# # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE accompanying this file # for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "dashboards-option3-regional" { count = var.logging_option == "option3" ? 1 : 0 provider = aws.regional name = "security-waf-dashboards-regional" parameters = { UserEmail = var.ESUserEmail, DataNodeEBSVolumeSize = var.DataNodeEBSVolumeSize, ESConfigBucket = var.kinesis_destination_s3_name } template_body = file("dashboard.yaml") capabilities = ["CAPABILITY_IAM", ] tags = merge( local.common_tags, { "Purpose" = "Cloudformation stack for waf dashboards" }, ) } resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "dashboards-option3-global" { count = var.logging_option == "option3" ? 1 : 0 provider = aws.global name = "security-waf-dashboards-global" parameters = { UserEmail = var.ESUserEmail, DataNodeEBSVolumeSize = var.DataNodeEBSVolumeSize, ESConfigBucket = var.kinesis_destination_s3_name } template_body = file("dashboard.yaml") capabilities = ["CAPABILITY_IAM", ] tags = merge( local.common_tags, { "Purpose" = "Cloudformation stack for waf dashboards" }, ) }