using Amazon.CDK; using Constructs; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Cognito; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.EC2; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.SSM; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3.Assets; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.RDS; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs; namespace SharedInfrastructure.Production; public class EC2ComputeStackProps : StackProps { public IVpc Vpc { get; set; } public DatabaseInstance Database { get; set; } public Bucket ImageBucket { get; set; } public UserPool WebAppUserPool { get; set; } } public class EC2ComputeStack : Stack { private Role Ec2Role; private Asset ServerConfigScriptAsset; private Asset WebAppAsset; private Asset SslConfigAsset; private Asset WebAppVirtualHostConfigAsset; private Asset KestrelServiceAsset; private Instance_ Instance; internal EC2ComputeStack(Construct scope, string id, EC2ComputeStackProps props) : base(scope, id, props) { CreateEc2Role(props); UploadAssetsToS3(); CreateEc2Instance(props); ConfigureUserData(); CreateCognitoUserPoolClient(props); _ = new CfnOutput(this, "EC2Url", new CfnOutputProps { Description = "The application URL", Value = $"https://{Instance.InstancePublicDnsName}" }); } internal void CreateEc2Role(EC2ComputeStackProps props) { //========================================================================================= // Create an application role for the website, seeded with the Systems Manager // permissions allowing future management from Systems Manager and remote access // from the console. Also add the CodeDeploy service role allowing deployments through // CodeDeploy if we wish. The trust relationship to EC2 enables the running application // to obtain temporary, auto-rotating credentials for calls to service APIs made by the // AWS SDK for .NET, without needing to place credentials onto the compute host. Ec2Role = new Role(this, "EC2Role", new RoleProps { AssumedBy = new CompositePrincipal(new ServicePrincipal("")), ManagedPolicies = new[] { ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName("AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore"), ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName("service-role/AWSCodeDeployRole") } }); // Access to read parameters by path is not in the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore // managed policy Ec2Role.AddToPolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Actions = new[] { "ssm:GetParametersByPath" }, Resources = new[] { Arn.Format(new ArnComponents { Service = "ssm", Resource = "parameter", ResourceName = $"{Constants.AppName}/*" }, this) } })); // Provide permission to allow access to Amazon Rekognition for processing uploaded // book images. Credentials for the calls will be provided courtesy of the application // role defined above, and the trust relationship with EC2. Ec2Role.AddToPolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Actions = new[] { "rekognition:DetectModerationLabels" }, Resources = new[] { "*" } })); // Add permissions for the app to retrieve the database password in Secrets Manager Ec2Role.AddToPolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Actions = new[] { "secretsmanager:DescribeSecret", "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue" }, Resources = new[] { "*" } })); // Add permissions to the app to access the S3 image bucket props.ImageBucket.GrantReadWrite(Ec2Role); // Create an Amazon CloudWatch log group for the website _ = new LogGroup(this, $"{Constants.AppName}LogGroup", new LogGroupProps { LogGroupName = Constants.AppName, RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY }); // Add permissions to write logs Ec2Role.AddToPolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Actions = new[] { "logs:DescribeLogGroups", "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents" }, Resources = new[] { "arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:*:log-stream:*" } })); } internal