:linkattrs: = Workshop Prereqs Each attendee needs an https://aws.amazon.com/resources/create-account/[AWS Account] to get started with the workshop. We recommend to create an Account at least few days before the event. Here is the info on creating and activating your AWS Account: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/create-and-activate-aws-account/ As an additional step, we recommend to go through 101 documentation and create your Cloud9 environment so that you can get started quickly with your learning paths. Here is the info on creating Cloud9 for this workshop: link:../01-path-basics/101-start-here[101 start here] ProTip! If you are already familiar with Kubernetes cluster concepts, follow 102 and link:../01-path-basics/102-your-first-cluster[create your first cluster] Note: you will incur charges as you go through the workshop guides because it will exceed the limits of http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/free-tier-limits.html[AWS free tier]. An estimate of charges (<$20/day) can be seen at this https://calculator.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html#r=FRA&s=EC2&key=calc-E6DBD6F1-C45D-4827-93F8-D9B18C5994B0[simple monthly calculator]