AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: > This template creates the regional KMS key used by AWS Backup and the AWS Backup Vault in each target account. It should be deployed to each AWS Region of a member account where you intend to store backup data/vault. Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: AWS Backup Local Configuration Parameters: - pMemberBackupVaultName - pCrossAccountBackupRoleName - pBackupKeyAlias - Label: default: AWS Backup Central Copy Configuration Parameters: - CentralBackupVaultArn - Label: default: AWS Backup Tags Parameters: - BusinessUnit - CostCenter - Owner ParameterLabels: CentralBackupVaultArn: default: ARN for AWS Backup Central Vault pCrossAccountBackupRoleName: default: Enter an IAM service role name that will be used by AWS Backup pBackupKeyAlias: default: Name of the AWS Backup KMS key Alias pMemberBackupVaultName: default: Name of the AWS Backup vault (Case sensitive) BusinessUnit: default: Enter the business unit that owns the resources created by this stack. CostCenter: default: Enter the cost center for the resources created by this stack. Owner: default: Enter the owner for the resources created by this stack. Parameters: CentralBackupVaultArn: Description: The ARN of a centralized AWS Backup Vault that will be the secondary store for all AWS Backups. The defined organization backup policy plans will "copy_to" this vault. Type: String pCrossAccountBackupRoleName: Type: String Description: This is the IAM role name for the cross-account backup role that carries out the backup activities. Default: AWSBackupSolutionRole pBackupKeyAlias: Type: String Description: This is the name of the AWS Backup KMS key alias. Default: AWSBackupSolutionKey pMemberBackupVaultName: Type: String Description: This is the name of the member account backup vaults. AllowedPattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]{1,50}$ ConstraintDescription: Backup vault name is case sensitive. Must contain from 2 to 50 alphanumeric and '-_' characters. Default: AWSBackupSolutionVault # Customer Specific Tags - Example BusinessUnit: Description: Business Unit Name Type: String MinLength: '1' MaxLength: '255' AllowedValues: - Marketing - Engineering - R&D ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid business unit Default: Engineering CostCenter: Description: Cost Center for AWS Services Type: String MinLength: '1' MaxLength: '255' Default: '00000' Owner: Description: Email address of application owner Type: String Default: Resources: rMemberAccountBackupKey: Type: AWS::KMS::Key Metadata: cfn_nag: rules_to_suppress: - id: F76 reason: The principal is restricted by the condition statement Properties: Description: Symmetric AWS CMK for Member Account Backup Vault Encryption EnableKeyRotation: True KeyPolicy: Version: "2012-10-17" Id: !Sub ${pBackupKeyAlias} Statement: - Sid: "Enable IAM User Permissions" Effect: "Allow" Principal: AWS: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root Action: "kms:*" Resource: "*" - Sid: Allow use of the key by authorized Backup principal Effect: "Allow" Principal: AWS: - !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/${pCrossAccountBackupRoleName}" Action: - kms:DescribeKey - kms:Encrypt - kms:Decrypt - kms:ReEncrypt* - kms:GenerateDataKey - kms:GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext Resource: "*" Condition: StringEquals: "kms:CallerAccount": !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} "kms:ViaService": !Sub "backup.${AWS::Region}" - Sid: Allow alias creation during setup Effect: "Allow" Principal: AWS: "*" Action: "kms:CreateAlias" Resource: "*" Condition: StringEquals: "kms:CallerAccount": !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} "kms:ViaService": !Sub "cloudformation.${AWS::Region}" Tags: - Key: BusinessUnit Value: !Ref BusinessUnit - Key: CostCenter Value: !Ref CostCenter - Key: Owner Value: !Ref Owner rMemberAccountBackupKeyAlias: Type: AWS::KMS::Alias Properties: AliasName: !Sub alias/${pBackupKeyAlias} TargetKeyId: !Ref rMemberAccountBackupKey rMemberAccountBackupVault: Type: AWS::Backup::BackupVault Properties: BackupVaultName: !Ref pMemberBackupVaultName EncryptionKeyArn: !GetAtt rMemberAccountBackupKey.Arn AccessPolicy: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Sid: "Allow access to backup vault for copy operations to centralized backup vault" Effect: Allow Action: backup:CopyIntoBackupVault Resource: !Ref CentralBackupVaultArn Principal: "*" Outputs: oMemberAccountBackupVault: Value: !Ref rMemberAccountBackupVault oMemberAccountKMSKey: Value: !Ref rMemberAccountBackupKey oOrgAccountBackupRole: Value: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/${pCrossAccountBackupRoleName}