from aws_cdk import core from aws_cdk.core import DefaultStackSynthesizer from aws_cdk import aws_codepipeline as codepipeline from aws_cdk import aws_codepipeline_actions as cpactions from aws_cdk import pipelines from aws_cdk import aws_iam as iam from .webservice_stage import WebServiceStage class PipelineStack(core.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, **kwargs): super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) # OPTIONAL: Adjust Account IDs to dedicated deploy target AWS accounts. # By default we deploy in the same account as the pipline. # Feel free to deploy cross-account to a dedicated DEV and PROD account. # Cross-Accunt deploy requires the followung: # - DEV and PROD target accounts are CDK bootstraped with new synthesis style. # - You deployed the role "cicd-codepipeline-deploy-role" into the DEV and PROD accounts # with trust towards the AWS Account that runs the pipeline. # This is not part of this demo stack and needs to be handled separatly. APP_ACCOUNT_DEV = self.account # '111111111111' APP_ACCOUNT_PROD = self.account # '222222222222' REGION = "us-east-1" source_artifact = codepipeline.Artifact() cloud_assembly_artifact = codepipeline.Artifact() # Custom CDKPipeline Role custom_cdk_pipeline_role = iam.Role( self, "CustomCdkPipelineRole", role_name="cicd-codepipeline-role", assumed_by=iam.ServicePrincipal(""), managed_policies=[ # No policy required- This will be auto-generated by CDK. ], ) # Custom CodePipeline Deploy Role: custom_cdk_deploy_role = iam.Role( self, "CustomCdkPipelineDeployRole", role_name="cicd-codepipeline-deploy-role", assumed_by=iam.ArnPrincipal(custom_cdk_pipeline_role.role_arn), managed_policies=[ # TODO: Scope me down to whatever is needed based on minimal principal iam.ManagedPolicy.from_managed_policy_arn( self, "Lambda1", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess" ), ], ) # Custom Pipeline to overwrite the default behaviour of CDKPipelines pipeline_custom = codepipeline.Pipeline( self, "DemoCustomPipeline", pipeline_name="CdkPipeline-Custom-Demo", role=custom_cdk_pipeline_role, ) pipeline_custom.node.add_dependency(custom_cdk_deploy_role) # CDKPipeline pipeline = pipelines.CdkPipeline( self, "Pipeline", code_pipeline=pipeline_custom, cloud_assembly_artifact=cloud_assembly_artifact, # TODO: Adjust me to proper source! source_action=cpactions.CodeStarConnectionsSourceAction( action_name="GitHub_Source", owner='OWNER**REPLACEME', repo='REPO**REPLACEME', # Repository that contains this code branch='BRANCH**REPLACEME', output=source_artifact, connection_arn='CODESTARCONNECTIONARN**REPLACEME', ), synth_action=pipelines.SimpleSynthAction( source_artifact=source_artifact, cloud_assembly_artifact=cloud_assembly_artifact, install_command="npm install -g aws-cdk && pip install -r requirements.txt", build_command="pytest unittests", synth_command="cdk synth", ), ) # DEV Stage incl Integration Test pre_prod_app = WebServiceStage( self, "Pre-Prod", env={ "account": APP_ACCOUNT_DEV, "region": REGION, }, ) pre_prod_stage = pipeline.add_application_stage(pre_prod_app) pre_prod_stage.add_actions( pipelines.ShellScriptAction( action_name="Integ", run_order=pre_prod_stage.next_sequential_run_order(), additional_artifacts=[source_artifact], commands=[ "pip install -r requirements.txt", "pytest integtests", ], use_outputs={ "SERVICE_URL": pipeline.stack_output(pre_prod_app.url_output) }, ) ) # PROD Stage pipeline.add_application_stage( WebServiceStage( self, "Prod", env={ "account": APP_ACCOUNT_PROD, "region": REGION, }, ) )