# # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE accompanying this file # for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # #------------Deployment variable "master_region" { type = string description = "region for provider of master account" default = "eu-west-1" } variable "application_region" { type = string description = "region for provider of application account (regional scope)" default = "eu-west-1" } variable "create_global_fms_waf_policy" { type = bool description = "enable or disable the creation of AWS Firewall Manager WAF policy with GLOBAL scope" default = true } variable "create_regional_fms_waf_policy" { type = bool description = "enable or disable the creation of AWS Firewall Manager WAF policy with REGIONAL scope" default = true } variable "create_waf_geo_rule_group" { type = bool description = "enable or disable the creation of AWS WAF rule group with Geolocation (it is not part of AWS Firewall Manager Policy by default)" default = false } variable "create_waf_regex_rule_group" { type = bool description = "enable or disable the creation of AWS WAF rule group with Regex pattern (it is not part of AWS Firewall Manager Policy by default)" default = false } variable "create_waf_sqli_rule_group" { type = bool description = "enable or disable the creation of AWS WAF rule group with SQLi rule (it is not part of AWS Firewall Manager Policy by default)" default = false } variable "create_waf_xss_rule_group" { type = bool description = "enable or disable the creation of AWS WAF rule group with XSS rule (it is not part of AWS Firewall Manager Policy by default)" default = false } variable "create_waf_ip_rule_group" { type = bool description = "enable or disable the creation of AWS WAF rule group with IP set (it is not part of AWS Firewall Manager Policy by default)" default = false } variable "logging_option" { type = string description = "variable that defines the logging resources to create" default = "option1" } #------------Firewall manager - policies variable "global_policy_name" { type = string description = "Name for WAF policy created by AWS Firewall manager" default = "PoCCFrontPolicy_global" } variable "global_policy_exclude_resource_tags" { type = bool default = false } variable "global_policy_remediation_enabled" { type = bool description = "enable or disable auto remediation" default = true } variable "global_policy_orgunit_list" { type = list(string) description = "org units to apply web acl" default = [""] } variable "global_policy_resource_tags" { type = any description = "map of resource tags that aws firewall manager will check to associate web acl" /* default = { "AWS_WAF" = "Enabled", "Environment" = "poc", "Type" = "edge" } */ default = {} } variable "global_policy_overrideCustomerWebACLAssociation" { type = bool description = "enable or disable override web acl association" default = true } variable "global_policy_default_action" { type = string description = "Default action of WebACL: ALLOW or DENY" default = "ALLOW" } variable "regional_policy_name" { type = string description = "Name for WAF policy created by AWS Firewall manager" default = "ApplicationPoCPolicy" } variable "regional_policy_exclude_resource_tags" { type = bool default = false } variable "regional_policy_remediation_enabled" { type = bool description = "enable or disable auto remediation" default = true } variable "regional_policy_orgunit_list" { type = list(string) description = "org units to apply web acl" default = [""] } variable "regional_policy_resource_tags" { type = any description = "map of resource tags that aws firewall manager will check to associate web acl" default = {} } variable "regional_policy_overrideCustomerWebACLAssociation" { type = bool description = "enable or disable override web acl association" default = true } variable "regional_policy_default_action" { type = string description = "Default action of WebACL: ALLOW or DENY" default = "ALLOW" } # ------------ AWS WAF Custom rules variable "allow_lists_set" { type = map(object({ ip_address_version = string addresses = list(string) })) default = { set1 = { ip_address_version = "IPV4" addresses = [""] }, set2 = { ip_address_version = "IPV6" addresses = ["2001:db8:1234::/48"] } } } variable "block_lists_set" { type = map(object({ ip_address_version = string addresses = list(string) })) default = { set1 = { ip_address_version = "IPV4" addresses = ["", ""] }, set2 = { ip_address_version = "IPV6" addresses = ["2001:db8:a::/64"] } } } variable "waf_rule_geo_country_list" { type = list(string) description = "List of country codes to block with AWS WAF geolocation rule group" default = ["KP"] } variable "HTTPPostLoginParam" { type = string description = "Enter the URI for a Login page to rate-limit IP addresses from login attemps." default = "login" } #------------Firewall manager - logging variable "kinesis_firehose_name" { type = string description = "name for kinesis firehose that is the aws waf logging destination" default = "aws-waf-logs-test" } variable "kinesis_destination_s3_name" { type = string description = "name for s3 bucket that is the target of kinesis firehose" default = "test-waf-logs-poc-s3" } variable "kinesis_prefix" { type = string description = "name for log prefix" default = "waf-logs" } variable "s3_delivery_buffer_interval" { type = number default = 60 } variable "s3_delivery_buffer_size" { type = number default = 5 } variable "DataNodeEBSVolumeSize" { type = number description = "Volume side for ES Data Nodes" default = 500 } variable "ESConfigBucket" { type = string description = "Name for ES Config Bucket" default = "waf-dash-ES-config-1111" } variable "ESUserEmail" { type = string description = "Name for ES Config Bucket" default = "X@amazon.com" } variable "ES_SSH_tunnel_instance_type" { type = string description = "instance type of SSH instance tunnel" default = "t3.micro" } variable "ES_SSH_tunnel_amid_id_regional" { type = string description = "instance type of SSH instance tunnel" default = "ami-058b1b7fe545997ae" } variable "ES_SSH_tunnel_amid_id_global" { type = string description = "instance type of SSH instance tunnel" default = "ami-01cc34ab2709337aa" } variable "ES_SSH_tunnel_key_name" { type = string description = "key pair name of SSH instance tunnel" default = "kibana" } variable "ES_SSH_tunnel_allowed_CIDR" { type = list(string) description = "list of CIDR to allow access to SSH tunnel" default = [""] }