# MWAA DAGs Samples This repository includes the following sample DAGs: ## Salesforce to S3 DAG ### Purpose A sample Dag using the SalesforceToS3Operator using "batch" mode and field selection. This dag imports, in the target s3 bucket, the last 6 months of the opportunity object generating one file per month. It also filters the columns, keeping only the following ones: 'id', 'isdeleted', 'accountid', 'name', 'stagename', 'amount' ### Prerequisites Before using this dag, you must have: * an operational airflow environment (by using the provided cdk construct) * a target s3 bucket * An Airflow HTTP/Salesforce connection with name "salesforce_connection" * An Airflow AWS connection with name "aws_connection" (the AWS role associated with the connection will need to have access to the target S3 Bucket). * A Variable with name "bucket_name" with the name of the target S3 bucket as value. ### Source file salesforce_to_s3.py