import boto3 import botocore import logging from app_helper import * from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from dataclasses import dataclass log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.INFO) @dataclass class SNSConfig: topic_arn: str next_token: str SNS_CONFIG = SNSConfig(None, None) MAX_RESULTS = 200 CONFIG = load_config() ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') sns = boto3.client('sns') # Entry point for Lambda function which parse the instance launch event and handles it based # on the user provided configuration def lambda_handler(event, context):"Parsing event: %s", event) instances = parse_sns_message(event) if not instances: return for instance in instances:"Parsed instance: %s", instance) if requires_session(ec2, instance): try: handle_event(ec2, instance, CONFIG) except ClientError as e: log.error("Failed to setup traffic mirroring for %s due to error: %s", instance.network_interface_id, e) publish_sns_message() # Publishes a message to SNS Topic if a next token in available from the describe-instances call def publish_sns_message(): if SNS_CONFIG.next_token: publish_message(sns, SNS_CONFIG.topic_arn, SNS_CONFIG.next_token) # Parses the SNS message and returns a list of Instances # Uses the "NextToken" in the message to describe instances def parse_sns_message(event): if "Records" not in event: log.error("The event type is either invalid or not supported") return [] next_token = event["Records"][0]["Sns"]["MessageAttributes"]["NextToken"]["Value"] response = describe_instances(next_token) if not response:"Finished backfilling existing instances.") return [] instance_list = [] for instance in response["Reservations"]: instance_details = instance["Instances"][0] instance = create_instance_object(instance_details) instance_list.append(instance) update_sns_config(event, response) return instance_list def describe_instances(next_token): if not next_token or next_token == START_BACKFILL_TOKEN: return ec2.describe_instances(MaxResults=MAX_RESULTS) return ec2.describe_instances(MaxResults=MAX_RESULTS, NextToken=next_token) def update_sns_config(event, describe_instances_response): global SNS_CONFIG SNS_CONFIG.topic_arn = event["Records"][0]["Sns"]["TopicArn"] if "NextToken" in describe_instances_response: SNS_CONFIG.next_token = describe_instances_response["NextToken"] else: SNS_CONFIG.next_token = None