### Procedure to follow: Step1. Cloud9 and commands to run: First launch a Cloud9 terminal and prepare it with following commands: ```bash sudo yum install -y jq export ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query Account) export AWS_REGION=$(curl -s | jq -r '.region') echo "export ACCOUNT_ID=${ACCOUNT_ID}" | tee -a ~/.bash_profile echo "export AWS_REGION=${AWS_REGION}" | tee -a ~/.bash_profile aws configure set default.region ${AWS_REGION} aws configure get default.region ``` Ensure the Cloud9 is assigned a role of an administrator and from Cloud9 -> AWS Settings -> Credentials -> Disable the Temporary Credentials Prepare CDK prerequisite: ```bash sudo yum install -y npm npm install -g aws-cdk npm install -g typescript@latest ``` Run git clone on this repository from Cloud9: ```bash git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/building-java-apps-using-code-pipeline.git codeGuruDemoApp ``` Once cloned, run the below commands: ```bash cd codeGuruDemoApp ``` Note: For this workshop, we are using CDK version 1.58.0. If using the latest CDK version using "npm install -g aws-cdk" (without a version specification) then you would need to modify the EKS construct to include version number too. ```bash git init git add . git commit -m "Initial Commit" git status git log ``` Now run the CDK steps as below: ```bash cd cdk cdk init npm install npm run build cdk ls ``` Ensure the output is CdkStackEksALBBg ```bash cdk synth cdk bootstrap aws://$ACCOUNT_ID/$AWS_REGION cdk deploy ``` You may be asked to confirm the creation of the roles and authorization before the CloudFormation is executed, for which, you can respond with a “Y”. The infrastructure will take some time to be created, please wait until you see the Output of CloudFormation printed on the terminal. Until then, take time to review the CDK code in the below file: cdk/lib/cdk-stack.ts You may also check and compare the CloudFormation Template created from this CDK stack: cdk/cdk.out/CdkStackJavaApp.template.json Navigate to the cloudformation console, and find your stack and look at the newly created resources. dashboard Step2: CodeGuru setup : Configuring CodeGuru REVIEWER: First we will associate the codecommit repository with CodeGuru service and verify in the listing output: ``` aws codeguru-reviewer associate-repository --repository CodeCommit={Name=CdkStackJavaApp-repo} aws codeguru-reviewer list-repository-associations ``` Note down the ARN from the listing output above and replace that in the CodeBuild project buildspec lines: ``` aws codeguru-reviewer create-code-review --name mycodereview$TAG --repository-association-arn --type RepositoryAnalysis={RepositoryHead={BranchName=main}} ``` Now navigate to the Build Details -> Environment -> Locate the service role -> Assign this IAM role with permissions for full access to CodeGuru: AmazonCodeGuruReviewerFullAccess Configuring CodeGuru Profiler: Create a profiling groups in CodeGuru Profiler, named `myCodeGuruProfilingGroup-WithIssues` ``` aws codeguruprofiler create-profiling-group --profiling-group-name myCodeGuruProfilingGroup-WithIssues ``` You may navigate to the AWS console and look at the newly created profiling group by choosing CodeGuru Profiler in the Getting started section. dashboard Step3: CodePipeline repository setup : Modify the origin of the demo repo to point to the newly created code commit repo. ``` cd /home/ec2-user/environment/codeGuruDemoApp git remote set-url origin https://git-codecommit.$AWS_REGION.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/CdkStackJavaApp-repo git remote -v git branch -m main git branch ``` Step4: Code Artifact setup : 1. Create the CodeArtifact domain `aws codeartifact create-domain --domain mydomain` 2. Create the CodeArtifact repository to store the Maven artifacts `aws codeartifact create-repository --domain mydomain --repository mycdkdemoapp --description "My CDK demo Repo"` Now associate the repository with public maven central repository: `aws codeartifact associate-external-connection --domain mydomain --repository mycdkdemoapp --external-connection public:maven-central` 3. Ensure the codebuild artifact env variable CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN is setup appropriately corresponding to your repo. name 4. Modify the settings.xml profiles, mirrors and servers in the git repository * Navigate to AWS console corresponding to the code artifact repository and click `View connection instructions` and select `mvn` as the package manager client dashboard * Replace the profiles section, servers section and mirrors section in settings.xml with these values. This is how a sample setting.xml file should look like (replace ACCT-ID and REGION) ```xml mydomain--mycdkdemoapp aws ${env.CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN} mydomain--mycdkdemoapp mydomain--mycdkdemoapp https://mydomain-.d.codeartifact..amazonaws.com/maven/mycdkdemoapp/ * mydomain--mycdkdemoapp true mydomain--mycdkdemoapp https://mydomain-.d.codeartifact..amazonaws.com/maven/mycdkdemoapp/ ``` 5. Modify the pom.xml and distribution management section, from the code artifact connection instructions Example below (replace ACCT-ID and REGION) ```xml mydomain--mycdkdemoapp mydomain--mycdkdemoapp https://mydomain-.d.codeartifact..amazonaws.com/maven/mycdkdemoapp/ ``` 6. Modify the DEMO_APP_BUCKET_NAME, AWS_CODEGURU_TARGET_REGION, DEMO_APP_SQS_URL and AWS_CODEGURU_PROFILER_GROUP_NAME environment variables in scripts/start.sh ```bash export DEMO_APP_BUCKET_NAME= export AWS_CODEGURU_TARGET_REGION= export DEMO_APP_SQS_URL= export AWS_CODEGURU_PROFILER_GROUP_NAME=myCodeGuruProfilingGroup-WithIssues ``` Also modify the line containing "alias javacmd=" with the updated profiling group name. Now update the file scripts/install.sh with the updated domain, repo and region. ```bash aws codeartifact get-package-version-asset --region= --domain mydomain --repository mycdkdemoapp --format maven --package DemoApplication --namespace org.example --package-version 1.6 --asset DemoApplication-1.6-jar-with-dependencies.jar /home/ec2-user/server/demoapplication.jar > /tmp/demooutput 2>&1 ``` 7. Modify the CodeBuild project to update the CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN Ensure the package version is the same across script/install.sh and pom.xml files and unique (not existing in CodeArtifact) 8. Push your changes to codecommit and that will trigger the codepipeline for deployment ```bash git add scripts/install.sh git add scripts/start.sh git add settings.xml git add pom.xml git commit -m "Updating the CodeDeploy scripts, settings.xml and pom.xml files" git push origin main ``` This will kickstart the codepipeline, wait for all stages to complete. Later after CodeDeploy completes the deployment, wait for around 15 mins for the Profiling Group to start profiling. Note: The package version referred to here is 1.6 to begin with. If need to re-run the CodePipeline, you would need to update the pom.xml and scripts/install.sh to update the version numbers to next one and then push the new changes to kick-off the pipeline. Without that, publishing the new java artifact to CodeArtifact will fail as the same package version exists. # Validate the setup 1. Navigate to CodePipeline console and check if the pipeline execution is successful 2. Check the version present in CodeArtifact dashboard 3. Navigate to CodeGuru profiler section and check the newly created profing group. There should be some reports in 10-15 minutes. dashboard 4. Navigate to CodeGuru Profiler section and check "Heap Usage" report. There should be some reports in 10-25 minutes. dashboard dashboard