@using Bookstore.Domain;
@using Bookstore.Domain.Offers;
@using Bookstore.Domain.Orders
@model Bookstore.Web.Areas.Admin.Models.Dashboard.DashboardIndexViewModel
ViewData["Title"] = "Dashboard";
- @(Model.PendingOrders == 1 ? "There is 1 pending order" : $"There are {Model.PendingOrders} pending orders")View
- @(Model.PastDueOrders == 1 ? "There is 1 past-due order" : $"There are {Model.PastDueOrders} past-due orders")View
- @(Model.OrdersThisMonth == 1 ? "There has been 1 order placed this month" : $"There have been {Model.OrdersThisMonth} orders placed this month")View
- @(Model.OrdersTotal == 1 ? "There has been 1 order placed in total" : $"There have been {Model.OrdersTotal} orders placed in total")View
- @(Model.PendingOffers == 1 ? "There is 1 pending offer" : $"There are {Model.PendingOffers} pending offers")View
- @(Model.OffersThisMonth == 1 ? "There has been 1 offer made this month" : $"There have been {Model.OffersThisMonth} offers made this month")View
- @(Model.OffersTotal == 1 ? "There has been 1 offer made in total" : $"There have been {Model.OffersTotal} offers made in total")View
- @(Model.OutOfStock == 1 ? "1 book is out of stock" : $"{Model.OutOfStock} books are out of stock")View
- @(Model.LowStock == 1 ? "1 book is low in stock" : $"{Model.LowStock} books are low in stock")View
- @(Model.StockTotal == 1 ? "There is a total of 1 book in inventory" : $"There is a total of {Model.StockTotal} books in inventory")View