using Amazon.CDK; using Constructs; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.SSM; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFront; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Cognito; using Amazon.CDK.CustomResources; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace SharedInfrastructure.Production; public class CoreStack : Stack { private const string userPoolCallbackUrlRoot = "https://localhost:5000"; public Bucket ImageBucket { get; private set; } public UserPool WebAppUserPool { get; private set; } private CfnUserPoolGroup CognitoAdminUserGroup; internal CoreStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props) { CreateImageS3Bucket(); CreateCloudFrontDistribution(); CreateCognitoUserPool(); CreateCognitoAdministratorsUserGroup(); CreateDefaultAdminUser(); CreateUserPoolClient(); } internal void CreateImageS3Bucket() { //========================================================================================= // A non-publicly accessible Amazon S3 bucket is used to store the cover // images for books. // // NOTE: As this is a sample application the bucket is configured to be deleted when // the stack is deleted to avoid charges on an unused resource - EVEN IF IT CONTAINS DATA // - BEWARE! // ImageBucket = new Bucket(this, "CoverImages-Bucket", new BucketProps { // !DO NOT USE THESE TWO SETTINGS FOR PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENTS - YOU WILL LOSE DATA // WHEN THE STACK IS DELETED! AutoDeleteObjects = true, RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY }); _ = new StringParameter(this, "CoverImages-BucketName", new StringParameterProps { ParameterName = $"/{Constants.AppName}/AWS/BucketName", StringValue = ImageBucket.BucketName }); } internal void CreateCloudFrontDistribution() { //========================================================================================= // Access to the bucket is only granted to traffic coming from a CloudFront distribution // var cloudfrontOAI = new OriginAccessIdentity(this, "cloudfront-OAI"); var policyProps = new PolicyStatementProps { Actions = new[] { "s3:GetObject" }, Resources = new[] { ImageBucket.ArnForObjects("*") }, Principals = new[] { new CanonicalUserPrincipal ( cloudfrontOAI.CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityS3CanonicalUserId ) } }; ImageBucket.AddToResourcePolicy(new PolicyStatement(policyProps)); // Place a CloudFront distribution in front of the storage bucket. S3 will only respond to // requests for objects if that request came from the CloudFront distribution. var distProps = new CloudFrontWebDistributionProps { OriginConfigs = new[] { new SourceConfiguration { S3OriginSource = new S3OriginConfig { S3BucketSource = ImageBucket, OriginAccessIdentity = cloudfrontOAI }, Behaviors = new [] { new Behavior { IsDefaultBehavior = true, Compress = true, AllowedMethods = CloudFrontAllowedMethods.GET_HEAD_OPTIONS } } } }, // Require HTTPS between viewer and CloudFront; CloudFront to // origin (the bucket) will use HTTP but could also be set to require HTTPS ViewerProtocolPolicy = ViewerProtocolPolicy.REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS }; var distribution = new CloudFrontWebDistribution(this, "SiteDistribution", distProps); _ = new StringParameter(this, "CoverImages-Distribution", new StringParameterProps { ParameterName = $"/{Constants.AppName}/AWS/CloudFrontDomain", StringValue = $"https://{distribution.DistributionDomainName}" }); } internal void CreateCognitoUserPool() { WebAppUserPool = new UserPool(this, $"{Constants.AppName}UserPool", new UserPoolProps { UserPoolName = Constants.AppName, SelfSignUpEnabled = true, StandardAttributes = new StandardAttributes { Email = new StandardAttribute { Required = true }, FamilyName = new StandardAttribute { Required = true }, GivenName = new StandardAttribute { Required = true } }, AutoVerify = new AutoVerifiedAttrs { Email = true }, RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY }); } internal void CreateCognitoAdministratorsUserGroup() { CognitoAdminUserGroup = new CfnUserPoolGroup(this, "AdministratorsGroup", new CfnUserPoolGroupProps { UserPoolId = WebAppUserPool.UserPoolId, GroupName = "Administrators", Precedence = 0 }); } internal void CreateDefaultAdminUser() { const string UserName = "admin"; // Create default admin user for testing var defaultUser = new AwsCustomResource(this, "CreateAdminUser", new AwsCustomResourceProps { OnCreate = new AwsSdkCall { Service = "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider", Action = "adminCreateUser", Parameters = new Dictionary { { "UserPoolId", WebAppUserPool.UserPoolId }, { "Username", UserName }, { "TemporaryPassword", "P@ssword1" }, { "MessageAction", "SUPPRESS" } }, PhysicalResourceId = PhysicalResourceId.Of($"{Constants.AppName}AdminUser") }, OnDelete = new AwsSdkCall { Service = "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider", Action = "adminDeleteUser", Parameters = new Dictionary { { "UserPoolId", WebAppUserPool.UserPoolId }, { "Username", UserName } } }, Policy = AwsCustomResourcePolicy.FromSdkCalls(new SdkCallsPolicyOptions { Resources = AwsCustomResourcePolicy.ANY_RESOURCE }) }); var adminUserAttachment = new CfnUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment(this, "AttachAdminUserToAdministratorsGroup", new CfnUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentProps { GroupName = CognitoAdminUserGroup.GroupName, Username = UserName, UserPoolId = WebAppUserPool.UserPoolId }); adminUserAttachment.Node.AddDependency(defaultUser); } internal void CreateUserPoolClient() { var localClient = new UserPoolClient(this, "LocalClient", new UserPoolClientProps { UserPool = WebAppUserPool, GenerateSecret = false, PreventUserExistenceErrors = true, ReadAttributes = new ClientAttributes() .WithStandardAttributes(new StandardAttributesMask { GivenName = true, FamilyName = true, Email = true }), SupportedIdentityProviders = new[] { UserPoolClientIdentityProvider.COGNITO }, AuthFlows = new AuthFlow { UserPassword = true }, OAuth = new OAuthSettings { Flows = new OAuthFlows { AuthorizationCodeGrant = true }, Scopes = new[] { OAuthScope.OPENID, OAuthScope.EMAIL, OAuthScope.COGNITO_ADMIN, OAuthScope.PROFILE }, CallbackUrls = new[] { $"{userPoolCallbackUrlRoot}/signin-oidc" }, LogoutUrls = new[] { $"{userPoolCallbackUrlRoot}/" } } }); var bobsBookstoreUserPoolDomain = WebAppUserPool.AddDomain($"{Constants.AppName}UserPoolDomain", new UserPoolDomainOptions { CognitoDomain = new CognitoDomainOptions { // The prefix must be unique across the AWS Region in which the pool is created DomainPrefix = $"{Constants.AppName.ToLower()}-{Account}" } }); bobsBookstoreUserPoolDomain.SignInUrl(localClient, new SignInUrlOptions { RedirectUri = $"{userPoolCallbackUrlRoot}/signin-oidc" }); _ = new[] { new StringParameter(this, "UserPoolLocalClientId", new StringParameterProps { ParameterName = $"/{Constants.AppName}/Authentication/Cognito/LocalClientId", StringValue = localClient.UserPoolClientId }), new StringParameter(this, "UserPoolMetadataAddress", new StringParameterProps { ParameterName = $"/{Constants.AppName}/Authentication/Cognito/MetadataAddress", StringValue = $"https://cognito-idp.{Region}{WebAppUserPool.UserPoolId}/.well-known/openid-configuration" }), new StringParameter(this, "UserPoolCognitoDomain", new StringParameterProps { ParameterName = $"/{Constants.AppName}/Authentication/Cognito/CognitoDomain", StringValue = bobsBookstoreUserPoolDomain.BaseUrl() }) }; } }