im_path)[1] if output_path is not None: if output_path.lower().endswith('json'): transformed_gdf.to_file(output_path, driver='GeoJSON') else: transformed_gdf.to_csv(output_path, index=False) return transformed_gdf def get_overlapping_subset(gdf, im=None, bbox=None, bbox_crs=None): """Extract a subset of geometries in a GeoDataFrame that overlap with `im`. Notes ----- This function uses RTree's spatialindex, which is much faster (but slightly less accurate) than direct comparison of each object for overlap. Arguments --------- gdf : :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` instance or a path to a geojson. im : :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader` or `str`, optional An image object loaded with `rasterio` or a path to a georeferenced image (i.e. a GeoTIFF). bbox : `list` or :class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon`, optional A bounding box (either a :class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` or a ``[bottom, left, top, right]`` `list`) from an image. Has no effect if `im` is provided (`bbox` is inferred from the image instead.) If `bbox` is passed and `im` is not, a `bbox_crs` should be provided to ensure correct geolocation - if it isn't, it will be assumed to have the same crs as `gdf`. bbox_crs : int, optional The coordinate reference system that the bounding box is in as an EPSG int. If not provided, it's assumed that the CRS is the same as `im` (if provided) or `gdf` (if not). Returns ------- output_gdf : :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` with all geometries in `gdf` that overlapped with the image at `im`. Coordinates are kept in the CRS of `gdf`. """ if im is None and bbox is None: raise ValueError('Either `im` or `bbox` must be provided.') gdf = _check_gdf_load(gdf) sindex = gdf.sindex if im is not None: im = _check_rasterio_im_load(im) # currently, convert CRSs to WKT strings here to accommodate rasterio. bbox = transform_bounds(, _check_crs(, return_rasterio=True), *im.bounds) bbox_crs = # use transform_bounds in case the crs is different - no effect if not if isinstance(bbox, Polygon): bbox = bbox.bounds if bbox_crs is None: try: bbox_crs = _check_crs(, return_rasterio=True) except AttributeError: raise ValueError('If `im` and `bbox_crs` are not provided, `gdf`' 'must provide a coordinate reference system.') else: bbox_crs = _check_crs(bbox_crs, return_rasterio=True) # currently, convert CRSs to WKT strings here to accommodate rasterio. bbox = transform_bounds(bbox_crs, _check_crs(, return_rasterio=True), *bbox) try: intersectors = list(sindex.intersection(bbox)) except RTreeError: intersectors = [] return gdf.iloc[intersectors, :] def gdf_to_yolo(geodataframe, image, output_dir, column='single_id', im_size=(0, 0), min_overlap=0.66, remove_no_labels=1): """Convert a geodataframe containing polygons to yolo/yolt format. Arguments --------- geodataframe : str Path to a :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` with a column named ``'geometry'``. Can be created from a geojson with labels for unique objects. Can be converted to this format with ``geodataframe=gpd.read_file("./xView_30.geojson")``. im_path : str Path to a georeferenced image (ie a GeoTIFF or png created with GDAL) that geolocates to the same geography as the `geojson`(s). If a directory, the bounds of each GeoTIFF will be loaded in and all overlapping geometries will be transformed. This function will also accept a :class:`osgeo.gdal.Dataset` or :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader` with georeferencing information in this argument. output_dir : str Path to an output directory where all of the yolo readable text files will be placed. column : str, optional The column name that contians an unique integer id for each of object class. im_size : tuple, optional A tuple specifying the x and y heighth of a an image. If specified as ``(0,0)`` (the default,) then the size is determined automatically. min_overlap : float, optional A float value ranging from 0 to 1. This is a percantage. If a polygon does not overlap the image by at least min_overlap, the polygon is discarded. i.e. 0.66 = 66%. Default value of 0.66. remove_no_labels : int, optional An int value of 0 or 1. If 1, any image not containing any objects will be moved to a directory in the same root path as your input image. If 0, no images will be moved. Default value of 1. Returns ------- gdf : :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame`. The txt file will be written to the output_dir, however the the output gdf itself is returned. """ if im_size == (0, 0): imsize_extract = if len(imsize_extract.shape) == 3: im_size = (imsize_extract.shape[1], imsize_extract.shape[2]) else: im_size = (imsize_extract.shape[0], imsize_extract.shape[1]) [x0, y0, x1, y1] = [0, 0, im_size[0], im_size[1]] out_coords = [[x0, y0], [x0, y1], [x1, y1], [x1, y0]] points = [shapely.geometry.Point(coord) for coord in out_coords] pix_poly = shapely.geometry.Polygon([[p.x, p.y] for p in points]) dw = 1. / im_size[0] dh = 1. / im_size[1] header = [column, "x", "y", "w", "h"] if os.path.isdir(output_dir) is False: os.mkdir(output_dir) output = os.path.join(output_dir, image.split('.png')[0] + ".txt") gdf = geojson_to_px_gdf(geodataframe, image, precision=None) gdf['area'] = gdf['geometry'].area gdf['intersection'] = ( gdf['geometry'].intersection(pix_poly).area / gdf['area']) gdf = gdf[gdf['area'] != 0] gdf = gdf[gdf['intersection'] >= min_overlap] if not gdf.empty: boxy = gdf['geometry'].bounds boxy['xmid'] = (boxy['minx'] + boxy['maxx']) / 2.0 boxy['ymid'] = (boxy['miny'] + boxy['maxy']) / 2.0 boxy['w0'] = (boxy['maxx'] - boxy['minx']) boxy['h0'] = (boxy['maxy'] - boxy['miny']) boxy['x'] = boxy['xmid'] * dw boxy['y'] = boxy['ymid'] * dh boxy['w'] = boxy['w0'] * dw boxy['h'] = boxy['h0'] * dh if not boxy.empty: gdf = gdf.join(boxy) gdf.to_csv(path_or_buf=output, sep=' ', columns=header, index=False, header=False) if remove_no_labels == 1: remove_no_labels_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(image)), "No_Labels") if os.path.isdir(remove_no_labels_dir) is False: os.mkdir(remove_no_labels_dir) if gdf.empty or boxy.empty: shutil.move(image, remove_no_labels_dir) return gdf def remove_multipolygons(gdf): """ Filters out rows of a geodataframe containing MultiPolygons and GeometryCollections. This function is optionally used in geojson2coco. For instance segmentation, where objects are composed of single polygons, multi part geometries need to be either removed or inspected manually to be resolved as a single geometry. """ mask = (gdf.geom_type == "MultiPolygon") | (gdf.geom_type == "GeometryCollection") if mask.any(): return gdf.drop(gdf[mask].index).reset_index(drop=True) else: return gdf