# # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE accompanying this file # for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # variable "region" { description = "region" type = string default = "eu-west-1" } variable "environment" { description = "Environment name used for tagging" type = string default = "poc" } variable "Project" { description = "project name used for tagging" type = string default = "waf-poc" } variable "Owner" { description = "owner email address used for tagging" type = string default = "adf@amazon.com" } variable "create_distribution" { description = "Controls if CloudFront distribution should be created" type = bool default = true } variable "create_origin_access_identity" { description = "Controls if CloudFront origin access identity should be created" type = bool default = false } variable "origin_access_identities" { description = "Map of CloudFront origin access identities (value as a comment)" type = map(string) default = {} } variable "aliases" { description = "Extra CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this distribution." type = list(string) default = null } variable "comment" { description = "Any comments you want to include about the distribution." type = string default = null } variable "default_root_object" { description = "The object that you want CloudFront to return (for example, index.html) when an end user requests the root URL." type = string default = "index.html" } variable "enabled" { description = "Whether the distribution is enabled to accept end user requests for content." type = bool default = true } variable "http_version" { description = "The maximum HTTP version to support on the distribution. Allowed values are http1.1 and http2. The default is http2." type = string default = "http2" } variable "is_ipv6_enabled" { description = "Whether the IPv6 is enabled for the distribution." type = bool default = null } variable "price_class" { description = "The price class for this distribution. One of PriceClass_All, PriceClass_200, PriceClass_100" type = string default = null } variable "retain_on_delete" { description = "Disables the distribution instead of deleting it when destroying the resource through Terraform. If this is set, the distribution needs to be deleted manually afterwards." type = bool default = false } variable "wait_for_deployment" { description = "If enabled, the resource will wait for the distribution status to change from InProgress to Deployed. Setting this tofalse will skip the process." type = bool default = true } variable "web_acl_id" { description = "If you're using AWS WAF to filter CloudFront requests, the Id of the AWS WAF web ACL that is associated with the distribution. The WAF Web ACL must exist in the WAF Global (CloudFront) region and the credentials configuring this argument must have waf:GetWebACL permissions assigned. If using WAFv2, provide the ARN of the web ACL." type = string default = null } variable "tags" { description = "A map of tags to assign to the resource." type = map(string) default = null } variable "origin" { description = "One or more origins for this distribution (multiples allowed)." type = any default = null } variable "origin_group" { description = "One or more origin_group for this distribution (multiples allowed)." type = any default = {} } variable "viewer_certificate" { description = "The SSL configuration for this distribution" type = any default = { cloudfront_default_certificate = true minimum_protocol_version = "TLSv1" } } variable "geo_restriction" { description = "The restriction configuration for this distribution (geo_restrictions)" type = any default = {} } variable "logging_config" { description = "The logging configuration that controls how logs are written to your distribution (maximum one)." type = any default = {} } variable "custom_error_response" { description = "One or more custom error response elements" type = any default = {} } variable "default_cache_behavior" { description = "The default cache behavior for this distribution" type = any default = null } variable "ordered_cache_behavior" { description = "An ordered list of cache behaviors resource for this distribution. List from top to bottom in order of precedence. The topmost cache behavior will have precedence 0." type = any default = [] }