# # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE accompanying this file # for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # locals { common_tags = { Environment = var.environment Project = var.Project Owner = var.Owner managedBy = "terraform" } #https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/db-auditing.html redshift_logging_region_account_id_bucket_policy = { "us-east-1" : "193672423079", "us-east-2" : "391106570357", "us-west-1" : "262260360010", "us-west-2" : "902366379725", "af-south-1" : "365689465814", "ap-east-1" : "313564881002", "ap-south-1" : "865932855811", "ap-northeast-3" : "090321488786", "ap-northeast-2" : "760740231472", "ap-southeast-1" : "361669875840", "ap-southeast-2" : "762762565011", "ap-northeast-1" : "404641285394", "ca-central-1" : "907379612154", "eu-central-1" : "053454850223", "eu-west-1" : "210876761215", "eu-west-2" : "307160386991", "eu-south-1" : "945612479654", "eu-west-3" : "915173422425", "eu-north-1" : "729911121831", "me-south-1" : "013126148197", "sa-east-1" : "075028567923" } cfront_tags = { AWS_WAF = "Enabled", Environment = "poc", Type = "edge" } app_tags = { AWS_WAF = "Enabled", Environment = "poc", Type = "application" } } data "aws_region" "region" {} data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {} data "aws_caller_identity" "security" { provider = aws.regional } data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {} data "aws_caller_identity" "us-east-1" { provider = aws.global } data "aws_region" "us-east-1" { provider = aws.global } data "aws_region" "security" { provider = aws.regional }