AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: - 'AWS::LanguageExtensions' Description: This template deploys AWS Organization Backup Policies to manage backups at an organization level. It should be deployed in the AWS Organizations management account or from an AWS Account with delegated Administrator permissions. Parameters: pOrgBackupTargetOUs: Description: A comma separated list of the AWS Organizations OUs to attach backup policies. Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value Default: "/backup/target/organizational-units" pRegions: Description: Target regions for backup plans as a comma delimited list Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value Default: "/backup/target/regions" pCentralBackupVaultArn: Description: The ARN of a centralized AWS Backup Vault that will be the secondary store for all AWS Backups. The defined organization backup policy plans will "copy_to" this vault. Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value Default: "/backup/central-vault-arn" pCrossAccountBackupRole: Description: This is the IAM role name for the cross-account backup role that carries out the backup activities. Type: String Default: AWSBackupSolutionRole DailyBackupSchedule: Description: The CRON job to initiate backup jobs. For example, cron(0 5 ? * * *) for daily, every day at 05:00 UTC. Type: String Default: cron(0 5 ? * * *) MonthlyBackupSchedule: Description: The CRON job to initiate backup jobs. For example, cron(0 5 1 * ? *) for monthly, first day of month at midnight UTC. Type: String Default: cron(0 5 1 * ? *) pMemberAccountBackupVault: AllowedPattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]{1,50}$ ConstraintDescription: The name of the member account Backup vaults. (Name is case sensitive). Type: String Default: AWSBackupSolutionVault pBackupTagKey1: Type: String Description: The backup tag key to automatically assign resources to a backup plan across the member accounts. Default: 'backup' pBackupTagValue1: Type: String Description: The backup tag value to automatically assign resources to a backup plan across the member accounts. Default: 'daily' pBackupTagKey2: Type: String Description: The backup tag key to automatically assign resources to a backup plan across the member accounts. Default: 'backup' pBackupTagValue2: Type: String Description: The backup tag value to automatically assign resources to a backup plan across the member accounts. Default: 'monthly' pTagKey: Type: String Description: This is the tag key to assign to resources. Default: 'project' pTagValue: Type: String Description: This is the tag value to assign to resources. Default: 'aws-backup' Resources: rOrgDailyBackUpPolicy: Type: AWS::Organizations::Policy Properties: Name: org-daily-backup-policy Description: >- BackupPolicy for Daily Backup as per the resource selection criteria Type: BACKUP_POLICY TargetIds: !Ref pOrgBackupTargetOUs Content: Fn::ToJsonString: plans: OrgBackupPlanDaily: rules: OrgDailyBackupRule: schedule_expression: "@@assign": !Ref DailyBackupSchedule start_backup_window_minutes: "@@assign": '60' complete_backup_window_minutes: "@@assign": '1200' lifecycle: delete_after_days: "@@assign": '35' target_backup_vault_name: "@@assign": !Ref pMemberAccountBackupVault recovery_point_tags: project: tag_key: "@@assign": !Ref pTagKey tag_value: "@@assign": !Ref pTagValue copy_actions: # Currently this must be hardcoded since [AWS Backup Policy syntax]( requires the name of this key to be the same as the target. "": target_backup_vault_arn: "@@assign": !Ref pCentralBackupVaultArn lifecycle: delete_after_days: "@@assign": '35' backup_plan_tags: project: tag_key: "@@assign": !Ref pTagKey tag_value: "@@assign": !Ref pTagValue regions: "@@append": !Ref pRegions selections: tags: OrgDailyBackupSelection: iam_role_arn: "@@assign": !Sub 'arn:aws:iam::$account:role/${pCrossAccountBackupRole}' tag_key: "@@assign": !Ref pBackupTagKey1 tag_value: "@@assign": - !Ref pBackupTagValue1 rOrgMonthlyBackUpPolicy: Type: AWS::Organizations::Policy Properties: Name: org-monthly-backup-policy Description: >- BackupPolicy for Monthly Backup as per the resource selection criteria Type: BACKUP_POLICY TargetIds: !Ref pOrgBackupTargetOUs Content: Fn::ToJsonString: plans: OrgBackupPlanMonthly: rules: OrgMonthlyBackupRule: schedule_expression: "@@assign": !Ref MonthlyBackupSchedule start_backup_window_minutes: "@@assign": '60' complete_backup_window_minutes: "@@assign": '1200' lifecycle: delete_after_days: "@@assign": '366' target_backup_vault_name: "@@assign": !Ref pMemberAccountBackupVault recovery_point_tags: project: tag_key: "@@assign": !Ref pTagKey tag_value: "@@assign": !Ref pTagValue copy_actions: # Currently this must be hardcoded since [AWS Backup Policy syntax]( requires the name of this key to be the same as the target. "": target_backup_vault_arn: "@@assign": !Ref pCentralBackupVaultArn lifecycle: delete_after_days: "@@assign": '366' backup_plan_tags: project: tag_key: "@@assign": !Ref pTagKey tag_value: "@@assign": !Ref pTagValue regions: "@@append": !Ref pRegions selections: tags: OrgDailyBackupSelection: iam_role_arn: "@@assign": !Sub "arn:aws:iam::$account:role/${pCrossAccountBackupRole}" tag_key: "@@assign": !Ref pBackupTagKey2 tag_value: "@@assign": - !Ref pBackupTagValue2