variable "AppAccessLogBucket" { description = "Application Access Log Bucket Name" type = string default = "myownbucket-tam" } variable "SourceBucket" { description = "Lambda source code bucket" type = string default = "solutions" } variable "KeyPrefix" { description = "Keyprefix values for the lambda source code" type = string default = "aws-waf-security-automations/v3.2.0" } variable "LOG_LEVEL" { description = "Log level" type = string default = "INFO" } variable "sse_algorithm" { description = "sse_algorithm" type = string default = "aws:kms" } #ELigible for switch case variable "ENDPOINT" { description = "cloudfront or ALB" type = string default = "cloudFront" validation { condition = contains(["cloudfront", "ALB"], var.ENDPOINT) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"cloudfront\",\"ALB\"." } } locals { LOG_TYPE = var.ENDPOINT == "ALB" ? "alb" : "cloudFront" } locals { SCOPE = var.ENDPOINT == "ALB" ? "REGIONAL" : "CLOUDFRONT" } variable "USER_AGENT_EXTRA" { description = "UserAgent" type = string default = "AwsSolution/SO0006/v3.2.0" } variable "SEND_ANONYMOUS_USAGE_DATA" { description = "Data collection parameter" type = string default = "yes" } variable "MetricsURL" { description = "Metrics URL" type = string default = "" } variable "SolutionID" { description = "UserAgent id value" type = string default = "SO0006" } variable "KEEP_ORIGINAL_DATA" { description = "S3 original data" type = string default = "No" } variable "SendAnonymousUsageData" { description = "Data collection parameter" type = string default = "yes" } variable "IPRetentionPeriodAllowedParam" { description = "IP Retention Settings allowed value" type = number default = -1 } variable "IPRetentionPeriodDeniedParam" { description = "IP Retention Settings denied value" type = number default = -1 } variable "RequestThreshold" { description = "request threshold for Log Monitoring Settings" type = number default = 100 } variable "WAFBlockPeriod" { description = "block period for Log Monitoring Settings" type = number default = 240 } variable "ErrorThreshold" { description = "error threshold for Log Monitoring Settings" type = number default = 50 } variable "DeliveryStreamName" { description = "Name of the Delivery stream value" type = string default = "terraform-kinesis-firehose-extended-s3-test-stream" } variable "waf_access_logs_columns" { default = { timestamp = "bigint" formatversion = "int" webaclid = "string" terminatingruleid = "string" terminatingruletype = "string" action = "string" httpsourcename = "string" httpsourceid = "string" rulegrouplist = "array" ratebasedrulelist = "array" nonterminatingmatchingrules = "array" httprequest = "struct>,uri:string,args:string,httpversion:string,httpmethod:string,requestid:string>" } } variable "app_access_logs_columns" { default = { type = "string" time = "string" elb = "string" client_ip = "string" client_port = "int" target_ip = "string" target_port = "int" request_processing_time = "double" response_processing_time = "double" target_processing_time = "double" elb_status_code = "string" target_status_code = "string" received_bytes = "bigint" sent_bytes = "bigint" request_verb = "string" request_url = "string" request_proto = "string" user_agent = "string" ssl_cipher = "string" ssl_protocol = "string" target_group_arn = "string" trace_id = "string" domain_name = "string" chosen_cert_arn = "string" matched_rule_priority = "string" request_creation_time = "string" actions_executed = "string" redirect_url = "string" lambda_error_reason = "string" new_field = "string" } } variable "cloudfront_app_access_logs_columns" { default = { date = "date" time = "string" location = "string" bytes = "bigint" requestip = "string" method = "string" host = "string" uri = "string" status = "int" referrer = "string" useragent = "string" querystring = "string" cookie = "string" resulttype = "string" requestid = "string" hostheader = "string" requestprotocol = "string" requestbytes = "bigint" timetaken = "float" xforwardedfor = "string" sslprotocol = "string" sslcipher = "string" responseresulttype = "string" httpversion = "string" filestatus = "string" encryptedfields = "int" } } variable "SNSEmailParam" { description = "SNS notification value" type = string default = "" } locals { SNSEmail = var.SNSEmailParam == "" ? "no" : "yes" } variable "ActivateHttpFloodProtectionParam" { type = string default = "yes - AWS WAF rate based rule" # using contains() validation { condition = contains(["yes - AWS Lambda log parser", "yes - Amazon Athena log parser", "yes - AWS WAF rate based rule", "no"], var.ActivateHttpFloodProtectionParam) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"yes - AWS Lambda log parser\", \"yes - Amazon Athena log parser\",\"yes - AWS WAF rate based rule\", \"no\"." } } locals { HttpFloodProtectionRateBasedRuleActivated = var.ActivateHttpFloodProtectionParam == "yes - AWS WAF rate based rule" ? "yes" : "no" } locals { HttpFloodAthenaLogParser = var.ActivateHttpFloodProtectionParam == "yes - Amazon Athena log parser" ? "yes" : "no" } locals { HttpFloodLambdaLogParser = var.ActivateHttpFloodProtectionParam == "yes - AWS Lambda log parser" ? "yes" : "no" } locals { HttpFloodProtectionLogParserActivated = var.ActivateHttpFloodProtectionParam == "yes - AWS Lambda log parser" || var.ActivateHttpFloodProtectionParam == "yes - Amazon Athena log parser" ? "yes" : "no" } variable "ActivateAWSManagedRulesParam" { type = string default = "no" # using contains() validation { condition = contains(["yes", "no"], var.ActivateAWSManagedRulesParam) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"yes\",\"no\"." } } variable "ActivateSqlInjectionProtectionParam" { type = string default = "yes" # using contains() validation { condition = contains(["yes", "no"], var.ActivateSqlInjectionProtectionParam) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"yes\",\"no\"." } } variable "ActivateCrossSiteScriptingProtectionParam" { type = string default = "yes" # using contains() validation { condition = contains(["yes", "no"], var.ActivateCrossSiteScriptingProtectionParam) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"yes\",\"no\"." } } variable "ActivateReputationListsProtectionParam" { type = string default = "yes" # using contains() validation { condition = contains(["yes", "no"], var.ActivateReputationListsProtectionParam) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"yes\",\"no\"." } } variable "ActivateBadBotProtectionParam" { type = string default = "yes" # using contains() validation { condition = contains(["yes", "no"], var.ActivateBadBotProtectionParam) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"yes\",\"no\"." } } variable "ActivateScannersProbesProtectionParam" { type = string default = "" # using contains() validation { condition = contains(["yes - AWS Lambda log parser", "yes - Amazon Athena log parser", "no"], var.ActivateScannersProbesProtectionParam) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"yes - AWS Lambda log parser\", \"yes - Amazon Athena log parser\",\"no\"." } } locals { ScannersProbesAthenaLogParser = var.ActivateScannersProbesProtectionParam == "yes - Amazon Athena log parser" ? "yes" : "no" } locals { ScannersProbesLambdaLogParser = var.ActivateScannersProbesProtectionParam == "yes - AWS Lambda log parser" ? "yes" : "no" } variable "ScannersProbesProtectionActivated" { type = string default = "yes" description = "" } locals { AthenaLogParser = var.ActivateHttpFloodProtectionParam == "yes - Amazon Athena log parser" && var.ActivateScannersProbesProtectionParam == "yes - Amazon Athena log parser" ? "yes" : "no" } locals { LogParser = var.ActivateHttpFloodProtectionParam != "" && var.ActivateScannersProbesProtectionParam != "" ? "yes" : "no" } variable "BadBotProtectionActivated" { type = string default = "yes" description = "" validation { condition = contains(["yes", "no"], var.BadBotProtectionActivated) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"yes\",\"no\"." } } variable "ReputationListsProtectionActivated" { type = string default = "yes" description = "" validation { condition = contains(["yes", "no"], var.ReputationListsProtectionActivated) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"yes\",\"no\"." } } variable "IPRetentionPeriod" { type = string default = "no" description = "" validation { condition = contains(["yes", "no"], var.IPRetentionPeriod) error_message = "Invalid input, options: \"yes\",\"no\"." } } locals { CustomResourceLambdaAccess = var.ReputationListsProtectionActivated == "yes" || local.AthenaLogParser == "yes" ? "yes" : "no" } locals { ALBScannersProbesAthenaLogParser = var.ActivateScannersProbesProtectionParam == "yes - Amazon Athena log parser" && var.ENDPOINT == "ALB" ? "yes" : "no" } locals { CloudFrontScannersProbesAthenaLogParser = var.ActivateScannersProbesProtectionParam == "yes - Amazon Athena log parser" && var.ENDPOINT == "cloudfront" ? "yes" : "no" }