import logging import os import yaml from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from dataclasses import dataclass log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.INFO) CONFIG_FILE = "config/" + os.environ['AWS_REGION'] + ".yaml" SUBNET_TAG_KEY = "TargetSubnetId" START_BACKFILL_TOKEN = "StartToken" SESSION_NUMBER = 100 @dataclass class Instance: network_interface_id: str subnet_id: str vpc_id: str tags: list def load_config(): with open(CONFIG_FILE, 'r') as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f)"Loaded config: %s", config) if not valid_config(config): raise ValueError('Invalid config')'Config is valid') return config def valid_config(config): if not valid_source_type('vpcs', 'vpcId', config): return False if not valid_source_type('subnets', 'subnetId', config): return False if not valid_source_type('tags', 'tagList', config): return False return True def valid_source_type(source_type, source_identifier, config): if source_type in config:'Validating ' + source_type) for target_config in config[source_type]: if not valid_target_config(source_identifier, target_config): return False if (source_type == 'tags') and not valid_tag_based_target_config(target_config): return False return True def valid_target_config(source, target_config): if field_missing(source, target_config): log.error('Missing ' + source) return False if field_missing('filterId', target_config): log.error('Missing filterId') return False if not field_missing('targetId', target_config): return True if field_missing('targetInstanceType', target_config): log.error('Missing targetInstanceType and targetId not specified') return False if field_missing('targetInstanceAmi', target_config): log.error('Missing targetInstanceAmi and targetId not specified') return False if not valid_list_field('targetSecurityGroupIds', target_config): log.error('Invalid targetSecurityGroupIds and targetId not specified') return False return True def valid_tag_based_target_config(target_config): tags = target_config['tagList'] if type(tags) is not list: log.error('Missing tags in tagList') return False for tag in tags: if field_missing('Key', tag): log.error('Missing tag key') return False return True def valid_list_field(field, config): if field not in config: return False value = config[field] if type(value) is not list: return False if len(value) == 0: return False for item in value: if empty(item): return False return True def field_missing(field, config): if field not in config: return True return empty(config[field]) def empty(value): return not value or value == '' or value == '<INSERT_VALUE>' def check_key_and_value(dictionary, key, value): return key in dictionary and dictionary[key] == value # Publishes a message to the specified Topic def publish_message(sns_client, sns_topic_arn, next_token):"Publishing message to SNS topic %s with next_token %s", sns_topic_arn, next_token) message_attribute = {"NextToken": {"DataType": "String", "StringValue": next_token}} sns_client.publish(TopicArn=sns_topic_arn, Message="Backfill existing instances", MessageAttributes=message_attribute) def create_instance_object(instance_details): subnet_id = instance_details["SubnetId"] vpc_id = instance_details["VpcId"] # Extracting only primary interface network_interface_id = instance_details["NetworkInterfaces"][0]["NetworkInterfaceId"] tags = parse_instance_tags(instance_details) return Instance(network_interface_id, subnet_id, vpc_id, tags) # Extract instance tags if available def parse_instance_tags(instance_details): if "Tags" in instance_details: return instance_details["Tags"] elif "tags" in instance_details: return instance_details["tags"] return None # Validate if the instance needs to be setup with Traffic Mirroring def requires_session(ec2, instance): target_filter = {"Name": "network-interface-id", "Values": [instance.network_interface_id]} response = describe_targets(ec2, target_filter) if response["TrafficMirrorTargets"]:"A target %s exists for interface %s. Skipping setting up traffic mirroring session", response["TrafficMirrorTargets"][0]["TrafficMirrorTargetId"], instance.network_interface_id) return False return True # Handler for an event. # Subnet configuration is given a priority over VPC configuration # Tag configuration is given a priority over subnet configuration def handle_event(ec2, instance, config): if instance.tags and "tags" in config: for tag_config in config["tags"]: matched_tags = find_matching_tags(instance.tags, tag_config["tagList"]) if matched_tags:"Instance's tags matches the tracked tags %s", matched_tags) create_session(ec2, instance, tag_config) return if "subnets" in config: for subnet_config in config["subnets"]: if instance.subnet_id == subnet_config["subnetId"]:"Instance's subnet matches the tracked subnet %s", instance.subnet_id) create_session(ec2, instance, subnet_config) return if "vpcs" in config: for vpc_config in config["vpcs"]: if instance.vpc_id == vpc_config["vpcId"]:"Instance's vpc matches the tracked vpc %s", instance.vpc_id) create_session(ec2, instance, vpc_config) return"Instance's properties does not match the tracked tags/subnets/VPCs") # Returns a list of tags present in both config and describe-instances response def find_matching_tags(instance_tags, config_tags): return [tags for tags in instance_tags if tags in config_tags] # Creates a Traffic Mirroring Session def create_session(ec2, instance, config): target_id = get_or_create_target(ec2, instance, config) filter_id = config["filterId"] network_interface_id = instance.network_interface_id"Creating a session with source: %s, target: %s, filter: %s", network_interface_id, target_id, filter_id) try: response = create_traffic_mirror_session(ec2, network_interface_id, target_id, filter_id)"Successfully created a traffic mirror session: %s", response) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'TrafficMirrorSourcesPerTargetLimitExceeded':"Target %s has reached its limit.", target_id) # If a target was not supplied in the config one is created dynamically if not using_predefined_target(config): target_subnet_id = get_target_subnet_id(instance, config)"Creating a new target in %s", target_subnet_id) create_target(ec2, target_subnet_id, config, target_id) create_session(ec2, instance, config) else: raise e else: raise e def create_traffic_mirror_session(ec2, network_interface_id, target_id, filter_id): return ec2.create_traffic_mirror_session(NetworkInterfaceId=network_interface_id, TrafficMirrorTargetId=target_id, TrafficMirrorFilterId=filter_id, SessionNumber=SESSION_NUMBER) # Gets or creates a valid target to use in a session. If a targetId was specified in the config # it will be used. If not, an existing target will be looked up using tags. If no target is found, one will be created def get_or_create_target(ec2, instance, config): if using_predefined_target(config): targetId = config['targetId']'Using provided target: %s', targetId) return targetId'No target provided in config, determining if one needs to be created') target_subnet_id = get_target_subnet_id(instance, config) target_tag_filter = create_response_filter( "tag:" + SUBNET_TAG_KEY, target_subnet_id) response = describe_targets(ec2, target_tag_filter) if response["TrafficMirrorTargets"]: return response["TrafficMirrorTargets"][0]["TrafficMirrorTargetId"] else:'No available target found. Creating one') return create_target(ec2, target_subnet_id, config) def get_target_subnet_id(instance, config): return config["targetSubnetId"] if not field_missing('targetSubnetId', config) else instance.subnet_id # Creates a traffic mirror target with the desired configuration and tags it # The tag is used to find an available target for a subnet. If a target reaches its source per target limit, # a new target is created and the tags on the previous target is removed. def create_target(ec2, target_subnet_id, config, existing_target_id = None): target_instance = launch_target_instance(ec2, target_subnet_id, config) network_interface_id = target_instance["Instances"][0]["NetworkInterfaces"][0]["NetworkInterfaceId"] try: target_id = create_target_with_tag(ec2, network_interface_id, target_subnet_id) remove_subnet_tag(ec2, target_subnet_id, existing_target_id)"TrafficMirrorTarget %s created", target_id) return target_id except Exception as e: target_instance_id = target_instance["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"]"Failed to create target. Terminating the launched target instance %s", target_instance_id) ec2.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=[target_instance_id]) raise e def launch_target_instance(ec2, target_subnet_id, config):"Launching a new EC2 instance for target") return ec2.run_instances(ImageId=config["targetInstanceAmi"], SubnetId=target_subnet_id, InstanceType=config["targetInstanceType"], SecurityGroupIds=config["targetSecurityGroupIds"], MinCount=1, MaxCount=1) def create_target_with_tag(ec2, network_interface_id, target_subnet_id): tag_specifications = { "ResourceType": "traffic-mirror-target", "Tags": [ create_tag(SUBNET_TAG_KEY, target_subnet_id), create_tag("Name", "TrafficMirroringSourceAutomation") ] }"Creating a traffic mirror target with networkInterfaceId: %s", network_interface_id) response = ec2.create_traffic_mirror_target(NetworkInterfaceId=network_interface_id, TagSpecifications=[tag_specifications]) return response["TrafficMirrorTarget"]["TrafficMirrorTargetId"] def describe_targets(ec2, filters): return ec2.describe_traffic_mirror_targets(Filters=[filters]) def remove_subnet_tag(ec2, target_subnet_id, existing_target_id): if existing_target_id:"Removing tag from %s", existing_target_id) ec2.delete_tags(Resources=[existing_target_id], Tags=[create_tag(SUBNET_TAG_KEY, target_subnet_id)]) def create_response_filter(name, value): return {"Name": name, "Values": [value]} def create_tag(key, value): return { "Key": key, "Value": value } # Returns true if the target_config has defined the target to use def using_predefined_target(target_config): return not field_missing('targetId', target_config)