void UploadAssetsToS3() { ServerConfigScriptAsset = new Asset(this, "ServerConfigScriptAsset", new AssetProps { Path = "app/Bookstore.Cdk/EC2Artifacts/" }); ServerConfigScriptAsset.GrantRead(Ec2Role); WebAppAsset = new Asset(this, "WebAppAsset", new AssetProps { Path = "app/Bookstore.Web/bin/Release/net6.0/publish" }); WebAppAsset.GrantRead(Ec2Role); SslConfigAsset = new Asset(this, "ApacheSSLConfigAsset", new AssetProps { Path = "app/Bookstore.Cdk/EC2Artifacts/ssl.conf" }); SslConfigAsset.GrantRead(Ec2Role); WebAppVirtualHostConfigAsset = new Asset(this, "WebAppVirtualHostConfigAsset", new AssetProps { Path = "app/Bookstore.Cdk/EC2Artifacts/bobsbookstore.conf" }); WebAppVirtualHostConfigAsset.GrantRead(Ec2Role); KestrelServiceAsset = new Asset(this, "KestrelServiceAsset", new AssetProps { Path = "app/Bookstore.Cdk/EC2Artifacts/bobsbookstore.service" }); KestrelServiceAsset.GrantRead(Ec2Role); } internal void CreateEc2Instance(EC2ComputeStackProps props) { var ami = MachineImage.Lookup(new LookupMachineImageProps { Name = "amzn2-x86_64-MATEDE_DOTNET-*", Owners = new[] { "amazon" } }); var webAppSecurityGroup = new SecurityGroup(this, $"{Constants.AppName}AppSecurityGroup", new SecurityGroupProps { Vpc = props.Vpc, Description = "Allow HTTP(S) access to Bobs Bookstore website", AllowAllOutbound = true }); webAppSecurityGroup.AddIngressRule(Peer.AnyIpv4(), Port.Tcp(80), "HTTP access"); webAppSecurityGroup.AddIngressRule(Peer.AnyIpv4(), Port.Tcp(443), "HTTPS access"); webAppSecurityGroup.Connections.AllowTo(props.Database, Port.Tcp(1433), "Database"); Instance = new Instance_(this, "WebServer", new Amazon.CDK.AWS.EC2.InstanceProps { Vpc = props.Vpc, VpcSubnets = new SubnetSelection { SubnetType = SubnetType.PUBLIC }, SecurityGroup = webAppSecurityGroup, InstanceType = InstanceType.Of(InstanceClass.BURSTABLE3, InstanceSize.SMALL), MachineImage = ami, Role = Ec2Role, RequireImdsv2 = true }); } internal void ConfigureUserData() { var serverConfigScriptFilePath = Instance.UserData.AddS3DownloadCommand(new S3DownloadOptions { Bucket = ServerConfigScriptAsset.Bucket, BucketKey = ServerConfigScriptAsset.S3ObjectKey }); var webAppFilePath = Instance.UserData.AddS3DownloadCommand(new S3DownloadOptions { Bucket = WebAppAsset.Bucket, BucketKey = WebAppAsset.S3ObjectKey }); var sslConfigFilePath = Instance.UserData.AddS3DownloadCommand(new S3DownloadOptions { Bucket = SslConfigAsset.Bucket, BucketKey = SslConfigAsset.S3ObjectKey }); var webAppConfigVirtualHostFilePath = Instance.UserData.AddS3DownloadCommand(new S3DownloadOptions { Bucket = WebAppVirtualHostConfigAsset.Bucket, BucketKey = WebAppVirtualHostConfigAsset.S3ObjectKey }); var kestrelServiceFilPath = Instance.UserData.AddS3DownloadCommand(new S3DownloadOptions { Bucket = KestrelServiceAsset.Bucket, BucketKey = KestrelServiceAsset.S3ObjectKey }); Instance.UserData.AddExecuteFileCommand(new ExecuteFileOptions { FilePath = serverConfigScriptFilePath, Arguments = $"{webAppFilePath} {sslConfigFilePath} {webAppConfigVirtualHostFilePath} {kestrelServiceFilPath}" }); } internal void CreateCognitoUserPoolClient(EC2ComputeStackProps props) { var Ec2UserPoolClient = new UserPoolClient(this, "EC2Client", new UserPoolClientProps { UserPool = props.WebAppUserPool, GenerateSecret = false, PreventUserExistenceErrors = true, SupportedIdentityProviders = new[] { UserPoolClientIdentityProvider.COGNITO }, AuthFlows = new AuthFlow { UserPassword = true }, OAuth = new OAuthSettings { Flows = new OAuthFlows { AuthorizationCodeGrant = true }, Scopes = new[] { OAuthScope.OPENID, OAuthScope.EMAIL, OAuthScope.COGNITO_ADMIN, OAuthScope.PROFILE }, CallbackUrls = new[] { $"https://{Instance.InstancePublicDnsName}/signin-oidc" }, LogoutUrls = new[] { $"https://{Instance.InstancePublicDnsName}/" } } }); _ = new[] { new StringParameter(this, "EC2ClientId", new StringParameterProps { ParameterName = $"/{Constants.AppName}/Authentication/Cognito/EC2ClientId", StringValue = Ec2UserPoolClient.UserPoolClientId }) }; } }