using Amazon.CDK; using SharedInfrastructure.Production; namespace SharedInfrastructure; internal sealed class Program { // The target account and region can be controlled by hardcoding them in this class // (recommended for production workloads) or using --profile on the CDK CLI. // // Hardcode the account and region by passing them as parameters to the MakeEnv() // method, e.g. MakeEnv("8373873873", "us-west-2") // // Specify the account and region from the CDK CLI by specifying a profile to use, // e.g. cdk deploy --profile "USWest2Profile" // // If the account and region are not hardcoded and a profile is not specified on the CLI // the CDK will use the account and region of the default profile. // // For more information refer to public static void Main() { var app = new App(); var env = MakeEnv(); var coreStack = new CoreStack(app, $"{Constants.AppName}Core", new StackProps { Env = env }); var networkStack = new NetworkStack(app, $"{Constants.AppName}Network", new StackProps { Env = env }); var databaseStack = new DatabaseStack(app, $"{Constants.AppName}Database", new DatabaseStackProps { Env = env, Vpc = networkStack.Vpc }); var ec2Stack = new EC2ComputeStack(app, $"{Constants.AppName}EC2", new EC2ComputeStackProps { Env = env, Vpc = networkStack.Vpc, Database = databaseStack.Database, ImageBucket = coreStack.ImageBucket, WebAppUserPool= coreStack.WebAppUserPool }); app.Synth(); } private static Environment MakeEnv(string account = null, string region = null) { return new Environment { Account = account ?? System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT"), Region = region ?? System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CDK_DEFAULT_REGION") }; } }