import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr import json import os import sys import toml import logging import datetime import base64 import requests from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth from botocore.utils import ContainerMetadataFetcher logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # DOES: Analize language used in the content, then update structure of content. def main(): # Setup environment region = os.environ['RT_REGION'] workshop_name = os.environ['WORKSHOP_NAME'] gql_endpoint = os.environ['GQL_ENDPOINT'] gql_assume_role = os.environ['GQL_ROLE'] # for now content handle only workshop, in future will be added delivery content_id = workshop_name content_structures = [] # Analize languages in toml file dict_toml = toml.load(open('./config.toml')) number_of_languages = len(dict_toml['Languages']) for i, lang in enumerate(dict_toml['Languages']): print('Load JSON structure\n') if number_of_languages == 1: index_location = "./public/index.json" else: index_location = "./public/" + lang +"/index.json" with open(index_location, 'r') as j: current_structure = json.load(j) print('Finished Load JSON\n') content_structures.append({"language": lang, "structure": current_structure}) # Change json format from Python to Javascript because GraphQL can only recognize Javascript type of Json object. # Javascript Json object {key: "value"} ; Python Json object {"key":"value"} # TODO: Json_keys is just hardcoded. It should find keys in JSON object. json_keys = ["language", "structure", "pageTitle", "relativePagePath"] structures_str = str(content_structures) for key in json_keys: target_key = "\'"+key+"\'" structures_str = structures_str.replace(target_key, key) structures_str = structures_str.replace("\'", "\"") # AssumeRole sts_client=boto3.client('sts') assume_role=sts_client.assume_role( RoleArn=gql_assume_role, RoleSessionName='GraphQLExecuter' ) access_key_id=assume_role['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'] secret_access_key=assume_role['Credentials']['SecretAccessKey'] session_token = assume_role['Credentials']['SessionToken'] # # Setting Sigv4 # uri = os.environ.get('AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI') # credential = ContainerMetadataFetcher().retrieve_uri(uri) # access_key_id = credential.get('AccessKeyId') # secret_access_key = credential.get('SecretAccessKey') # session_token = credential.get('Token') auth = AWS4Auth(access_key_id, secret_access_key, region, 'appsync', session_token=session_token) # Load latest version body = {"query":"""" query ListContents{ listContents( hostName: "%s", limit: 1, sortDirection: DESC ) { items{ hostName version } } } """%workshop_name } body_json = json.dumps(body) method = 'POST' headers = {} response = requests.request(method, gql_endpoint, auth=auth, data=body_json, headers=headers) print(response.content.decode('utf-8')) gql_data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['data']['listContents']['items'][0] current_version = gql_data['version'] # Send latest version body = {"query":"""" mutation createContent{ createContent(input:{ hostName: "%s" version: %d structures: %s }){ version } } """% (content_id, current_version,structures_str) } body_json = json.dumps(body) response = requests.request(method, gql_endpoint, auth=auth, data=body_json, headers=headers) # # Send structure data to DynamoDB Table # print('Start to send structure data\n') # query_response = version_table.query( # KeyConditionExpression=Key('content_id').eq(content_id), # ScanIndexForward = False, # Limit = 1 # ) # # Current version is already updated in # current_version = int(query_response['Items'][0]['version']) # unix_timestamp ='%s') # update_response = version_table.update_item( # Key = # { # 'content_id': content_id, # 'version' : current_version # }, # UpdateExpression='SET updated_at = :val1, structure = :val2', # ExpressionAttributeValues={ # ':val1': unix_timestamp, # ':val2': structure_json # } # ) print('Finished sending sructure\n') print('Post build phase done\n') if __name__ == "__main__": debug = False if debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) os.environ['WORKSHOP_NAME'] = 'testName' os.environ['RT_REGION'] = 'us-east-1' os.environ['GQL_ENDPOINT'] = 'testEndpoint' os.environ['GQL_ROLE'] = 'testRole' main()