+++ title = "Other Transformations" date = 2020-01-30T20:12:40+01:00 weight = 4 chapter = true pre = "2.4. " +++ ### Unix TimeStamp to DateTime 1. On the DataBrew console, click on **Projects** and choose the project you created earlier which has the unix timestamp column. ![image](/databrew_img/databrew_transformation1.png) 2. To transform a column which contains the Epoch Unix Timestamp, click on **Column**, then click **Functions > Date Functions > UNIXTIMEFORMAT**. ![image](/databrew_img/databrew_transformation2.png) ![image](/databrew_img/databrew_transformation3.png) 3. This will bring up a pane for **Create Column** on the right of the data grid for you to make the changes. - Select **Date format** as *mm/dd/yyyy\*HH:MM:SS* from the drop down. - Enter a new name for the **Destination column** Keep all the other columns as is and Click **Preview changes** to view how the transformation will look before finally applying the changes to the entire data on the gird. ![image](/databrew_img/databrew_transformation4.png) ![image](/databrew_img/databrew_transformation5.png) - Click on **Apply** to make the changes to the data on the grid and add the step to the recipe. {{% notice info %}} For BYOD labs, make sure the column names do not have space, or any character other than letters, numbers and underscore(_) in the column name. Use DataBrew to rename such columns. {{% /notice %}}