title = "Workflows - add second crawler"
date = 2021-01-18T12:36:11+01:00
weight = 34
chapter = true
pre = "4.4. "
### Workflows in Glue (4)
We are almost there, however there's one more thing: we need to add the crawler for the curated data - Please follow the same steps
Click on the byod job and then click in **Add Trigger**.

Make sure you Add new one. Choose a name (`trigger-crawler-parquet`) and the trigger to be **Event**

For the Event, we want that after the previous job is done (SUCCESS) then trigger the crawler

At this point, if you have multiple tables, please do the following to add other jobs to watch:
1. Click on the first created trigger
2. Click Action menu in the top right of the diagram.
3. Choose Add jobs/crawlers to watch
4. Mark other jobs to be watched as checked and click Add
Now, please click on the trigger, and then **Add Node**.

Add the curated crawler to be triggered (In this case the crawler created in the previous step - you probably named it something like this **byod-YOUR-TABLE-NAME-curated-crawler**)

your workflow should look something like this: