import boto3 import json import os import logging # This lambda function helps to configure Rate Based Rules in desired WebACLs (or) to modify rate based rule values # of desired WebACLs. # # WebACL rate based rules are not governed by Firewall Manager, hence we need solution if we need to modify value # across multiple accounts in an multi-account architecture. This design is based on assumption that a separate # security account exists within your organization. # # Trigger Type: Custom Event bus or lambda payload. # # Customers can integrate their SaaS tool with AWS Cloudwatch event bus, thereby allowing changes to rate based rules. def update_raterule(log, assumed_session, webacl_scope, webacl_name, webacl_id, policy_rbpostvalue, policy_rbgetvalue): wafv2_client = assumed_session.client('wafv2') webacl_response = wafv2_client.get_web_acl( Name=webacl_name, Scope=webacl_scope, Id=webacl_id ) postRuleExists = False getHeadRuleExists = False ruleEditSuccess = False i = 0 for rule in webacl_response['WebACL']['Rules']: if rule['Name'] == 'POSTRule': postRuleExists = True'[RateBasedRule-Reload] POSTRule exists for WebACL: %s' %webacl_name) newvalue = { "Limit": int(policy_rbpostvalue) } try: webacl_response['WebACL']['Rules'][i]['Statement']['RateBasedStatement'].update(newvalue)'[RateBasedRule-Reload] Successfully edited POSTRule for WebACL: %s to new value %s' %(webacl_name, policy_rbpostvalue)) ruleEditSuccess = True except Exception as error: log.error(str(error)) if rule['Name'] == 'GetHeadRule': getHeadRuleExists = True'[RateBasedRule-Reload] GetHeadRule exists for WebACL: %s' %webacl_name) newvalue = { "Limit": int(policy_rbgetvalue) } try: webacl_response['WebACL']['Rules'][i]['Statement']['RateBasedStatement'].update(newvalue)'[RateBasedRule-Reload] Successfully edited GetHeadRule for WebACL: %s to new value %s' %(webacl_name, policy_rbgetvalue)) ruleEditSuccess = True except Exception as error: log.error(str(error)) i = i + 1 if ruleEditSuccess: updates = webacl_response['WebACL']['Rules'] response_webacl = wafv2_client.get_web_acl( Name=webacl_name, Scope=webacl_scope, Id=webacl_id ) try: wafv2_client.update_web_acl( Name=webacl_name, Scope=webacl_scope, Id=webacl_id, DefaultAction={ 'Allow': {} }, Rules=updates, VisibilityConfig={ 'SampledRequestsEnabled': True, 'CloudWatchMetricsEnabled': True, 'MetricName': 'WebACL' }, LockToken=response_webacl['LockToken'] )'[RateBasedRule-Reload] Successfully updated POSTRule & GetHeadRule for WebACL: %s' %webacl_name) except Exception as error: log.error(str(error)) if not postRuleExists:'[RateBasedRule-Reload] Adding PostRule for %s with value: %s' %(webacl_name, policy_rbpostvalue)) webacl_response['WebACL']['Rules'].append({ "Name": "POSTRule", "Priority": 0, "Statement": { "RateBasedStatement": { "Limit": int(policy_rbpostvalue), "AggregateKeyType": "IP", "ScopeDownStatement": { "ByteMatchStatement": { "FieldToMatch": { "Method": {} }, "PositionalConstraint": "EXACTLY", "SearchString": "POST", "TextTransformations": [ { "Type": "NONE", "Priority": 0 } ] } } } }, 'Action': { 'Block': {} }, 'VisibilityConfig': { 'SampledRequestsEnabled': True, 'CloudWatchMetricsEnabled': True, 'MetricName': 'RateRule-POST' } }) updates = webacl_response['WebACL']['Rules'] response_webacl = wafv2_client.get_web_acl( Name=webacl_name, Scope=webacl_scope, Id=webacl_id ) try: wafv2_client.update_web_acl( Name=webacl_name, Scope=webacl_scope, Id=webacl_id, DefaultAction={ 'Allow': {} }, Rules=updates, VisibilityConfig={ 'SampledRequestsEnabled': True, 'CloudWatchMetricsEnabled': True, 'MetricName': 'WebACL' }, LockToken=response_webacl['LockToken'] )'[RateBasedRule-Reload] Successfully added PostRule for %s' %webacl_name) except Exception as error: log.error(str(error)) if not getHeadRuleExists:'[RateBasedRule-Reload] Adding GetHeadRule for %s with value: %s' %(webacl_name, policy_rbgetvalue)) webacl_response['WebACL']['Rules'].append({ 'Name': 'GetHeadRule', 'Priority': 1, 'Statement': { 'RateBasedStatement': { 'Limit': int(policy_rbgetvalue), 'AggregateKeyType': 'IP', "ScopeDownStatement": { "OrStatement": { "Statements": [ { "ByteMatchStatement": { "FieldToMatch": { "Method": {} }, "PositionalConstraint": "CONTAINS", "SearchString": "GET", "TextTransformations": [ { "Type": "NONE", "Priority": 0 } ] } }, { "ByteMatchStatement": { "FieldToMatch": { "Method": {} }, "PositionalConstraint": "CONTAINS", "SearchString": "HEAD", "TextTransformations": [ { "Type": "NONE", "Priority": 0 } ] } } ] } } } }, 'Action': { 'Block': {} }, 'VisibilityConfig': { 'SampledRequestsEnabled': True, 'CloudWatchMetricsEnabled': True, 'MetricName': 'RateRule' } }) updates = webacl_response['WebACL']['Rules'] response_webacl = wafv2_client.get_web_acl( Name=webacl_name, Scope=webacl_scope, Id=webacl_id ) try: wafv2_client.update_web_acl( Name=webacl_name, Scope=webacl_scope, Id=webacl_id, DefaultAction={ 'Allow': {} }, Rules=updates, VisibilityConfig={ 'SampledRequestsEnabled': True, 'CloudWatchMetricsEnabled': True, 'MetricName': 'WebACL' }, LockToken=response_webacl['LockToken'] )'[RateBasedRule-Reload] Successfully added GetHeadRule for %s' %webacl_name) except Exception as error: log.error(str(error)) def get_webacl(log, scope_type, policy, assumed_session): # Setting up variables webacl_client = '' webacl_list = '' webacl_client = assumed_session.client('wafv2') webacl_list = webacl_client.list_web_acls( Scope=scope_type, Limit=100 ) # Append all webacls if it is more than 100 loop_pointer = True nextmarker = webacl_list['NextMarker'] while loop_pointer: temp_list = webacl_client.list_web_acls( Scope=scope_type, NextMarker=nextmarker, Limit=100 ) #print(temp_list) if temp_list['WebACLs']: webacl_list.append(temp_list) nextmarker = temp_list['NextMarker'] if not temp_list['WebACLs']: #print('Breaking while loop') loop_pointer = '' #print(webacl_list) for policylist in range(len(policy)): policy_name = policy[policylist]['Name'] policy_rbpostvalue = policy[policylist]['RateBasedPostValue'] policy_rbgetvalue = policy[policylist]['RateBasedGetValue'] fmspolicy_name = 'FMManagedWebACLV2' + str(policy_name) #print(fmspolicy_name) for webaclindex in range(len(webacl_list['WebACLs'])): wafArn = webacl_list['WebACLs'][webaclindex]['ARN'] arn_split = (wafArn.split(':')) req = (arn_split[5]) arn_split_2 = (req.split('/')) scope_lower = (arn_split_2[0]) webacl_scope = scope_lower.upper() webacl_name = (arn_split_2[2]) webacl_id = (arn_split_2[3]) if wafArn.find('arn:aws:wafv2:') >= 0: if webacl_name.find(fmspolicy_name) >= 0:'[RateBasedRule-Reload] Applying RateBasedRule for %s' %webacl_name) update_raterule(log, assumed_session, webacl_scope, webacl_name, webacl_id, policy_rbpostvalue, policy_rbgetvalue) def handler(event, context): log = logging.getLogger() # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Declare variables # ------------------------------------------------------------------ accounts = {} region = '' role_arn = '' sec_account = str(os.getenv('SECURITY_ACCOUNT')) try: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set Log Level # ------------------------------------------------------------------ log_level = str(os.getenv('LOG_LEVEL').upper()) if log_level not in ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']: log_level = 'DEBUG' log.setLevel(log_level)'[RateBasedRule-Reload] Start') # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collect member accounts of the Organization # ------------------------------------------------------------------- fms_client = boto3.client('fms') # If there are more than 100 AWS accounts, then collect all accounts using NextToken parameter accounts = fms_client.list_member_accounts( MaxResults=100 ) # Loop through all member accounts except security account itself for mem_account in accounts['MemberAccounts']: if mem_account != sec_account: for index in range(len(event['Scope'])): scope_type = event['Scope'][index]['Type'] policy = event['Scope'][index]['Policy'] role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::{}:role/WAF-RateRule-Reload".format(mem_account) sts_client = boto3.client('sts') sts_response = sts_client.assume_role( RoleArn=role_arn, RoleSessionName='WafRateBasedRule' ) credentials = sts_response['Credentials'] assumed_session = boto3.Session( aws_access_key_id=credentials['AccessKeyId'], aws_secret_access_key=credentials['SecretAccessKey'], aws_session_token=credentials['SessionToken'] ) get_webacl(log, scope_type, policy, assumed_session) except Exception as error: log.error(str(error)) raise'[RateBasedRule-Reload] End')