# API Reference ## Constructs ### LambdaPowertoolsLayer Defines a new Lambda Layer with Powertools for python library. #### Initializers ```typescript import { LambdaPowertoolsLayer } from 'cdk-lambda-powertools-python-layer' new LambdaPowertoolsLayer(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: PowertoolsLayerProps) ``` | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | | [`scope`](#cdklambdapowertoolspythonlayerlambdapowertoolslayerparameterscope)* | [`constructs.Construct`](#constructs.Construct) | *No description.* | | [`id`](#cdklambdapowertoolspythonlayerlambdapowertoolslayerparameterid)* | `string` | *No description.* | | [`props`](#cdklambdapowertoolspythonlayerlambdapowertoolslayerparameterprops) | [`cdk-lambda-powertools-python-layer.PowertoolsLayerProps`](#cdk-lambda-powertools-python-layer.PowertoolsLayerProps) | *No description.* | --- ##### `scope`Required - *Type:* [`constructs.Construct`](#constructs.Construct) --- ##### `id`Required - *Type:* `string` --- ##### `props`Optional - *Type:* [`cdk-lambda-powertools-python-layer.PowertoolsLayerProps`](#cdk-lambda-powertools-python-layer.PowertoolsLayerProps) --- #### Static Functions | **Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | | [`constructBuildArgs`](#cdklambdapowertoolspythonlayerlambdapowertoolslayerconstructbuildargs) | creates build argument for the Dockerfile. | --- ##### `constructBuildArgs` ```typescript import { LambdaPowertoolsLayer } from 'cdk-lambda-powertools-python-layer' LambdaPowertoolsLayer.constructBuildArgs(runtimeFamily: RuntimeFamily, includeExtras?: boolean, version?: string) ``` ###### `runtimeFamily`Required - *Type:* [`aws-cdk-lib.aws_lambda.RuntimeFamily`](#aws-cdk-lib.aws_lambda.RuntimeFamily) --- ###### `includeExtras`Optional - *Type:* `boolean` --- ###### `version`Optional - *Type:* `string` --- ## Structs ### PowertoolsLayerProps Properties for Powertools layer for python. #### Initializer ```typescript import { PowertoolsLayerProps } from 'cdk-lambda-powertools-python-layer' const powertoolsLayerProps: PowertoolsLayerProps = { ... } ``` #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | | [`includeExtras`](#cdklambdapowertoolspythonlayerpowertoolslayerpropspropertyincludeextras) | `boolean` | A flag for the pydantic extras dependency, used for parsing. | | [`layerVersionName`](#cdklambdapowertoolspythonlayerpowertoolslayerpropspropertylayerversionname) | `string` | the name of the layer, will be randomised if empty. | | [`runtimeFamily`](#cdklambdapowertoolspythonlayerpowertoolslayerpropspropertyruntimefamily) | [`aws-cdk-lib.aws_lambda.RuntimeFamily`](#aws-cdk-lib.aws_lambda.RuntimeFamily) | the runtime of the layer. | | [`version`](#cdklambdapowertoolspythonlayerpowertoolslayerpropspropertyversion) | `string` | The powertools package version from pypi repository. | --- ##### `includeExtras`Optional ```typescript public readonly includeExtras: boolean; ``` - *Type:* `boolean` A flag for the pydantic extras dependency, used for parsing. This will increase the size of the layer significantly. If you don't use parsing, ignore it. --- ##### `layerVersionName`Optional ```typescript public readonly layerVersionName: string; ``` - *Type:* `string` the name of the layer, will be randomised if empty. --- ##### `runtimeFamily`Optional ```typescript public readonly runtimeFamily: RuntimeFamily; ``` - *Type:* [`aws-cdk-lib.aws_lambda.RuntimeFamily`](#aws-cdk-lib.aws_lambda.RuntimeFamily) the runtime of the layer. --- ##### `version`Optional ```typescript public readonly version: string; ``` - *Type:* `string` The powertools package version from pypi repository. ---